
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1762-2132-127 45.40% 5866-6638-90 46.94%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 3.3 43 727% 5 56 12 4,797 11 80 13 1:49:33
Ambassador 4.3 36 31% 15 50 396 101,528 6,376 1,976 155 46:23:43
Amputator 0.9 1 17% 8 52 1 52 6 1 2 33:24
Arrow 9.4 84 171 468 126,696 0 67 78 24:55:45
Arrow Reflect 1.4 0 3 0 0 0 3 1:03:16
Atomizer 0.2 2 1% 0 30 2 539 840 10 14 4:22:14
AWPer Hand 14.2 161 42% 61 145 2,271 775,404 12,521 5,262 253 80:06:25
Axtinguisher 2.6 16 6% 5 100 18 3,535 368 21 14 3:29:26
Baby Face's Blaster 7.0 72 68% 21 30 194 60,574 1,148 784 48 13:52:01
Backburner 18.3 142 11% 0 6 419 98,123 31,057 3,451 55 11:27:06
Back Scatter 0.5 8 50% 13 27 3 1,433 106 53 9 2:45:43
Back Scratcher 1.6 13 3% 2 81 3 729 176 6 5 55:16
Ball 1.4 0 52 0 0 0 51 18:39:57
Bat 0.5 2 0% 0 35 10 1,155 3,240 4 27 9:18:56
Bat Outta Hell 1.3 5 1 117 0 0 1 23:20
Bazaar Bargain 2.3 30 29% 35 125 21 8,621 14 4 13 4:38:43
Beggar's Bazooka 2.6 34 20% 13 65 42 16,780 1,245 255 21 8:02:50
Big Earner 9.0 131 29% 78 268 1,287 563,531 1,738 507 256 71:22:35
Big Kill 3.8 22 24% 11 46 56 10,279 730 173 23 7:26:57
Black Box 2.8 45 41% 25 62 73 35,651 1,267 518 42 13:02:40
Bleeding 2.3 0 458 0 0 0 316 100:49:49
Blutsauger 3.9 24 15% 1 10 5 939 575 88 2 38:15
Boston Basher 0.0 0 0% 0 0 102 406 0 8 2:38:31
Bottle 2.2 11 3% 1 72 59 9,490 352 9 46 13:34:51
Brass Beast 3.7 49 26% 2 10 37 14,825 516 132 13 4:58:10
Bushwacka 2.4 15 0% 0 16 3,107 112 0 11 3:17:01
Candy Cane 1.0 2 0% 0 2 175 118 0 3 1:00:28
C.A.P.P.E.R 1.5 6 16% 2 15 51 6,784 2,532 414 72 16:53:43
Chargin' Targe 0.2 2 28 2 594 0 4 12 4:02:04
Claidheamohmor 5.2 38 7 1,537 0 0 2 40:06
Classic 4.6 62 35% 79 227 63 25,692 63 22 21 6:51:13
Cleaner's Carbine 1.3 11 18% 1 9 18 5,083 382 68 26 7:11:35
Conniver's Kunai 4.9 71 36% 107 300 81 35,166 168 60 33 8:14:50
Conscientious Objector 2.1 13 0% 0 10 1,915 2 0 12 2:25:42
Cow Mangler 5000 9.4 108 43% 29 68 350 122,064 4,130 1,781 60 18:40:52
Crocodile 1.9 0 3 0 0 0 3 46:43
Crusader's Crossbow 0.9 14 36% 2 6 43 21,518 8,032 2,857 92 24:30:46
Crusader's Crossbow Bolt 0.0 21 51 0 51 0 1 1 2:20
Degreaser 10.0 87 6% 0 5 1,696 448,421 481,280 31,255 399 85:13:18
Detonator 1.9 42 171% 10 6 95 64,677 1,144 1,951 97 25:09:04
Diamondback 1.5 9 50% 16 33 1 198 12 6 1 20:13
Direct Hit 7.2 89 23% 21 92 365 135,403 5,920 1,388 89 25:15:07
Disciplinary Action 0.8 3 0% 0 49 43 6,184 5,982 16 86 27:30:59
Dragon's Fury 1.0 37 94% 16 17 6 6,602 369 348 12 2:56:10
Dragon's Fury Bonus 5.9 0 15 0 0 0 5 1:15:53
Enforcer 3.6 30 25% 10 40 218 55,889 5,416 1,380 100 30:05:02
Environment 2.0 0 1,178 0 0 0 914 296:58:02
Escape Plan 0.8 3 1% 0 76 7 998 202 2 17 4:21:06
Eureka Effect 1.3 8 0% 0 2 390 42 0 3 47:13
Family Business 1.3 10 41% 10 25 2 480 46 19 4 44:30
Fan O'War 0.0 0 0% 0 0 54 6 0 5 1:37:21
Fencing 0.0 15 0 900 0 0 2 58:23
Fireball 4.6 0 2 0 0 0 1 13:05
Fists of Steel 0.4 4 0% 0 65 8 2,702 1,268 4 36 10:13:19
Flamethrower 6.8 62 4% 0 5 198 54,361 54,119 2,072 69 14:28:58
