eatshit noise music

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1397-1143-250 54.55% 6820-5881-869 53.46%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 9.1 57 67 5 945 0 14 3 16:26
Ambassador 0.0 35 27% 10 41 0 328 30 8 4 9:14
Arrow 6.9 101 37 16,461 0 0 14 2:41:50
Arrow Reflect 21.7 0 2 0 0 0 2 2:46
AWPer Hand 18.4 213 38% 48 129 456 158,703 2,820 1,071 112 12:22:48
Baby Face's Blaster 7.5 78 17 5,349 0 0 3 1:07:44
Back Scatter 27.8 180 63% 25 40 6 1,165 46 29 1 6:28
Ball 1.3 0 4 0 0 0 4 1:34:20
Bat 3.4 9 2 175 2 17:51
Bat Outta Hell 1.1 4 49 6,273 0 0 63 23:08:00
Bazaar Bargain 4.5 58 1 392 0 0 2 6:40
Big Earner 30.8 420 7 2,864 0 0 3 6:49
Black Box 0.0 6 75% 39 52 0 157 4 3 1 24:45
Bleeding 1.4 0 24 0 0 0 21 8:18:00
Blutsauger 3.0 31 15% 1 10 34 10,868 6,592 1,008 15 5:41:33
Boston Basher 0.4 3 2 427 0 0 5 2:20:45
Bottle 0.9 3 1% 0 65 65 7,265 150 1 83 35:40:16
Brass Beast 6.3 64 5 1,540 0 0 3 23:58
C.A.P.P.E.R 0.0 3 16% 1 10 0 433 244 40 6 2:05:47
Classic 8.9 37 3 377 0 0 1 10:05
Conscientious Objector 1.2 5 1% 0 65 79 10,789 590 7 92 32:49:50
Cow Mangler 5000 10.6 116 42% 28 67 72 23,587 651 275 11 3:23:03
Crusader's Crossbow 2.4 38 46% 5 12 627 300,472 48,282 22,239 354 130:40:50
Degreaser 12.3 125 9% 0 46 94 28,896 981 84 60 3:49:28
Direct Hit 9.1 129 24% 21 88 548 232,590 6,878 1,655 94 29:58:38
Disciplinary Action 1.1 1 3 147 0 0 4 1:19:43
Environment 2.0 0 2,205 0 0 0 1,407 539:35:53
Escape Plan 0.5 3 24 5,078 0 0 61 22:45:56
Family Business 2.4 21 54% 15 28 4 1,044 69 37 2 49:36
Fists of Steel 0.7 3 1 130 0 0 2 41:27
Flamethrower 6.7 64 24 6,923 0 0 23 1:47:52
Flare Gun 8.5 81 57% 7 13 45 13,027 14 8 34 2:39:07
Flying Guillotine 0.0 17 0 2,239 0 0 6 2:10:41
Force-a-Nature 5.4 75 72% 26 38 59 24,751 893 647 18 5:26:17
Frontier Justice 2.2 33 25% 11 45 3 1,369 8 2 15 40:50
Frying Pan 0.9 9 3 975 0 0 6 1:43:09
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 0 0% 0 0 65 38 0 4 1:06:38
Grenade 6.0 82 23% 16 72 105 43,645 1,384 314 23 8:46:45
Grenade Reflect 2.0 8 1 134 2 15:10
Half-Zatoichi 1.6 10 1 195 1 19:08
Ham Shank 1.5 9 11 2,054 0 0 9 3:42:11
Hitman's Heatmaker 9.7 148 115 1 460 0 4 1 3:06
Huntsman 0.0 0 0 12 0 0 1 16:38
Huo Long Heatmaker 0.0 60 0 523 0 0 2 8:37
Iron Bomber 11.9 161 26% 19 75 2,284 924,998 34,373 8,770 262 95:37:00
Jag 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 840 0 6 16:52
Kamikaze 1.4 0 1 0 0 0 1 21:06
Killing Gloves of Boxing 5.5 54 4 1,201 0 0 1 22:00
Knife 10.9 172 8 3,806 0 0 10 22:06
Kukri 1.2 7 1% 0 65 26 5,077 1,558 15 46 10:55:11
L'Etranger 3.3 21 22% 5 32 2 384 54 12 12 18:05
Level 1 Sentry 0.7 24 30 4 4,002 0 10 40 2:45:07
Level 2 Sentry 2.3 36 17 17 7,871 0 14 60 3:37:20
