
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1927-2326-280 45.60% 9327-10388-1251 47.47%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 0.9 17 62 3 1,811 0 29 4 1:43:30
Ambassador 10.4 67 32% 18 60 11 2,161 114 36 9 31:48
Arrow 9.4 37 37 4,469 0 0 20 1:57:53
AWPer Hand 16.1 189 37% 50 135 626 222,007 2,780 1,033 188 19:29:31
Baby Face's Blaster 18.3 187 55 16,906 0 0 4 1:29:57
Ball O' Lightning 1.7 0 2 0 0 0 2 34:53
Bat Outta Hell 1.0 5 27 4,641 0 0 47 14:10:11
Bazaar Bargain 11.4 111 0% 0 147 43,181 2 0 34 6:27:38
Beggar's Bazooka 1.8 21 25% 16 66 8 2,932 175 44 6 2:16:41
Black Box 11.5 157 45% 30 67 123 50,337 1,667 745 14 5:19:47
Black Rose 34.0 509 1 450 0 0 1 0:53
Bleeding 1.3 0 17 0 0 0 16 6:32:48
Blutsauger 1.9 24 15% 1 9 15 6,070 4,066 627 17 4:02:52
Boston Basher 0.0 3 0 150 2 41:46
Brass Beast 14.1 88 5 941 0 0 5 10:38
Classic 6.5 74 10 3,436 0 0 7 46:11
Cleaner's Carbine 11.8 24 2 122 0 0 2 5:05
Conscientious Objector 1.0 6 0% 0 21 3,907 164 0 38 10:51:02
Cow Mangler 5000 36.7 354 56% 40 73 85 24,609 601 334 4 1:09:24
Crusader's Crossbow 2.2 35 50% 4 9 891 432,654 84,189 42,190 638 201:33:46
Degreaser 7.2 72 14 4,199 0 0 28 58:17
Detonator 6.3 110 8 4,207 0 0 4 37:58
Direct Hit 4.6 61 26% 26 100 102 40,944 1,324 346 29 11:06:34
Disciplinary Action 1.7 7 118 16,618 0 0 128 35:32:24
Environment 2.5 0 2,903 0 0 0 1,650 586:47:38
Escape Plan 0.6 3 2% 1 68 110 17,344 704 12 207 85:32:07
Eviction Notice 0.0 52 0 312 0 0 1 5:57
Family Business 8.1 55 71% 14 20 1 207 14 10 3 3:42
Fireball 1.7 0 1 0 0 0 1 17:30
Flamethrower 7.6 158 7 4,385 0 0 20 27:40
Flare Gun 6.5 63 4 1,162 0 0 11 18:20
Flying Guillotine 0.0 42 0 218 0 0 1 5:06
Force-a-Nature 9.5 111 68% 24 36 111 38,842 1,518 1,029 19 5:49:15
Frontier Justice 3.8 28 12 2,673 0 0 34 1:35:17
Gloves of Running Urgently 2.3 14 1% 0 65 3 566 214 2 7 39:53
Grenade 8.8 104 22% 17 76 745 264,104 15,249 3,419 114 42:10:59
Gunslinger 0.0 3 0 52 0 0 1 16:54
Half-Zatoichi 1.3 9 29 6,042 0 0 27 10:49:56
Ham Shank 0.7 3 4 650 0 0 8 2:49:12
Hitman's Heatmaker 3.3 48 34% 30 88 10 4,395 77 26 8 1:31:14
Huntsman 0.0 91 0 11,079 0 0 15 2:00:38
Huo Long Heatmaker 26.6 156 3 531 0 0 2 3:23
Iron Bomber 10.9 131 23% 17 74 1,337 482,550 27,133 6,305 161 61:20:15
Jag 0.0 10 0 49 0 0 1 4:38
Killing Gloves of Boxing 0.0 10 0 65 0 0 1 5:57
Knife 14.9 225 45 20,444 0 0 50 1:30:32
Kukri 1.2 5 37 4,768 43 14:54:35
L'Etranger 5.5 44 35% 13 37 12 2,938 214 75 39 1:05:54
Level 1 Sentry 2.4 41 6 3,092 0 0 32 1:14:47
Level 2 Sentry 2.9 43 7 3,186 0 0 32 1:13:10
Level 3 Sentry 3.8 67 19 10,015 0 0 60 2:28:07