Flare Gun 2.7 36 80% 11 13 162 66,508 1,121 897 145 30:12:42
Flare Reflect 1.2 0 1 0 0 0 1 24:27
Flying Guillotine 0.7 39 113% 11 10 251 451,160 2,432 2,749 642 191:46:02
Force-a-Nature 7.2 95 64% 27 42 805 320,548 11,764 7,509 181 56:00:21
Frontier Justice 2.6 26 62% 25 41 242 73,336 198 123 134 45:52:19
Frying Pan 1.1 5 2% 1 65 47 7,477 1,080 18 81 21:02:48
Gas Passer 0.0 2 0% 0 0 358 31 0 11 2:35:34
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.4 2 1% 0 65 3 627 558 4 21 4:10:23
Gold Frying Pan 1.6 4 1 80 0 0 1 18:36
Grenade 4.5 78 24% 18 74 65 34,085 655 160 30 7:13:41
Grenade Reflect 1.7 1 95 45 1,111 0 6 42 13:11:50
Gunslinger 1.4 8 0% 0 65 109 21,405 6,628 19 127 39:58:08
Gunslinger Crit 1.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 30:06
Hadouken 1.4 20 1 450 0 0 1 21:51
Half-Zatoichi 1.7 18 9% 6 66 9 2,807 128 12 15 2:35:27
Ham Shank 1.9 13 4% 2 65 17 3,705 710 25 19 4:34:05
Hitman's Heatmaker 4.4 50 36% 50 141 90 31,268 615 221 32 10:14:13
Holiday Punch 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 86 0 5 31:03
Holy Mackerel 1.9 18 1% 0 35 8 2,303 128 1 8 2:07:21
Home Run 0.0 16 0 1,350 0 0 3 1:21:02
Hot Hand 0.0 0 0% 0 0 28 68 0 4 1:03:54
Huntsman 0.1 89 5% 0 4 3 83,203 296 16 47 15:30:33
Huo Long Heatmaker 4.0 54 5 2,043 0 0 2 37:44
Iron Bomber 13.8 220 26% 19 75 1,029 494,356 24,304 6,306 168 37:24:55
Jag 0.6 3 0% 0 49 8 1,352 2,560 1 30 6:41:52
Killing Gloves of Boxing 3.0 20 3 593 0 0 1 29:32
Knife 12.1 175 26% 68 262 2,836 1,238,250 6,458 1,692 452 117:31:29
Kukri 1.3 6 1% 0 65 335 55,939 7,047 71 401 133:51:02
L'Etranger 2.0 12 26% 9 35 248 47,073 4,878 1,287 227 63:06:58
Level 1 Sentry 1.8 26 17 62 27,424 0 159 88 17:10:02
Level 2 Sentry 1.0 14 16 27 11,503 0 128 52 13:20:39
Level 3 Sentry 2.2 24 20 68 22,757 0 217 59 15:32:45
Liberty Launcher 2.1 27 29% 15 54 30 12,172 769 223 22 7:18:17
Loch-n-Load 5.2 83 19% 19 104 74 35,869 1,807 339 32 7:09:28
Loose Cannon 1.6 39 186% 21 48 17 12,344 131 244 21 5:11:06
Loose Cannon Impact 4.8 0 11 0 0 0 6 1:08:55
Lugermorph 2.7 13 21% 3 15 165 24,095 7,729 1,596 89 30:46:03
Manmelter 1.3 13 92% 10 11 8 2,612 118 108 11 3:10:31
Manntreads 0.0 8 70 0 140 0 2 1 16:16
Market Gardener 1.4 8 6% 6 105 29 5,460 476 29 46 10:36:07
Minigun 13.0 147 21% 2 12 665 226,838 11,904 2,537 114 25:37:08
Mini-Sentry 3.4 67 8 557 327,347 0 3,388 270 80:44:58
Natascha 8.1 80 27% 3 11 144 43,221 4,077 1,118 34 8:54:36
Necro Smasher 0.9 5 2% 1 65 15 2,730 610 12 25 8:03:20
Neon Annihilator 4.8 40 17 4,264 0 0 5 1:46:10
Nessie's Nine Iron 13.8 68 7 1,040 2 15:12
Nostromo Napalmer 3.3 6 1 57 1 9:08
Organ Grinder 0.0 20 0 1,800 0 0 4 1:28:10
Original 12.5 161 38% 26 68 2,258 879,529 29,560 11,350 386 90:35:34
Overdose 0.0 12 18% 1 7 0 614 258 47 5 51:00
Pain Train 0.0 13 0 130 0 0 1 9:51
Panic Attack Shotgun 4.2 37 62% 12 19 210 55,166 4,350 2,707 113 24:49:57
Phlogistinator 7.7 57 12% 0 7 100 22,366 8,954 1,089 29 6:30:15
Pistol 2.6 13 21% 3 14 629 99,575 31,145 6,575 394 121:39:36
Player 1.8 0 21 0 0 0 20 5:49:46
Pomson 6000 1.1 16 19% 9 50 6 2,792 115 22 10 2:45:08
