Linly Cruncher Of Cereal

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
15-34-2 31.37% 79-154-5 34.24%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
Zer 8 37.50% 2:11:23 6 66.67% 1:39:41 190 192 48
evenflow 6 50.00% 1:36:50 3 66.67% 36:06 250 205 24
Plec 6 33.33% 1:18:26 2 50.00% 26:13 188 202 21 20
add me for free batch file 3 33.33% 31:09 4 50.00% 56:21 196 220
i have rabies 3 33.33% 43:59 3 66.67% 43:23 142 190 80
PINGAS ok that's our sac 2 0.00% 42:20 4 100.00% 1:24:05 193 179 46
Nolmo 5 20.00% 1:22:51 0 0:00 89 177 83 46
Alleg 2 50.00% 37:35 3 33.33% 57:47 74 215 95
Rose meow 2 100.00% 41:50 3 66.67% 55:35 256 194 112 40
MYANMARGOVERNMENTDESTROYER15 2 0.00% 17:17 3 66.67% 57:47 218 240
dee 5 40.00% 1:35:22 0 0:00 72 201 138
Axio 5 40.00% 1:35:22 0 0:00 72 201 70
even care 1 0.00% 29:29 3 66.67% 1:05:51 163 234 140
JoeWoahSeph 2 50.00% 26:13 2 0.00% 38:23 109 213 87
Westley 3 66.67% 35:07 1 0.00% 17:09 127 196 142
Jimbob 2 0.00% 17:17 2 0.00% 29:30 218 240
Wheatley 2 25.00% 59:03 2 50.00% 50:18 208 221 103
Naughtilus 2 0.00% 46:09 2 50.00% 35:06 154 183
Frank Bloch 1 0.00% 29:00 3 66.67% 57:47 168 156
. 3 0.00% 41:05 0 0:00 157 174
iron_tf 1 0.00% 15:13 2 50.00% 58:48 258 351
Lariex 3 0.00% 41:05 0 0:00 157 174 51
francium_aluminum 0 0:00 3 33.33% 57:47
1176x664 0 0:00 3 33.33% 57:47
F999999 0 0:00 3 33.33% 57:47
new sens 3 0.00% 1:11:27 0 0:00 151 210 48
nils 3 0.00% 41:05 0 0:00 157 174
미묘한 3 33.33% 57:47 0 0:00 70 192 137
bbl 0 0:00 3 33.33% 57:47
Bennyboi2014 1 0.00% 15:13 2 0.00% 58:53 258 351 132
[] Scewtch 3 0.00% 41:05 0 0:00 157 174
rOTOBbTE_EB/\A_6AT9_B39L_С0LDA 0 0:00 3 33.33% 57:47
Cooli 3 33.33% 57:47 0 0:00 70 192 103
Monkey #TF2EASY 0 0:00 3 16.67% 54:33
Tykveg [linux gaming] 0 0:00 2 50.00% 37:35
Koga?™⁸⁷ 2 0.00% 17:17 0 0:00 218 240
flatulence (GEEKING) 0 0:00 2 0.00% 17:17
THE_PUPPY 0 0:00 2 100.00% 22:46
Qwam 0 0:00 2 0.00% 25:04
T1 Faker @팀 포트리스 2 0 0:00 2 0.00% 17:17
gooba19 0 0:00 2 0.00% 25:04
terry 1 100.00% 29:19 1 0.00% 29:29 204 201 135
hawaii 0 0:00 2 0.00% 25:04
mohamed.abdulla 1 0.00% 20:59 1 0.00% 29:34 246 342
omid 0 0:00 2 0.00% 25:04
C.LIONS :: F4.exe 2 50.00% 33:32 0 0:00 108 206 131
sA eqstaz ♥ 1 0.00% 15:13 1 100.00% 9:41 258 351
ATAMAH (Uninstaller.ps1) 0 0:00 2 50.00% 37:35
Theshorty 0 0:00 2 50.00% 41:46
excelsior 0 0:00 2 50.00% 37:35
Dein 0 0:00 2 0.00% 25:04
BrickFan99 0 0:00 2 0.00% 17:17
Mergantin 0 0:00 2 50.00% 37:35
jo man 2 50.00% 38:54 0 0:00 316 219
rin 0 0:00 2 0.00% 17:17
pingu 0 0:00 2 0.00% 37:00
Trippin Tropsico^ 0 0:00 2 0.00% 17:17
PSP Wizard 0 0:00 2 0.00% 25:04
Cro 0 0:00 2 50.00% 58:48
Skibiden Laden 1 0.00% 29:34 1 0.00% 20:59 162 205
Rocky 0 0:00 2 50.00% 33:32
the president 1 0.00% 20:59 1 100.00% 16:43 125 202 39
vampire 0 0:00 2 0.00% 17:17
dog 1 0.00% 20:59 1 0.00% 29:34 246 342
.Swagger 2 50.00% 49:08 0 0:00 122 230
DriedRain 1 100.00% 28:19 1 0.00% 20:49 96 181 6
sony 1 0.00% 29:29 1 50.00% 29:29 142 225 0 0:00 2 50.00% 49:08
water123 0 0:00 2 50.00% 37:42
herobrine 2 0.00% 17:17 0 0:00 218 240
gandzialf 2 50.00% 33:32 0 0:00 108 206
Jookson 0 0:00 2 0.00% 17:17
tim :) 0 0:00 2 0.00% 50:33
Ketamine oversdose 1 0.00% 29:34 1 0.00% 20:59 162 205
[FP] Shiken 2 0.00% 27:03 0 0:00 205 208
Mofasa´? 2 50.00% 37:35 0 0:00 74 215 125
MR WILL 2 50.00% 33:32 0 0:00 108 206
FE!N 2 50.00% 49:08 0 0:00 122 230 30
Garp 1 0.00% 20:59 1 100.00% 16:43 125 202 23
LoW 2 50.00% 49:08 0 0:00 122 230
I understand your frustration 0 0:00 2 50.00% 37:35
3SemiN8 0 0:00 2 50.00% 37:35
solar 0 0:00 2 0.00% 17:17
Peterdc 2 50.00% 49:08 0 0:00 122 230
joe 0 0:00 2 50.00% 44:32
Built different 0 0:00 2 50.00% 49:08
melky 0 0:00 2 0.00% 42:01
highly 0 0:00 2 0.00% 17:17
Ѧnti Gravity LFT 1 100.00% 28:19 1 0.00% 20:49 96 181 2
floatkrabb 0 0:00 2 50.00% 49:08
coyo 1 100.00% 16:43 1 0.00% 20:59 238 240
🐧 Femboy Enjoyer 🐧 1 0.00% 20:49 1 100.00% 28:19 157 298 206
rapiD 1 0.00% 20:59 0 0:00 246 342
itanix 1 0.00% 20:59 0 0:00 125 202 15
don 0 0:00 1 0.00% 29:00
Конторский 0 0:00 1 0.00% 20:51
ryan 1 0.00% 12:27 0 0:00 147 209
profix 0 0:00 1 0.00% 12:34
UBERUNDERPANTZ 1 100.00% 29:19 0 0:00 204 201
Agency 1 0.00% 20:51 0 0:00 112 147
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From