
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
626-910-46 41.02% 1734-2371-59 42.35%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 0.8 9 26% 12 47 43 15,468 1,143 295 80 26:29:44
Arrow 7.4 153 146 4 2,485 0 17 2 16:13
Atomizer 1.5 4 1 90 0 0 1 20:32
AWPer Hand 10.3 105 39% 34 87 32 9,838 285 112 7 1:32:56
Axtinguisher 4.2 22 15% 17 111 14 2,266 104 16 8 1:41:03
Backburner 1.7 15 23% 1 6 2 553 309 71 2 34:35
Back Scatter 2.2 13 53% 25 47 4 762 30 16 5 54:28
Back Scratcher 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 20 0 1 11:35
Ball 1.8 0 1 0 0 0 1 16:46
Bat Outta Hell 1.4 7 14% 9 68 84 14,292 228 31 108 30:27:46
Beggar's Bazooka 1.5 24 26% 19 75 5 2,557 132 34 5 1:43:02
Big Earner 6.7 98 29% 76 266 1,333 585,512 2,574 741 329 99:02:59
Big Kill 3.3 32 30% 12 40 134 40,113 3,240 986 75 20:16:50
Black Box 3.8 62 48% 27 60 41 20,319 692 330 17 5:23:05
Bleeding 2.3 0 15 0 0 0 13 3:16:42
Blutsauger 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 25 0 1 0:43
Boston Basher 0.4 2 4% 0 13 6 1,335 1,144 43 38 7:34:49
Bottle 0.0 22 0 218 0 0 2 9:46
Brass Beast 12.2 84 16 3,338 0 0 7 39:26
Bushwacka 3.3 21 25% 48 195 3 585 4 1 2 27:21
Chargin' Targe 11.7 35 1 92 0 0 1 2:34
Cleaner's Carbine 1.1 11 27% 2 9 1 317 45 12 2 27:21
Conniver's Kunai 10.7 156 34% 93 278 2,613 1,143,853 5,398 1,818 421 121:41:48
Conscientious Objector 0.6 1 2% 1 65 2 130 106 2 7 1:40:05
Cow Mangler 5000 9.8 102 51% 38 75 37 11,669 305 155 6 1:53:47
Crocodile 1.8 0 1 0 0 0 1 16:20
Crusader's Crossbow 2.2 27 44% 4 10 140 51,341 11,082 4,831 151 31:23:18
Decapitation 0.0 49 0 450 0 0 1 9:09
Degreaser 8.9 90 5% 0 4 252 77,116 176,432 8,437 71 14:11:30
Detonator 3.2 51 185% 11 6 63 30,040 834 1,542 44 9:46:00
Direct Hit 1.4 24 24% 17 72 5 2,680 156 37 6 1:48:13
Disciplinary Action 0.0 1 0% 0 0 489 1,430 0 18 4:41:59
Enforcer 0.8 9 20% 7 37 44 16,300 2,197 433 101 29:18:21
Environment 2.4 0 337 0 0 0 264 70:29:14
Escape Plan 0.5 2 1% 0 65 5 673 298 3 21 5:24:02
Eviction Notice 0.0 1 0 52 0 0 1 26:14
Fan O'War 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 4 0 1 3:35
Fencing 0.0 35 0 1,800 0 0 3 50:05
Fists of Steel 0.6 5 2% 0 65 1 260 132 2 5 48:09
Flamethrower 9.6 86 6% 0 5 62 16,661 5,167 330 17 3:13:00
Flare 0.0 3 0 30 0 0 1 9:10
Flare Gun 1.4 21 45% 5 12 9 4,186 245 110 20 3:17:07
Flying Guillotine 0.9 45 236% 32 13 4 6,432 22 52 11 2:20:16
Force-a-Nature 4.3 42 66% 33 51 6 1,799 53 35 3 42:01
Frying Pan 3.3 24 20% 12 65 10 2,210 112 22 7 1:30:58
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.5 2 0% 0 65 4 572 1,086 4 25 4:01:20
Grenade 5.6 129 28% 21 78 100 69,472 3,161 882 34 8:57:09
Grenade Reflect 1.5 0 3 0 0 0 3 59:55
Gunslinger 0.7 6 0% 0 65 2 573 568 1 8 1:31:17
Gunslinger Crit 1.1 0 1 0 0 0 1 26:07
Half-Zatoichi 11.9 130 19% 12 66 27 8,922 104 20 7 1:08:16
Holiday Punch 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 8 0 1 6:11
Huntsman 0.0 1 0% 0 0 96 89 0 4 55:51
Huo Long Heatmaker 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1:17
Iron Bomber 10.7 191 31% 23 76 1,323 709,642 30,045 9,256 250 61:42:26
