
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1188-1637-164 42.49% 6017-7764-473 43.87%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 0.8 8 51 2 621 0 6 3 1:15:37
Ambassador 2.9 18 10% 4 49 29 5,726 21 2 28 5:05:01
Arrow 10.5 106 116 35,193 0 0 32 5:30:08
Arrow Reflect 0.0 3 0 76 1 19:30
Atomizer 2.0 6 1 90 1 14:59
AWPer Hand 14.6 167 29% 38 131 292 100,757 986 286 106 10:00:34
Axtinguisher 0.8 8 3 957 0 0 6 1:48:07
Baby Face's Blaster 0.0 9 0 253 1 25:48
Backburner 2.4 38 2 992 0 0 3 25:31
Back Scatter 0.0 167 0 414 1 2:28
Ball 3.8 0 2 0 1 15:58
Bat 0.6 3 1 175 0 0 2 47:01
Beggar's Bazooka 0.0 75 50% 26 52 0 157 6 3 1 2:05
Big Earner 16.7 238 25% 35 142 490 209,296 16 4 125 14:39:23
Black Box 2.9 30 62% 54 88 15 4,715 21 13 8 2:33:34
Black Rose 14.7 203 8 3,308 0 0 6 16:17
Bleeding 1.3 0 5 0 0 0 5 1:58:35
Boston Basher 0.5 1 0% 0 5 647 240 0 17 5:27:16
Bottle 1.3 3 10 826 10 3:48:40
Brass Beast 13.5 132 8% 0 11 44 12,976 124 10 14 1:38:04
Bushwacka 6.5 28 1 130 0 0 1 4:38
Cleaner's Carbine 15.4 8 1 17 1 1:57
Conniver's Kunai 11.1 157 50% 225 450 101 43,050 2 1 40 4:33:19
Conscientious Objector 2.2 9 2 260 1 27:10
Cow Mangler 5000 0.0 13 0 218 1 15:35
Crusader's Crossbow 1.9 25 44% 3 7 60 24,037 1,811 804 58 15:39:16
Degreaser 7.3 62 0% 0 86 21,918 116 0 41 5:53:24
Detonator 0.7 34 6 8,949 0 0 20 4:21:42
Direct Hit 4.0 42 18% 19 110 109 35,460 496 89 41 13:46:07
Disciplinary Action 2.2 15 11 2,254 9 2:27:18
Environment 2.0 0 1,238 0 0 0 835 303:08:36
Escape Plan 0.6 3 0% 0 33 5,848 128 0 70 27:36:45
Fists of Steel 1.9 8 1 130 0 0 1 15:55
Flamethrower 13.3 117 16% 1 6 242 64,028 354 57 63 9:04:20
Flare Gun 2.9 37 6% 5 90 50 19,337 18 1 43 8:40:21
Flying Guillotine 1.2 28 2 1,437 0 0 2 50:09
Force-a-Nature 6.5 78 48% 19 40 124 44,716 1,191 570 33 9:31:15
Frontier Justice 1.4 21 6 2,813 0 0 7 2:10:49
Frying Pan 1.0 4 4% 2 72 113 14,541 76 3 147 53:49:37
Gloves of Running Urgently 1.5 11 2% 1 65 5 1,105 50 1 12 1:39:34
Grenade 4.7 63 21% 16 76 946 381,913 9,732 2,075 282 100:54:33
Grenade Reflect 0.5 10 2 1,322 11 2:08:27
Gunslinger 0.6 3 0% 0 3 585 352 0 9 2:28:01
Hadouken 0.0 35 0 450 0 0 1 12:47
Half-Zatoichi 4.3 35 11% 6 65 170 42,109 28 3 58 19:50:04
Huntsman 0.0 53 0 8,160 0 0 8 2:32:09
Iron Bomber 8.6 108 22% 16 72 6,143 2,335,815 44,185 9,907 1,040 359:13:24
Jag 0.4 2 0% 0 49 1 196 434 1 4 1:19:22
Kamikaze 1.4 0 1 0 1 20:57
Knife 9.6 142 0% 0 82 36,378 2 0 34 4:15:23
Kukri 1.4 3 1 65 1 21:27
