peace & serenity

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
5429-3695-733 58.80% 22892-18875-2156 54.57%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 4.0 54 66 62 25,484 0 382 23 7:45:30
Ambassador 8.0 64 39% 16 50 42 10,163 406 160 74 2:36:52
Amputator 0.0 2 0 260 0 0 4 1:38:26
Arrow 11.5 132 35 12,152 0 0 27 1:31:41
Atomizer 1.0 5 2 340 4 57:57
AWPer Hand 21.9 269 53% 50 134 459 169,503 2,378 1,259 348 10:29:11
Axtinguisher 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 18 0 2 2:12
Baby Face's Blaster 5.7 78 39 16,135 0 0 11 3:26:51
Backburner 15.0 139 33 9,193 0 0 18 1:05:55
Back Scatter 5.8 76 104% 19 29 60 23,644 776 810 15 5:09:19
Ball 1.5 0 21 0 0 0 18 6:52:26
Bat 1.4 6 7 1,015 0 0 6 2:29:26
Bat Outta Hell 6.1 47 69 16,255 0 0 27 5:39:42
Beggar's Bazooka 1.3 18 43% 10 60 16 6,727 256 111 16 6:01:07
Big Earner 16.8 255 59 26,862 0 0 28 1:45:12
Black Box 11.2 145 50% 32 69 1,839 719,833 14,728 7,359 240 82:21:12
Black Rose 15.3 230 27% 65 242 337 152,290 272 74 315 11:00:56
Bleeding 1.5 0 111 0 0 0 99 36:31:20
Blutsauger 1.3 22 14% 1 10 5 2,617 1,231 169 6 1:53:47
Boston Basher 0.4 1 1% 0 11 47 5,231 7,148 73 178 66:19:20
Bottle 1.3 6 15% 10 66 141 20,249 316 48 149 53:20:25
Brass Beast 4.7 49 9% 1 18 15 4,665 150 13 15 1:34:49
Candy Cane 0.0 12 0 105 0 0 1 8:16
Chargin' Targe 0.0 4 0 174 0 0 2 38:13
Claidheamohmor 1.1 2 1 65 0 0 1 27:22
Classic 3.7 76 2 1,263 0 0 6 16:26
Cleaner's Carbine 6.6 11 1 52 0 0 1 4:34
Conniver's Kunai 8.4 132 26 12,290 0 0 19 1:32:43
Conscientious Objector 4.1 29 0% 0 107 22,954 8 0 47 13:02:27
Cow Mangler 5000 5.2 62 48% 40 84 11 4,008 50 24 4 1:03:49
Crocodile 2.7 0 22 0 0 0 17 4:07:39
Crossing Guard 0.3 2 1 260 0 0 3 1:27:16
Crusader's Crossbow 2.7 41 50% 6 12 7,429 3,462,357 308,890 152,925 3,830 1382:59:35
Decapitation 2.2 33 1 450 0 0 1 13:38
Degreaser 10.1 107 16% 0 4 153 49,038 1,707 273 104 7:35:40
Detonator 6.2 128 68 42,329 0 0 21 5:28:18
Direct Hit 3.4 42 25% 24 97 331 123,034 5,003 1,247 135 48:28:11
Disciplinary Action 2.4 8 3% 1 49 1,339 142,015 3,414 94 935 274:32:52
Dragon's Fury 0.0 194 0 411 0 0 3 2:07
Enforcer 2.8 53 36% 14 44 3 1,757 105 38 16 32:40
Environment 2.7 0 6,708 0 0 0 3,572 1227:31:44
Escape Plan 0.6 3 1% 0 65 151 26,516 5,002 31 324 127:45:04
Eviction Notice 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 2 0 1 0:26
Family Business 11.7 40 18% 6 34 1 103 17 3 1 2:34
