I wan! said the forg to the snel

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
806-856-137 48.61% 3387-3657-574 48.23%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL Bomb Voyage Sixes S14 Main Sixes
RGL Un-De-Feet-able Sixes Exp #3 Group C Sixes
RGL gleeby deeby Sixes S13 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Think Tank Sixes S12 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Bandit Buddies 4v4 PASS Time Cup #1 Div 3 (NC-AM) Fours
RGL DERPMAN FANS NA Chucklenuts Cup #1 - Hosted by RGL RGL-Div-2 (Intermediate) Sixes
RGL brozier team Sixes S12 Intermediate Sixes
RGL SCRINGUS VS JESUS CHRIST Sixes S12 Intermediate Sixes
RGL The Bad Touch Sixes S11 Amateur Sixes
RGL The Bulldozer Experience Sixes S10 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Federal Hotdog Committee Sixes S9 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Glizzy Goobers HL Season 12 Intermediate Highlander
RGL The True Touch Sixes S8 Amateur Sixes
RGL Dispenser Diff HL Season 11 Intermediate Highlander
RGL The Bad Touch P7 Season 10 Intermediate Prolander
RGL Brotrster Sturmgeschtz IV Prolander Cup #7 Newcomer Prolander
RGL Why Red ban tho? Prolander Cup #7 Newcomer Prolander
RGL gumf gumf Sixes S6 Amateur Sixes