L'Etranger 3.1 17 26% 9 36 75 12,921 343 90 93 12:05:40
Level 1 Sentry 1.9 22 17 9 3,164 0 18 13 2:22:54
Level 2 Sentry 0.9 11 17 5 1,948 0 10 10 2:51:39
Level 3 Sentry 1.2 7 16 3 569 0 5 4 1:18:15
Loch-n-Load 5.9 67 16% 17 104 508 173,808 9,368 1,537 110 43:01:27
Loose Cannon 0.6 19 40 8 7,511 0 4 17 6:33:44
Loose Cannon Impact 1.7 0 7 0 5 2:00:31
Mantreads 0.9 12 1 423 2 34:30
Market Gardener 1.8 16 41 11,314 0 0 33 11:31:07
Minify 4.7 0 2 0 0 0 1 12:50
Minigun 13.4 168 20% 2 14 103 38,754 543 111 49 3:49:52
Mini-Sentry 3.6 68 8 49 27,593 0 370 28 6:44:16
Natascha 1.7 84 1 1,484 1 17:31
Original 14.1 167 45% 32 71 2,267 807,908 13,859 6,288 263 80:35:31
Panic Attack Shotgun 0.0 14 48% 10 22 0 229 21 10 1 15:37
Phlogistinator 10.7 76 46 9,920 0 0 13 2:09:09
Pistol 2.7 11 17% 2 16 386 51,649 3,713 647 279 72:13:43
Player 4.7 0 120 0 0 0 37 12:53:59
Postal Pummeler 0.5 4 1 293 0 0 3 1:00:19
Powerjack 9.0 29 0% 0 2 195 36 0 3 6:42
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 3.4 16 15 2,190 0 0 9 2:11:46
Quickiebomb Launcher 3.7 71 27% 15 56 167 95,245 3,339 885 60 22:17:39
Rescue Ranger 0.3 7 18% 5 29 1 762 11 2 4 1:45:15
Revolver 2.4 22 20% 9 45 22 6,119 15 3 17 4:36:20
Rocket 16.8 210 35% 23 66 4,504 1,691,778 5,291 1,828 459 133:55:01
Rocket Reflect 1.8 12 13 2,727 0 0 19 3:32:52
Scattergun 16.8 180 51% 16 32 2,392 774,076 12,591 6,420 298 71:20:16
Scorch Shot 2.7 41 5 2,275 0 0 17 55:00
Scotsman's Skullcutter 1.5 7 65 9,705 0 0 58 21:49:08
Scottish Handshake 1.1 4 10% 6 65 159 20,287 84 8 183 75:13:42
Shahanshah 0.0 8 0 147 1 17:06
Short Circuit Orb 1.2 3 2 162 2 48:23
Shortstop 2.7 30 2 685 0 0 2 22:37
Shotgun 15.2 84 51% 18 35 438 72,840 235 119 54 14:24:58
Shovel 1.0 5 5 845 7 2:25:06
SMG 2.0 11 19% 1 8 31 5,469 710 132 68 7:45:39
Sniper Rifle 12.8 137 0% 0 90 28,951 1 0 41 3:30:17
Spinal Tap 2.0 0 1 0 1 14:48
Splendid Screen 0.3 7 7 4,317 0 0 27 10:00:37
Spy-cicle 6.1 91 25% 10 40 51 22,892 4 1 19 4:10:56
Stickybomb 11.5 176 20% 12 63 9,240 4,235,970 115,732 23,468 1,176 400:10:53
Telefrag 2.4 24 3 900 0 0 3 36:51
Tide Turner 0.1 3 1 951 0 0 13 4:25:49
Tomislav 14.1 175 17% 1 11 141 52,931 928 154 79 5:00:56
Ubersaw 2.5 23 0% 0 53 15,358 10 0 40 10:45:54
Widowmaker 6.4 74 43% 12 28 121 42,414 793 344 46 9:30:33
Winger 1.8 10 12 2,130 11 3:19:51
Wrangled Sentry 0.6 14 16 4 2,774 0 9 8 3:17:26
Wrap Assassin 0.0 4 0% 0 0 1,320 28 0 18 5:11:21
Your Eternal Reward 5.6 81 4 1,750 3 21:34
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played