Fists of Steel 0.5 4 1 260 0 0 3 1:01:41
Flamethrower 12.0 98 8% 0 5 250 61,948 1,848 152 177 10:26:49
Flare Gun 3.8 44 0% 0 37 12,823 10 0 79 4:48:23
Flying Guillotine 0.8 36 8 10,407 0 0 18 4:44:30
Force-a-Nature 6.2 93 75% 29 43 325 147,340 4,305 3,215 81 26:17:43
Freedom Staff 0.0 7 0 260 0 0 2 36:03
Frontier Justice 3.5 38 43% 20 47 27 9,075 23 10 69 3:53:54
Frying Pan 1.6 8 6 970 0 0 5 1:49:52
Gloves of Running Urgently 1.3 10 0% 0 8 1,820 158 0 35 3:01:52
Gold Frying Pan 1.8 7 1 130 0 0 1 17:04
Grenade 3.7 59 25% 16 78 337 160,174 5,793 1,442 140 45:10:37
Grenade Reflect 5.4 10 9 508 0 0 11 50:00
Gunslinger 1.6 9 0% 0 9 1,566 48 0 14 2:45:11
Half-Zatoichi 1.4 7 31% 21 69 157 24,449 16 5 137 54:12:13
Ham Shank 2.5 13 110 17,915 0 0 75 22:05:00
Hitman's Heatmaker 9.3 119 36% 38 124 12 4,616 103 37 9 38:34
Holiday Punch 1.4 35 0% 0 1 775 42 0 10 21:41
Holy Mackerel 1.9 7 1% 0 35 24 2,742 70 1 19 6:13:39
Homewrecker 1.3 5 2 245 0 0 3 46:39
Hot Hand 5.5 10 0% 0 1 56 1 0 2 5:29
Huntsman 0.0 168 0 2,983 0 0 10 17:45
Huo Long Heatmaker 4.4 51 5 1,749 0 0 5 34:17
Iron Bomber 9.5 133 27% 14 70 3,324 1,393,624 66,494 18,080 503 174:17:49
Iron Curtain 24.3 275 153 52,103 0 0 43 3:08:52
Jag 0.6 5 0% 0 49 3 784 4,420 1 53 2:34:33
Kamikaze 1.9 0 5 0 0 0 5 1:19:36
Killing Gloves of Boxing 4.3 28 2 390 0 0 3 13:53
Knife 7.8 116 25% 10 40 15 6,666 4 1 15 57:20
Kukri 2.0 10 0% 0 65 20 3,153 1,016 4 104 4:53:57
L'Etranger 5.1 46 36% 12 37 94 25,972 1,803 653 308 9:17:01
Level 1 Sentry 1.6 33 17 24 14,711 0 83 127 7:21:29
Level 2 Sentry 2.1 35 16 31 15,615 0 131 146 7:23:15
Level 3 Sentry 3.6 60 19 59 29,710 0 204 163 8:10:29
Liberty Launcher 11.5 131 73% 30 53 87 29,620 466 340 12 3:46:04
Loch-n-Load 6.6 96 18% 14 102 412 181,246 9,789 1,757 87 31:14:04
Loose Cannon 1.0 27 368% 15 50 54 42,809 231 849 73 26:00:29
Loose Cannon Impact 1.5 0 20 0 0 0 17 6:28:13
Loose Cannon Reflect 31.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0:58
Lugermorph 6.0 26 31% 3 15 3,451 460,008 94,486 29,368 805 286:35:43
Market Gardener 1.4 11 9% 12 140 152 37,811 268 24 142 52:31:16
Minigun 11.7 125 27% 3 11 87 28,138 1,222 334 73 3:43:28
Mini-Sentry 2.4 43 8 27 14,650 0 12 30 5:36:45
Natascha 7.9 92 13 4,565 0 0 6 49:13
Nessie's Nine Iron 13.1 74 29 4,956 0 0 4 1:06:30
Organ Grinder 0.9 13 1 450 0 0 2 34:24
Original 18.1 311 54% 33 68 21,944 11,360,024 228,199 122,732 1,863 607:35:22
Overdose 0.9 13 13% 1 9 1 480 99 13 4 35:09