Liberty Launcher 8.6 130 47% 23 50 43 19,607 822 387 8 2:30:30
Loch-n-Load 6.7 83 18% 18 101 85 31,863 1,729 313 16 6:21:50
Loose Cannon 2.4 45 54 31 17,498 0 322 17 6:27:20
Loose Cannon Impact 2.4 0 12 0 0 0 7 2:30:54
Lugermorph 5.6 25 20% 2 11 155 21,123 2,879 578 45 13:46:53
Market Gardener 14.7 118 11 2,665 0 0 2 22:27
Meteor Shower 1.7 0 3 0 0 0 3 54:03
Minify 6.7 0 12 0 0 0 3 54:03
Minigun 17.5 212 24% 2 10 49 17,771 3,646 869 31 1:23:48
Mini-Sentry 3.6 106 2 1,807 0 0 1 16:54
Necro Smasher 1.7 7 9 1,239 0 0 6 2:42:16
Original 18.7 333 52% 35 68 13,337 7,123,652 177,672 91,720 1,006 356:02:52
Overdose 6.2 34 19% 1 9 3 499 290 55 1 14:26
Pain Train 1.0 4 1 130 0 0 1 29:19
Panic Attack Shotgun 4.1 17 71% 15 21 32 4,181 277 196 13 3:56:49
Phlogistinator 15.8 73 1 139 0 0 2 1:54
Pistol 3.8 20 21% 2 11 667 106,660 21,388 4,512 295 87:53:44
Player 6.5 0 1,928 0 0 0 513 148:38:49
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 2.4 15 17 3,160 0 0 11 3:29:28
Pumpkin MIRV 2.2 0 2 0 0 0 2 27:26
Quickiebomb Launcher 3.1 33 16% 9 60 3 964 99 16 1 28:35
Revolver 18.0 110 34% 14 42 25 4,600 314 107 17 41:45
Righteous Bison 0.9 19 1 645 0 0 3 32:42
Rocket 19.4 335 51% 34 68 16,910 8,785,330 232,136 118,205 1,239 436:51:08
Rocket Reflect 7.2 3 6 78 0 0 7 25:04
Sandman 13.3 91 1 205 0 0 1 2:15
Scattergun 21.5 221 65% 18 27 8,444 2,610,571 102,268 66,701 599 196:35:45
Scorch Shot 0.0 101 0 766 0 0 1 7:31
Shahanshah 1.4 7 0% 0 6 946 50 0 17 2:09:58
Short Circuit Orb 0.0 13 0 99 0 0 1 7:31
Shortstop 18.5 191 89 27,641 0 0 7 2:24:11
Shotgun 24.8 198 73% 27 36 8,925 2,149,241 77,154 56,680 686 180:14:18
Shovel 0.6 2 1 130 0 0 2 46:13
Skeletons Horde 3.3 0 4 0 0 0 2 36:40
Skewer 4.6 68 1 450 0 0 1 6:32
SMG 2.0 7 26% 2 9 104 11,327 3,101 811 191 26:25:22
Sniper Rifle 20.5 229 37% 49 136 3,260 1,091,394 3,240 1,187 515 79:24:27
Solemn Vow 1.2 5 24 3,323 0 0 27 10:05:38
Spy-cicle 34.6 483 2 838 0 0 2 1:44
Stickybomb 9.9 157 21% 12 59 1,869 896,298 71,222 14,895 251 94:34:34
Summon MONOCULUS 2.0 0 2 0 0 0 2 29:41
Syringe Gun 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 8 0 1 0:51
Three-Rune Blade 0.5 3 0% 0 22 4,196 356 0 56 21:08:41
Tomislav 25.0 265 24% 3 13 190 60,470 318 75 184 3:47:59
Tribalman's Shiv 0.0 3 0 53 1 17:08
Ubersaw 2.1 20 0% 0 459 132,797 2 0 337 110:08:57
Unknown 0.0 43 0 3,550 0 0 5 1:21:29
Widowmaker 6.5 63 66% 15 23 7 2,048 98 65 9 32:28
Winger 2.4 13 18% 2 12 495 81,946 865 152 304 104:56:46
Wrangled Sentry 0.0 10 0 172 0 0 1 16:54
Wrap Assassin 0.0 12 0 7,759 0 0 31 10:03:23
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played