
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
20-23-4 46.81% 64-60-3 51.57%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
fast fat scottish man 22 45.45% 6:28:09 21 42.86% 8:06:37 241 197 27 0
Nubscrub 17 17.65% 6:05:12 24 64.58% 7:36:32 197 170 10 36
heaven 17 29.41% 5:57:34 17 61.76% 5:45:16 244 240 24 9
tyal 15 43.33% 5:22:25 18 44.44% 5:40:37 222 188 19 28
ΔjustcallmeDeltaΔ 12 45.83% 4:04:57 14 42.86% 5:00:53 240 201 19 1
glue eating champion 4 25.00% 1:36:37 18 33.33% 6:29:15 233 156 77
Decaz 8 43.75% 2:04:23 12 66.67% 4:08:45 199 144 1
Linda from Purchasing 7 71.43% 2:43:26 11 40.91% 3:35:16 219 221 3 3
soji 4 50.00% 1:14:31 10 50.00% 3:14:46 164 177 60 7
Praia00 6 75.00% 1:49:01 5 40.00% 1:30:44 245 118 14
spiot 8 62.50% 2:27:39 3 50.00% 1:07:08 238 230 5
Mastere 7 42.86% 2:08:47 3 50.00% 46:54 227 123 3
cicada 2 0.00% 58:07 8 37.50% 2:45:22 86 217 84 17
Duckiling 8 37.50% 2:37:09 2 100.00% 32:49 220 177 32 15
Luna ❤ 4 25.00% 1:24:25 5 30.00% 1:25:40 224 143 1 3
gringen 3 33.33% 49:10 6 75.00% 1:56:46 216 184
hakai 1 100.00% 17:48 7 57.14% 2:26:11 313 174
Clueless Charles 3 66.67% 1:05:22 4 12.50% 1:03:41 231 110
Andronie 5 20.00% 1:42:00 2 50.00% 54:07 181 202
Wendibro 5 100.00% 58:35 2 50.00% 47:17 493 356
gluee 4 100.00% 1:22:48 2 25.00% 46:15 282 224 6 14
plot twist 2 100.00% 42:41 4 50.00% 1:13:25 277 163
чебуп 3 100.00% 26:13 3 100.00% 50:10 280 176 43
☠ High Heals ☠ 3 100.00% 59:42 2 50.00% 29:37 248 145 31
Rat Haver 1 0.00% 32:01 3 66.67% 46:38 179 159 15
aleksa 0 0:00 3 33.33% 1:24:24
xtenshix 0 0:00 3 100.00% 21:15
Aya Misubi 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:23
Big Boss 0 0:00 2 100.00% 35:09
10kg bucket of yogurt 2 0.00% 30:23 0 0:00 194 171
CrutchMaster9001 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:23
Heihachi Mishima 0 0:00 2 100.00% 36:35
Elven Bitches Enjoyer 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:23
tangerine 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:23
Lily the Wood Elf 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:23
IllinoisEnthusiast35 0 0:00 2 100.00% 42:41
slayer 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:23
Juodckis 2 0.00% 30:23 0 0:00 194 171
me 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:23
mewing 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:23
dismissy 0 0:00 2 0.00% 30:23
Caked ❤ 1 0.00% 26:47 0 0:00 146 182 110
Monke4819 0 0:00 1 100.00% 14:51
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From