Pain Train 0.6 4 5 998 0 0 10 4:09:29
Panic Attack Shotgun 2.3 14 92% 15 20 14 2,539 53 49 13 2:59:48
Pistol 4.1 19 24% 3 15 1,814 250,924 39,277 9,441 716 219:08:08
Player 5.5 0 5,681 0 0 0 1,684 513:55:26
Powerjack 1.1 6 0% 0 3 520 222 0 13 1:21:25
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 2.9 16 14 2,345 0 0 10 2:26:11
Prinny Machete 0.8 5 6 1,300 0 0 8 3:37:43
Pumpkin Bomb 2.6 8 1 101 1 11:41
Quickiebomb Launcher 5.3 120 37% 26 70 27 18,199 639 238 8 2:31:30
Rescue Ranger 1.0 24 2 1,518 3 1:03:06
Revolver 8.7 66 35% 14 46 136 31,400 1,385 484 171 7:49:43
Rocket 21.0 421 53% 36 69 21,652 13,038,369 146,598 77,000 1,724 515:25:38
Rocket Reflect 7.1 6 99 56 1,658 0 5 50 3:57:03
Sapper 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 2 0 1 1:25
Scattergun 22.3 259 81% 16 25 26,179 9,141,276 366,640 298,418 1,712 587:30:37
Scorch Shot 26.3 57 2 132 0 0 2 2:17
Scottish Resistance 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 7 0 1 21:29
Shahanshah 1.5 13 3 794 0 0 10 59:09
Sharp Dresser 34.0 509 1 450 1 0:53
Shortstop 5.9 75 97 37,587 0 0 23 8:15:35
Shotgun 21.7 182 72% 26 36 19,887 5,033,071 83,186 59,572 1,717 458:26:14
Shovel 1.2 5 3% 2 65 22 3,120 32 1 31 9:10:38
Showdown 5.2 0 1 0 1 5:43
SMG 2.8 18 29% 2 9 81 16,028 3,341 960 300 14:40:46
Sniper Rifle 18.9 231 41% 44 123 1,230 452,474 7,215 2,974 901 32:34:11
Solemn Vow 1.2 6 6% 3 65 192 31,497 72 4 188 78:05:28
Spinal Tap 2.0 21 16 4,950 0 0 14 3:54:53
Splendid Screen 0.0 5 0 98 0 0 2 17:18
Spy-cicle 13.8 207 24% 45 193 84 37,774 34 8 55 3:02:15
Stickybomb 10.3 170 22% 13 60 4,049 2,005,274 138,165 30,314 573 196:22:19
Syringe Gun 1.1 18 20% 1 9 37 18,977 5,762 1,169 48 17:25:53
Three-Rune Blade 0.7 3 2% 0 13 181 27,679 2,052 31 363 138:39:22
Tide Turner 0.9 5 7 1,423 0 0 15 4:03:22
Tomislav 20.6 242 23% 3 13 515 181,780 4,542 1,051 293 12:28:40
Ubersaw 2.9 24 21% 13 65 6,023 1,548,362 5,768 1,193 2,911 1040:38:06
Ullapool Caber 0.7 6 5 1,292 0 0 9 3:34:48
Unknown 0.0 16 0 79 0 0 1 4:54
Vita-Saw 0.0 8 0 455 0 0 2 54:15
Widowmaker 7.8 82 66% 16 26 175 55,407 2,434 1,605 202 11:11:59
Winger 3.5 14 23% 3 16 1,174 143,736 1,050 240 471 167:34:26
Wrangled Sentry 1.1 14 6 2,362 0 0 10 2:48:21
Wrap Assassin 0.1 9 35% 2 6 7 30,428 234 83 159 53:09:25
Wrench 1.0 4 0% 0 1 130 186 0 6 29:59
Your Eternal Reward 15.4 242 33% 115 347 75 35,266 12 4 72 2:25:43
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played