joe schmoe

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
616-750-43 45.24% 1924-2143-187 47.43%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 0.0 20 125 0 326 0 2 2 15:43
Ambassador 0.0 10 11% 5 46 0 92 18 2 3 8:54
Arrow 12.4 187 9 4,076 0 0 5 21:44
Ball 3.5 0 2 0 0 0 1 16:58
Bat 1.9 2 1 35 0 0 1 15:57
Bat Outta Hell 2.1 13 1 195 0 0 1 14:14
Black Box 9.7 107 47% 30 65 158 52,508 1,690 799 29 8:09:20
Bleeding 2.0 0 11 0 0 0 9 2:44:26
Boston Basher 1.3 2 3 207 0 0 4 1:11:14
Bottle 0.7 3 4 585 0 0 8 2:52:10
Chargin' Targe 0.0 11 0 559 0 0 3 49:51
Claidheamohmor 7.4 53 31 6,730 0 0 8 2:05:44
Conniver's Kunai 0.0 16 0 80 0 0 1 4:48
Conscientious Objector 2.1 4 2 130 0 0 1 29:11
Cow Mangler 5000 23.4 271 54% 40 74 50 17,402 433 233 3 1:04:01
Crocodile 2.2 0 2 0 0 0 2 27:31
Crusader's Crossbow 6.3 74 32% 7 22 468 165,099 22,818 7,334 182 37:04:39
Detonator 1.1 24 7 4,827 0 0 18 3:19:05
Direct Hit 0.9 17 15% 10 71 2 1,152 102 15 4 1:05:48
Disciplinary Action 0.5 6 8 2,990 0 0 27 7:59:41
Environment 4.3 0 2,109 0 0 0 903 245:45:22
Equalizer 1.1 2 1 66 0 0 1 26:15
Escape Plan 1.3 8 70 13,718 0 0 100 27:08:38
Fists of Steel 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11:24
Flamethrower 12.3 105 98 25,334 0 0 27 3:59:21
Flare 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 26:46
Flying Guillotine 0.2 25 1 4,574 0 0 10 2:56:12
Frontier Justice 2.8 31 1 344 0 0 1 10:51
Frying Pan 0.0 650 0 325 0 0 1 0:30
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 2 0 65 0 0 1 31:23
Grenade 7.5 2 40 457 0 0 10 2:39:41
Grenade Reflect 1.2 0 2 0 0 0 2 48:35
Gunslinger 0.0 3 0 65 0 0 1 17:56
Half-Zatoichi 5.8 53 13 3,575 0 0 4 1:07:13
Iron Bomber 14.0 160 21% 15 70 1,227 421,038 28,024 5,942 175 43:48:28
Kamikaze 0.7 31 1 1,350 0 0 3 43:04
Knife 10.4 131 6 2,280 0 0 4 17:18
Level 1 Sentry 1.4 20 2 873 0 0 8 42:32
Level 2 Sentry 4.1 51 4 1,497 0 0 8 29:05
Level 3 Sentry 8.2 76 13 3,626 0 0 11 47:18
Loch-n-Load 3.9 33 12% 11 100 5 1,300 113 13 2 38:54
Loose Cannon 0.0 10 52 0 416 0 8 2 38:47
Mantreads 0.0 3 0 81 0 0 1 20:18
Market Gardener 1.1 9 80 19,678 0 0 132 35:39:17
Minigun 12.1 145 35 12,655 0 0 8 1:26:48
Mini-Sentry 5.7 69 22 8,075 0 0 6 1:56:27
Neon Annihilator 31.2 211 30 6,088 2 28:49
Original 25.6 279 42% 27 65 11,097 3,633,319 133,227 55,766 817 217:00:35
Pain Train 1.1 2 1 65 0 0 1 26:15
Persian Persuader 42.0 305 32 6,985 0 0 1 22:53
Phlogistinator 1.1 4 1 118 0 0 1 26:46
Pistol 2.0 10 17% 2 13 13 2,137 904 155 11 3:16:46
Player 2.7 0 326 0 0 0 240 60:22:14
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 0.0 3 0 111 0 0 2 31:23
Revolver 5.4 72 22% 9 43 3 1,212 130 28 4 16:43
Rocket 19.9 251 41% 26 64 2,933 1,110,730 41,671 17,278 231 73:39:28
Rocket Reflect 1.7 0 2 0 0 0 2 35:42
Scattergun 18.8 209 55% 14 26 638 212,708 14,333 7,884 58 16:56:08
Scorch Shot 0.0 2 0 50 0 0 1 20:51
Shotgun 12.0 77 64% 23 36 129 25,082 1,082 688 16 5:21:34
SMG 3.1 7 16% 1 9 4 272 178 29 5 38:10
Sniper Rifle 18.9 208 37% 50 135 50 16,518 328 122 23 1:19:16
Soda Popper 3.9 22 4 699 0 0 1 30:25
Solemn Vow 5.7 41 265 58,495 0 0 114 23:22:04
Splendid Screen 0.8 10 38 14,512 0 0 97 23:48:26
Stickybomb 12.0 209 26% 17 65 512 267,374 15,598 4,055 73 21:16:58
Syringe Gun 0.0 8 8% 0 12 0 267 285 22 3 31:02
Telefrag 2.2 0 2 0 0 0 2 26:40
Tomislav 14.9 218 84 36,985 0 0 25 2:49:30
Tribalman's Shiv 0.0 4 0 102 0 0 2 23:00
Ubersaw 4.4 36 64 15,967 0 0 42 7:20:36
Ullapool Caber 2.7 21 236 55,503 0 0 175 43:36:37
Unknown 0.0 1 0 31 0 0 1 19:30
Widowmaker 8.4 75 45% 8 19 51 13,658 1,538 692 22 3:02:00
Winger 1.5 7 28 4,605 0 0 29 9:36:46
Wrangled Sentry 0.0 6 0 453 0 0 3 1:05:18
Wrap Assassin 0.0 11 0 3,734 0 0 19 5:20:51
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played