Maternal Healer

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
806-1818-247 32.38% 4865-8299-730 37.64%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL The Mud Sixes S11 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Furry Tragedy Sixes S9 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Big Breast Mode Sixes S7 Amateur Sixes
RGL Escoosy Esports Sixes S6 Intermediate Sixes
RGL I Don't Get It Sixes S5 Amateur Sixes
RGL Sand Creature Swag Sixes S4 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Sand Creature Gaming Sixes S3 Amateur Sixes
RGL Something Happy July 25th Newcomer Sixes
RGL Pastel Mirage HL Season 6 Main Highlander