Postal Pummeler 14.0 62 6% 7 134 2 268 36 2 1 4:17
Powerjack 0.7 3 0% 0 65 71 10,462 15,214 54 186 48:29:07
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 4.9 21 24% 4 18 855 114,011 4,058 994 278 87:31:33
Prinny Machete 4.2 57 10% 22 235 132 53,646 280 27 61 15:37:09
Pumpkin Bomb 2.4 0 1 0 0 0 1 12:41
Pumpkin MIRV 2.3 0 1 0 0 0 1 13:05
Quickiebomb Launcher 4.2 60 26% 15 58 109 46,647 2,751 721 53 12:55:13
Rescue Ranger 0.4 8 14% 5 40 3 2,234 14 2 19 4:15:33
Reserve Shooter 2.1 17 59% 17 29 38 9,404 495 293 29 9:02:49
Revolver 6.7 52 30% 12 40 2,072 483,689 38,340 11,684 578 154:19:28
Righteous Bison 0.0 14 51% 7 14 0 524 70 36 3 36:27
Rocket 3.8 56 29% 20 69 202 89,881 3,141 923 99 26:33:09
Rocket Reflect 1.9 4 106 150 10,071 0 65 143 40:14:03
Sandman 2.0 9 10% 1 17 4 563 69 7 5 1:00:06
Scattergun 23.3 243 58% 18 32 15,227 4,774,677 252,240 145,331 1,154 327:20:50
Scorch Shot 3.2 68 164% 10 6 145 94,019 4,176 6,828 98 22:47:31
Scotsman's Skullcutter 0.9 15 0% 0 1 522 6 0 2 33:00
Scottish Handshake 2.0 11 17% 11 69 11 1,954 88 15 16 2:45:14
Scottish Resistance 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 41 0 3 28:30
Shahanshah 0.5 6 11% 6 57 1 358 38 4 5 56:02
Sharpened Volcano Fragment 0.0 2 0 60 0 0 1 25:44
Short Circuit 0.0 63 0 195 0 0 1 3:05
Short Circuit Orb 1.3 0 2 0 0 0 2 45:01
Shortstop 3.3 42 46% 14 31 84 32,791 764 349 37 12:52:00
Shotgun 6.9 52 54% 14 26 810 187,605 11,364 6,125 230 59:04:53
Shovel 0.0 4 3% 1 65 0 390 98 3 5 1:23:53
Showdown 4.8 107 450 2 1,350 0 2 2 12:33
Skewer 1.6 23 450 1 450 0 1 1 19:02
SMG 2.0 10 15% 1 9 440 69,017 49,527 7,390 379 110:58:14
Sniper Rifle 24.5 278 40% 60 149 11,117 3,790,238 61,578 24,913 794 226:49:16
Soda Popper 4.5 63 72% 23 32 223 93,614 812 588 69 24:35:04
Solemn Vow 1.9 12 25% 16 65 6 1,170 12 3 5 1:33:00
Southern Hospitality 1.2 7 0% 0 3 561 756 0 3 1:13:11
Spy-cicle 12.0 173 28% 77 274 2,534 1,102,785 2,258 635 372 105:51:07
Stickybomb 5.8 89 21% 13 65 295 135,113 8,131 1,737 127 25:16:21
Sun-on-a-Stick 1.5 9 0% 0 2 367 108 0 3 40:04
Swarm of Bats 1.4 0 1 0 0 0 1 21:46
Sydney Sleeper 2.6 29 46% 54 117 27 9,265 171 79 16 5:12:45
Syringe Gun 2.3 45 22% 2 10 3 1,784 567 124 3 39:14
Telefrag 1.3 1 450 11 450 0 1 11 4:13:34
Three-Rune Blade 0.5 1 4% 0 15 10 1,095 390 14 31 10:32:45
Tide Turner 0.4 3 46 5 1,501 0 3 22 6:53:39
Tomislav 17.0 211 23% 2 11 1,094 407,124 12,552 2,903 139 32:08:38
Tribalman's Shiv 0.7 4 0% 0 4 778 24 0 11 2:52:28
Ubersaw 2.1 14 12% 8 65 79 16,718 682 85 66 19:14:36
Ullapool Caber 0.9 13 32% 18 59 2 894 22 7 3 1:05:11
Unknown 0.0 69 0 7,319 0 0 6 1:45:41
Warrior's Spirit 4.5 33 8% 8 104 12 2,678 76 6 4 1:20:02
Widowmaker 10.9 112 56% 16 30 2,246 698,736 40,414 22,450 385 103:10:13
Winger 1.5 6 11% 1 14 26 3,466 168 19 33 8:30:47
Wrangled Sentry 0.4 8 8 17 10,255 0 183 64 19:07:01
Wrap Assassin 0.1 17 136% 8 6 38 253,090 1,928 2,623 813 245:14:28
Wrench 0.0 1 0% 0 0 65 78 0 3 42:13
Your Eternal Reward 6.2 87 37% 79 213 119 50,432 110 41 42 9:37:38
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played