
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
402-518-101 44.32% 2006-2445-466 45.54%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 5.6 61 28% 10 36 1 329 32 9 5 5:23
Arrow 12.1 176 18 7,919 0 0 9 44:45
AWPer Hand 21.0 257 38% 56 148 267 98,125 1,743 662 213 6:21:29
Baby Face's Blaster 9.8 102 40 12,584 0 0 11 2:02:19
Beggar's Bazooka 6.9 127 21% 13 65 23 12,827 928 197 8 1:40:24
Big Earner 64.7 995 5 2,306 0 0 4 2:19
Bleeding 1.4 0 12 0 0 0 12 4:12:18
Boston Basher 0.6 3 25 4,885 0 0 63 21:54:04
Brass Beast 0.0 576 0 125 0 0 1 0:13
Bushwacka 2.8 15 2 325 0 0 2 21:23
Chargin' Targe 0.0 30 0 147 0 0 1 4:46
Cleaner's Carbine 9.8 40 13 1,607 0 0 7 39:39
Crusader's Crossbow 0.7 10 53% 2 5 79 33,752 11,673 6,200 149 55:06:55
Detonator 2.8 56 1 603 0 0 8 10:41
Direct Hit 2.7 21 12% 15 121 5 1,214 80 10 4 55:15
Environment 2.1 0 730 0 0 0 491 173:12:39
Escape Plan 1.0 6 8 1,625 0 0 11 3:52:18
Family Business 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 1 0 1 2:53
Fists of Steel 5.7 33 3 520 0 0 1 15:42
Flamethrower 3.5 41 9 3,177 0 0 27 1:17:09
Frontier Justice 3.1 27 30 8,097 0 0 94 4:49:45
Gloves of Running Urgently 2.9 6 1 65 0 0 1 10:23
Grenade 5.6 91 19% 12 65 297 145,332 11,867 2,212 70 26:28:54
Half-Zatoichi 0.9 7 1 260 0 0 2 35:07
Ham Shank 2.4 26 4 1,323 0 0 8 49:13
Holiday Punch 24.8 119 13 1,872 0 0 1 15:42
Jag 0.0 15 0 98 0 0 1 6:29
Knife 21.3 313 56 24,758 0 0 57 1:19:02
Kukri 0.0 5 0 65 0 0 1 12:19
L'Etranger 2.8 44 33% 13 41 2 955 69 23 18 21:27
Level 1 Sentry 2.7 33 21 7,894 0 0 69 3:53:25
Level 2 Sentry 3.1 42 29 12,112 0 0 84 4:42:11
Level 3 Sentry 4.5 59 60 23,971 0 0 117 6:40:48
Liberty Launcher 5.9 161 53% 25 48 1 824 32 17 1 5:06
Loose Cannon 1.8 36 50 3 1,871 0 37 3 50:47
Market Gardener 1.3 10 43 10,790 0 0 42 16:29:16
Minigun 29.1 314 107 34,736 0 0 92 1:50:18
Original 14.5 195 50% 33 67 168 67,786 1,986 997 19 5:47:00
Pistol 3.5 17 22% 3 16 438 67,259 18,900 4,125 228 63:11:06
Player 2.3 0 23 0 0 0 16 4:58:51
Revolver 13.9 101 37% 16 44 27 5,931 360 132 34 58:14
Rocket 15.0 239 39% 24 61 1,997 956,031 39,729 15,625 181 66:28:33
Rocket Reflect 54.5 0 1 0 0 0 1 0:33
Scattergun 19.4 206 63% 16 25 7,985 2,554,818 157,531 98,914 620 205:56:08
Scotsman's Skullcutter 7.2 43 1 183 0 0 1 4:10
Scottish Handshake 0.0 67 0 65 0 0 1 0:58
Shortstop 13.3 85 7 1,352 0 0 1 15:48
Shotgun 23.0 162 73% 25 35 166 35,139 1,359 989 14 3:36:21
SMG 2.1 16 19% 1 9 9 2,116 1,232 231 49 2:10:04
Sniper Rifle 19.3 251 35% 51 146 61 23,825 463 163 51 1:34:35
Solemn Vow 0.5 3 14 3,273 0 0 34 14:01:52
Splendid Screen 0.0 20 0 85 0 0 1 4:10
Spy-cicle 24.3 429 1 530 0 0 1 1:14
Stickybomb 9.8 142 17% 10 60 522 227,436 22,254 3,759 71 26:33:04
Tide Turner 0.0 2 0 40 0 0 2 15:44
Tomislav 26.5 288 85 27,775 0 0 76 1:36:24
Ubersaw 3.6 34 16 4,680 0 0 7 2:13:47
Ullapool Caber 3.3 30 9 2,492 0 0 7 1:22:04
Widowmaker 3.8 23 44% 9 21 16 2,932 311 138 43 2:06:17
Winger 1.7 8 495 68,533 0 0 418 141:36:07
Wrap Assassin 0.0 9 0 246 0 0 2 25:00
Your Eternal Reward 36.4 618 2 1,020 0 0 2 1:39
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played