[†SOM†] Jarko

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
7-23-2 25.00% 46-97-4 32.65%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
TF2Center Lobby #1229861 cp_sunshine Medic 0-5-0 sixes 16:14 0 15 5 2 241 646 30% 0 0 4 79 0 0 3404569
serveme.tf #1325801 cp_sunshine Medic 0-5-0 sixes 16:14 0 15 5 2 241 646 30% 0 0 4 79 0 0
TF2Center Lobby #1226991 cp_process_f12 Medic 0-5-0 sixes 14:30 2 11 3 15 219 865 43% 1 0 5 180 0 1 3388699
serveme.tf #1319712 cp_process_f12 Medic 0-5-0 sixes 14:30 2 11 3 15 219 865 43% 1 0 5 180 0 1
TF2Center Lobby #1226696 cp_process_f12 Medic 0-5-0 sixes 12:21 1 12 1 14 258 680 41% 1 0 7 215 1 3387009
swiftyservers.com: RED vs BLU cp_process_f12 Medic 0-5-0 sixes 12:21 1 12 1 14 258 680 41% 1 0 7 215 1
TF2Center Lobby #1226690 koth_warmtic_f10 Medic 2-3-0 highlander 27:59 0 20 22 0 0 0 0 6
serveme.tf #1319019 cp_process_f11 Medic 5-1-0 sixes 22:18 1 12 6 6 171 637 37% 1 0 11 311 0 4 3386953
TF2Center Lobby #1226671 cp_process_f11 Medic 2-1-0 sixes 19:09 1 12 6 7 200 722 35% 1 0 11 311 0 4
TF2Center Lobby #1226611 koth_proplant_v8 Scout 2-3-0 highlander 29:27 12 31 3 130 260 51 35% 3 3 0 54 1424 0 0 4 3386626
serveme.tf #1318939 koth_proplant_v8 Scout 2-3-0 highlander 29:27 12 31 3 130 260 51 35% 3 3 0 54 1424 0 0 4
serveme.tf #1318937 cp_metalworks Scout 0-5-0 sixes 15:56 3 18 1 98 257 142 40% 1 0 5 151 3 3386601
TF2Center Lobby #1226609 cp_metalworks Scout 0-5-0 sixes 15:56 3 18 1 98 257 142 40% 1 0 5 151 3
TF2Center Lobby #1226392 cp_sunshine Soldier 1-5-0 sixes 20:56 5 22 2 147 289 102 33% 1 0 12 506 1 3385300
serveme.tf #1318406 cp_sunshine Soldier 1-5-0 sixes 20:56 5 22 2 147 289 102 33% 1 0 12 506 1
serveme.tf #1318241 koth_product_final Scout 3-0-0 highlander 21:48 9 22 3 96 301 82 40% 2 0 50 1079 0 0 5 3384755
TF2Center Lobby #1226306 koth_product_final Scout 3-0-0 highlander 21:48 9 22 3 96 301 82 40% 2 0 50 1079 0 0 5
TF2Center Lobby #1226304 cp_gullywash_f9 Scout 5-0-0 sixes 13:12 1 8 4 105 190 150 40% 1 0 9 251 0 8 3384718
serveme.tf #1318223 cp_gullywash_f9 Scout 5-0-0 sixes 13:12 1 8 4 105 190 150 40% 1 0 9 251 0 8
TF2Center Lobby #1226130 cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 3-2-0 sixes 18:36 10 12 6 106 178 175 48% 3 3 0 16 236 0 11
serveme.tf #1316924 cp_gullywash_f9 Scout 4-5-0 sixes 28:09 5 24 5 111 233 149 46% 2 0 24 473 0 10 3381414
TF2Center Lobby #1225671 cp_gullywash_f9 Scout 4-5-0 sixes 28:09 5 24 5 111 233 149 46% 2 0 24 473 0 10
serveme.tf #1315935 cp_process_f10 Scout 1-1-1 sixes 29:39 10 30 10 105 234 105 43% 2 0 39 611 0 6 3378711
TF2Center Lobby #1225173 cp_process_f10 Scout 1-1-1 sixes 29:39 10 30 10 105 234 105 43% 2 0 39 611 0 6
TF2Center Lobby #1224600 pl_upward Soldier 0-1-0 highlander 19:32 4 18 1 141 326 181 27% 1 0 27 1184 0 0 0 3375355
serveme.tf #1314735 pl_upward Soldier 0-1-0 highlander 19:32 4 18 1 141 326 181 27% 1 0 27 1184 0 0 0
TF2Center Lobby #1224554 cp_snakewater_final1 Demo 0-4-1 sixes 29:19 9 26 3 130 274 156 16% 3 0 36 1225 0 5 3375218
serveme.tf #1314615 cp_snakewater_final1 Demo 0-4-1 sixes 29:19 9 26 3 130 274 156 16% 3 0 36 1225 0 5
TF2Center Lobby #1224476 pl_upward_f10 Pyro 0-1-0 highlander 24:08 10 24 9 165 340 117 33% 3 0 22 523 0 0 2 3374664
serveme.tf #1314471 pl_upward_f10 Pyro 0-1-0 highlander 24:08 10 24 9 165 340 117 33% 3 0 22 523 0 0 2
serveme.tf #1314389 cp_process_f12 Scout Heavy 1-5-0 sixes 19:29 6 18 2 113 207 79 44% 1 0 27 593 0 4 3374506
TF2Center Lobby #1224441 cp_process_f12 Scout Heavy 1-5-0 sixes 19:29 6 18 2 113 207 79 44% 1 0 27 593 0 4
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of