
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1278-1353-293 48.72% 6451-6598-973 49.48%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL INFuSION 6s Season 17 Main Sixes
RGL Grub Bub 6s Season 16 Main Sixes
RGL The Strokers Sixes S15 Intermediate Sixes
RGL catzoo demoman Sixes S10 to Sixes S12 Intermediate Sixes
RGL lenords Sixes S11 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Split The Atom Sixes S11 Intermediate Sixes
RGL GOLIRAS Sixes S8 Intermediate Sixes
RGL r/sinkpissers Sixes S7 Intermediate Sixes
RGL TurnUpTheBass Sixes S6 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Dirty Half-Dozen Sixes Midseason Cup #1 Main Sixes
RGL TurnDownTheBrain P7 Season 9 Main-C Prolander
RGL TurnUpTheBass Sixes Exp #2 Div-5 Sixes
RGL I Don't Get It Sixes S5 Amateur Sixes
RGL .blink Sixes S5 Amateur Sixes
RGL TurnUpTheBass Sixes S5 Amateur Sixes
RGL TurnUpTheBass Sixes Cup #1 Amateur Sixes
RGL BIG FISH J4MMERS Sixes S5 Amateur Sixes
RGL TurnUpTheBass Sixes S4 Amateur Sixes
RGL TurnUpTheBass Newcomer Cup #1 Newcomer Group B Sixes
RGL Fashionably Late P7 Season 7 Newcomer Prolander