
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1489-1457-303 50.49% 7101-7121-469 49.93%



Class W-L-T Winrate DA/M Acc DA/S Time Played
Scout 182-263-46 41.75% 245 48% 15 188:12:02
Soldier 211-227-53 48.37% 310 39% 28 193:11:20
Pyro 40-40-2 50.00% 188 9% 4 21:56:29
Demo 240-269-44 47.38% 340 22% 15 212:23:49
Engineer 15-10-2 59.26% 315 50% 30 11:19:30
Heavy 7-7-0 50.00% 307 16% 10 12:30:52
Medic 656-479-114 57.09% 15 46% 3 464:12:28
Sniper 183 29% 14 1:33:33
Spy 0-1-0 0.00% 160 25% 17 1:02:44


Format W-L-T Winrate Time Played
Ultiduo 20-32-11 40.48% 14:39:23
Fours 21-14-2 59.46% 9:56:00
Sixes 1141-1117-243 50.48% 978:48:30
Prolander 34-25-1 57.50% 22:58:38
Highlander 130-112-6 53.63% 70:28:38
Other 21-27-17 45.38% 19:27:59


Name Count
craig 1125
craig 167
craig- 68
wasdfghjklmopqrz 49
pumpkin hill 39
craig- 38
wasdfhjklmnopzq 33
z06 33
5bac8ae474e1c811e3319412367756 25
craigonacomputerstillsucks 22

Recent Logs

Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc Date
the village - RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 0-1-0 other 0:34 0 1 0 0 374 0%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_process_f9a Soldier 1-1-1 sixes 29:49 23 25 6 380 282 165 44%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 0-1-0 other 1:10 0 1 0 0 171 0%
20K | Chicago - RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Medic 1-5-0 sixes 18:49 1 17 11 37 248 766
the village: RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Demo 0-5-0 sixes 22:24 20 15 4 289 243 196 19%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Medic 5-0-0 sixes 20:09 3 9 12 34 137 850 54%
the village: RED vs Gay cp_process_f9a_cloudy Soldier 2-2-0 sixes 29:38 33 29 9 329 302 184 42%
the village: craig vs BLU cp_gullywash_f6 Medic 1-3-1 sixes 29:35 1 26 23 51 230 582 48%
the village: RED vs Hello cp_sunshine Medic 0-4-1 sixes 29:39 2 18 13 24 188 827 59%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Medic 2-3-1 sixes 29:34 4 18 13 20 175 855 57%
the village: RED vs 1BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Soldier 0-0-1 other 7:40 0 1 0 20 9 29%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_metalworks Demo 3-1-0 sixes 29:39 30 19 9 388 282 273 28%
the village: RED vs guess cp_snakewater_final1 Medic 5-2-0 sixes 27:41 2 16 17 34 188 885 52%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_process_event_22 Scout Soldier Heavy 1-1-1 sixes 29:49 38 28 13 359 316 152 42%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_event_22 Medic Heavy Engineer 4-4-0 sixes 29:19 8 26 7 77 230 583 3 40%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_metalworks Medic 5-1-0 sixes 22:03 4 7 9 39 113 944 66%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Demo 5-0-0 sixes 28:30 11 11 2 251 179 293 15%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 4-3-0 sixes 29:28 27 21 18 261 218 171 49%
the village: RED vs 5BLU koth_product_rcx Demo Engineer 2-3-0 sixes 29:33 23 20 12 421 266 209 36%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Soldier 5-0-0 sixes 18:55 13 10 11 338 220 255 47%
the village: RED vs dBLU cp_snakewater_final1 Demo 1-5-0 sixes 19:44 15 16 3 266 292 237 18%
the village: 5RED vs BLU cp_process_f9a Scout 2-2-1 sixes 29:39 32 21 14 287 182 137 57%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_metalworks Demo 4-5-0 sixes 27:15 25 17 6 320 259 255 22%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Medic 3-2-1 sixes 29:33 6 18 12 39 162 800 50%
the village: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Soldier 3-5-0 sixes 27:04 29 23 10 372 272 183 46%