
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1433-1360-84 51.27% 4252-4192-41 50.35%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL team powered by 4v4 PASS Time Cup #2 Div 2 (IM-MAIN) Fours
RGL True Intent Sixes S14 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Mr. Warabi Corporation HL Season 17 to HL Season 18 Advanced Highlander
RGL Flying Across South HL Season 16 Intermediate Highlander
RGL China National TF2 Team HL Season 10 Main Highlander
RGL shut up meg HL Season 9 Main Highlander
RGL Awooga HOT Lady BLACK P7 Season 9 Advanced-A Prolander
RGL tuatards HL Season 8 Advanced-1 Highlander
RGL Same Time Next Week? HL Season 7 Main Highlander
RGL Team Ohio feat. Midwest HL Region Wars #1 Div-2 (Group Red) Highlander
RGL Seductive 9 HL Season 6 Advanced Highlander
RGL Podgy Chooses Pound Sixes S3 Intermediate Sixes
RGL BEAST MODE P7 Season 8 Advanced Prolander
RGL Not The Worst Guys HL Season 6 Advanced Highlander
RGL FaZe Sebbers' Fig Emporium HL Season 6 Main Highlander
RGL Disingenuous Assertions HL Season 6 Advanced Highlander
RGL Rareform HL Exp #3 Advanced-2 Highlander
RGL Eat Sleep Fortnite Repeateded NR Sixes S2 Main Sixes
RGL Purple Air Pods +1 P7 Season 8 Advanced Prolander
RGL Disingenuous Assertions HL Season 5 Advanced Highlander
RGL gamingdad's children Sixes S2 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Home Depot eSports HL Season 4 Advanced Highlander
RGL Eat Sleep Fortnite Repeated Sixes S1 Amateur Prime Sixes
RGL catch the chach HL Season 4 Advanced Highlander
RGL bana P7 Season 7 Intermediate Prolander
RGL As foretold by Rayman5000 HL Season 3 Main Highlander
RGL Barcode- Sixes S1 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Command and Conquer P7 Season 6 Advanced Prolander
RGL Space Jam 3 HL Exp #2 Advanced Highlander
RGL Jebus and the Bees HL Season 2 Main Highlander
RGL Amicitia Nova HL Season 2 Advanced Highlander
RGL Command and Conquer Prolander Cup #3 Div-2 of 6 Prolander
RGL Command and Conquer P7 Season 5 Invite Prolander
RGL Corncake's Dormroom HL Season 1 Intermediate (Non-Playoff Teams) Highlander
RGL Command and Conquer P7 Season 4 Main Prolander
ETF2L massive cranium esports Highlander Season 16 to Highlander Season 16: Top Tiers Div 2 Highlander
RGL NyaNya UwuwU :3 Fresh Meat S1 Fresh Meat Prolander