Iron Curtain 7.8 103 11 4,371 0 0 3 42:08
Jag 0.6 4 0% 0 1 254 36 0 4 53:20
Killing Gloves of Boxing 6.0 68 16% 14 90 5 1,720 116 19 2 25:05
Knife 10.0 146 25% 67 269 3,272 1,441,638 5,776 1,439 595 163:28:15
Kukri 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 4 0 1 23:47
L'Etranger 1.8 14 25% 8 34 616 147,191 16,689 4,154 641 174:06:41
Level 1 Sentry 3.2 30 5 1,430 0 0 3 46:41
Level 2 Sentry 1.9 22 3 1,054 0 0 2 46:11
Level 3 Sentry 3.2 26 5 1,225 0 0 2 46:11
Liberty Launcher 0.0 5 63 0 63 0 1 1 11:25
Loch-n-Load 1.7 23 13% 13 103 4 1,657 121 16 5 1:10:58
Lugermorph 4.8 25 25% 4 16 59 9,362 2,278 575 25 6:08:41
Manntreads 0.0 6 97 0 97 0 1 1 15:21
Mantreads 0.0 25 78 0 169 0 1 2 6:33
Market Gardener 2.4 19 6% 6 112 45 11,008 192 11 54 9:34:28
Minigun 6.6 108 15% 1 10 45 22,322 10,195 1,575 21 3:24:49
Mini-Sentry 5.7 68 8 35 12,654 0 273 16 3:03:50
Original 16.2 228 40% 25 64 1,558 659,211 25,572 10,141 214 48:10:54
Pain Train 0.0 3 0 65 0 0 1 19:08
Panic Attack Shotgun 3.9 33 68% 9 15 53 13,373 1,298 877 26 6:45:13
Phlogistinator 4.6 38 5% 0 8 21 5,238 2,533 124 9 2:16:51
Pistol 2.3 15 20% 3 15 80 16,642 5,363 1,065 82 17:31:46
Player 2.3 0 15 0 0 0 15 3:19:11
Pomson 6000 0.0 13 0 350 0 0 1 26:07
Postal Pummeler 0.9 3 0% 0 1 123 10 0 2 31:51
Powerjack 0.1 0 0% 0 65 2 364 1,954 2 36 7:58:35
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 20.2 76 35% 6 18 1 113 17 6 1 1:29
Pumpkin Bomb 2.3 14 96 1 193 0 2 1 13:13
Quickiebomb Launcher 0.0 4 17% 8 51 0 51 6 1 1 12:09
Rescue Ranger 0.9 12 17% 9 57 1 395 6 1 2 32:22
Revolver 2.4 23 30% 11 40 408 120,563 9,936 2,959 307 86:40:13
Rocket 4.7 72 35% 21 62 61 28,215 1,262 441 27 6:29:10
Rocket Reflect 1.8 8 102 13 1,740 0 17 13 3:33:19
Scattergun 17.5 202 66% 17 26 870 302,613 17,169 11,317 120 24:55:11
Scorch Shot 0.0 36 167% 10 6 0 1,356 70 117 5 37:23
Scotsman's Skullcutter 0.0 35 14% 11 87 0 261 22 3 1 7:23
Shahanshah 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 22 0 1 11:15
Shortstop 0.0 2 0 41 0 0 1 15:05
Shotgun 3.2 28 56% 11 20 52 13,943 1,228 693 37 8:14:09
Shovel 0.0 7 0 65 0 0 1 8:11
Skewer 5.5 83 450 3 1,350 0 3 2 16:13
SMG 1.0 8 15% 1 8 6 1,605 1,300 189 15 3:02:59
Sniper Rifle 14.3 169 35% 38 108 135 48,099 1,265 445 30 4:43:08
Solemn Vow 9.3 58 12% 8 65 12 2,275 8 1 5 38:44
Spy-cicle 3.1 42 27% 72 263 156 63,742 172 47 89 25:06:56
Stickybomb 9.6 180 24% 16 68 1,304 735,735 44,922 10,788 266 67:58:14
Telefrag 2.5 6 450 6 450 0 1 5 1:13:13
Tide Turner 0.4 10 32 1 682 0 6 6 1:08:09
Tomislav 13.2 185 17% 1 10 159 66,885 20,810 3,579 35 6:00:53
Ubersaw 2.3 16 18% 11 65 115 25,112 200 36 116 25:22:18
Ullapool Caber 2.9 50 42% 25 60 1 529 12 5 2 10:24
Wanga Prick 2.8 41 37% 110 302 75 33,446 178 65 43 13:24:23
Widowmaker 13.5 132 62% 16 26 90 26,487 1,631 1,012 24 3:20:11
Winger 2.4 11 20% 3 17 18 2,704 550 112 14 3:46:46
Wrangled Sentry 0.9 14 2 946 0 0 3 1:05:41
Wrap Assassin 0.1 17 55% 3 5 2 14,165 1,414 776 54 13:33:06
Wrench 0.0 10 10% 6 65 0 65 10 1 1 6:15
Your Eternal Reward 3.3 52 34% 75 220 14 6,706 70 24 7 2:07:20
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played