Level 3 Sentry 1.4 30 91 8 5,123 0 4 40 2:48:54
Liberty Launcher 3.6 36 41% 18 45 7 2,141 98 40 3 58:28
Loch-n-Load 12.3 172 18% 18 105 7,182 3,028,830 160,135 28,813 730 292:35:07
Loose Cannon 2.5 51 51 12 7,493 0 55 7 2:26:09
Loose Cannon Impact 1.5 0 4 0 0 0 4 1:20:59
Lugermorph 2.3 6 21% 2 11 1 80 33 7 1 12:57
Mad Milk 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 6 0 1 5:17
Mantreads 0.8 12 170 2 913 0 2 6 1:13:07
Market Gardener 3.1 29 35% 95 275 106 30,394 98 34 53 16:53:32
Minigun 12.1 147 21% 3 17 183 67,260 1,079 224 36 7:34:52
Mini-Sentry 2.2 71 12 11,529 0 0 14 2:42:01
Natascha 0.0 5 0 128 0 0 1 23:48
Necro Smasher 0.6 2 2 195 0 0 3 1:33:25
Original 21.2 301 48% 32 67 5,439 2,317,872 65,877 31,715 401 128:14:53
Panic Attack Shotgun 2.4 17 83% 27 33 12 2,623 94 78 6 2:27:24
Phlogistinator 29.6 182 10% 0 7 16 2,965 1,261 123 2 16:14
Pistol 3.2 13 18% 2 13 2,240 292,245 112,747 20,268 1,023 354:23:56
Player 2.1 0 87 0 0 0 62 20:45:27
Pomson 6000 0.0 429 0 179 0 0 1 0:25
Powerjack 2.6 11 0% 0 1 130 28 0 2 11:42
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 2.9 6 12% 1 16 13 894 25 3 8 2:12:35
Pumpkin Bomb 2.9 0 9 0 0 0 3 1:31:37
Quickiebomb Launcher 7.0 168 27% 15 58 2,974 2,153,676 134,092 36,728 530 212:38:36
Rescue Ranger 0.0 11 18% 7 42 0 84 11 2 2 7:29
Revolver 7.2 54 24% 10 45 1 229 21 5 3 4:10
Rocket 12.6 175 44% 29 68 846 354,242 6,692 2,925 132 33:35:40
Rocket Reflect 3.0 9 151 11 1,008 0 1 11 1:49:11
Scattergun 25.0 249 65% 18 28 18,176 5,427,566 275,559 179,589 1,033 363:14:41
Scorch Shot 2.4 62 115% 6 5 4 3,133 48 55 5 49:52
Scottish Handshake 3.9 16 1 130 1 7:46
Shahanshah 0.8 5 3 669 0 0 7 1:51:50
Short Circuit Orb 1.2 8 1 215 0 0 2 25:06
Shortstop 4.6 38 8 2,036 0 0 3 52:40
Shotgun 9.6 52 65% 21 33 1,030 167,816 5,675 3,663 191 53:39:51
SMG 2.8 12 19% 1 8 136 17,644 7,836 1,482 190 24:03:49
Sniper Rifle 22.7 255 38% 48 128 2,619 884,059 16,359 6,211 672 57:45:41
Solemn Vow 0.7 4 47 9,578 0 0 76 35:25:45
Spinal Tap 1.5 22 1 450 0 0 1 19:55
Spy-cicle 17.8 267 1 450 0 0 1 1:41
Stickybomb 6.6 111 17% 10 60 2,551 1,280,469 105,832 18,291 502 191:52:26
Sydney Sleeper 14.2 134 42% 44 104 54 15,422 349 148 4 1:54:29
Syringe Gun 4.7 53 16% 1 10 8 2,759 1,669 264 2 51:17
Three-Rune Blade 0.7 2 0% 0 35 4,262 236 0 68 25:49:32
Tide Turner 1.0 3 2 235 0 0 3 1:01:55
Tomislav 24.1 266 15% 1 11 701 232,408 6,439 939 170 14:32:24
Ubersaw 4.1 31 0% 0 409 96,316 6 0 156 50:14:09
Unknown 0.0 17 0 1,397 0 0 3 1:21:03
Widowmaker 8.5 71 51% 11 22 85 21,642 1,815 922 63 5:00:45
Winger 1.2 8 64 13,167 0 0 71 26:53:55
Wrangled Sentry 0.4 10 1 795 0 0 2 1:17:20
Wrap Assassin 0.0 14 52% 3 6 2 20,444 196 102 64 23:51:12
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played