
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2318-1986-154 53.72% 7554-6910-246 52.19%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 15.8 156 9 2,664 1 17:04
Ambassador 2.0 15 30% 15 50 97 23,020 616 184 71 24:40:24
Arrow 1.5 19 5 1,950 0 0 4 1:38:23
Arrow Reflect 0.8 1 1 67 2 38:30
AWPer Hand 24.1 294 28% 45 166 366 134,299 47 13 29 7:36:22
Axtinguisher 2.4 14 60 11,062 0 0 38 12:25:31
Baby Face's Blaster 0.0 2 0 53 0 0 1 19:40
Backburner 0.0 9 0 229 0 0 2 24:42
Ball 1.7 0 27 0 0 0 24 8:00:13
Bazaar Bargain 12.0 114 50 14,306 0 0 6 2:04:34
Beggar's Bazooka 1.2 13 0% 0 1 340 4 0 2 25:31
Big Earner 16.5 239 27% 82 307 5,330 2,320,826 232 62 522 161:39:12
Black Box 13.6 204 49% 35 72 314 142,060 379 184 39 11:34:38
Black Rose 6.3 94 18% 64 358 306 136,602 50 9 69 24:11:15
Bleeding 2.5 0 102 0 0 0 56 20:06:34
Boston Basher 0.3 2 15% 1 9 2 404 140 21 8 3:16:38
Bottle 1.2 3 2 195 3 49:30
Brass Beast 3.3 51 5 2,347 0 0 2 45:29
Chargin' Targe 0.0 1 0 198 0 0 5 1:43:27
Classic 13.0 149 277 95,408 0 0 30 10:37:58
Conniver's Kunai 13.7 195 1,615 691,815 0 0 175 59:01:11
Cow Mangler 5000 10.2 145 57% 45 79 48 20,634 334 192 7 2:21:46
Crusader's Crossbow 0.9 14 54% 4 7 191 91,394 6,504 3,531 316 101:44:08
Decapitation 0.0 28 0 450 0 0 1 15:34
Degreaser 9.6 94 427 126,377 0 0 75 22:17:59
Detonator 4.9 107 233 153,231 0 0 81 23:44:12
Diamondback 8.1 70 35% 19 55 11 2,869 137 48 3 40:39
Direct Hit 4.1 44 26% 27 107 38 12,376 308 80 12 4:39:05
Disciplinary Action 0.9 3 9 1,097 0 0 17 4:48:27
Dragon's Fury 3.1 56 9 4,940 0 0 5 1:28:04
Dragon's Fury Bonus 3.0 0 6 0 0 0 3 1:00:28
Enforcer 0.2 6 16% 5 36 1 1,079 101 16 10 2:55:00
Environment 1.8 0 806 0 0 0 656 228:16:44
Escape Plan 1.1 4 13 1,690 0 0 16 6:05:32
Family Business 10.2 87 65% 16 25 7 1,801 111 72 1 20:31
Fencing 0.0 14 0 450 0 0 1 31:36
Fists of Steel 0.5 4 0% 0 7 1,820 16 0 22 6:59:21
Flamethrower 8.2 67 72 17,781 0 0 15 4:23:18
Flare Gun 4.5 67 26 11,741 0 0 12 2:54:01
Flying Guillotine 0.7 36 120% 14 11 33 55,419 5 6 82 24:58:32
Force-a-Nature 8.8 114 60% 22 38 230 89,978 2,358 1,408 43 13:04:50
Frontier Justice 5.4 63 160 56,445 0 0 48 14:47:50
Frying Pan 0.9 5 61 10,989 0 0 102 34:08:19
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.8 4 5 897 0 0 10 3:10:28
Grenade 4.9 83 23% 17 77 108 54,613 1,918 440 34 10:56:09
Grenade Reflect 1.4 2 23 1,166 0 0 24 7:58:38
Gunslinger 1.2 5 0% 0 24 3,510 62 0 31 9:45:01
Hadouken 0.8 24 1 900 0 0 2 37:03
Half-Zatoichi 1.7 10 169 30,150 0 0 135 48:23:25
Homewrecker 0.0 3 0 147 2 41:00
Iron Bomber 10.6 168 27% 20 75 6,888 3,290,366 101,404 27,087 1,037 324:32:44
Iron Curtain 13.3 193 94 40,965 0 0 11 3:32:08
Jag 0.6 4 4 833 0 0 9 3:18:51
Kamikaze 3.2 0 1 0 0 0 1 9:27
Knife 15.0 222 544 241,255 0 0 53 18:06:11
Kukri 1.2 6 28 4,472 0 0 36 11:21:33
L'Etranger 2.8 16 24% 8 38 1,470 267,052 13,657 3,212 858 265:52:28
Level 1 Sentry 0.7 10 11 4,558 0 0 24 7:30:49
Level 2 Sentry 0.9 8 12 3,539 0 0 21 6:35:26
Level 3 Sentry 2.6 25 46 13,785 0 0 29 8:58:11
Liberty Launcher 0.0 20 50% 25 50 0 432 4 2 2 21:30
Loch-n-Load 3.1 50 19% 20 107 116 57,333 2,661 510 60 18:54:56
Loose Cannon 2.0 61 56 108 100,248 0 1,772 90 27:12:56
Loose Cannon Impact 2.7 0 40 50 0 0 24 7:31:06
Lugermorph 2.2 9 14% 2 17 29 3,915 1,642 223 23 6:33:55
Mad Milk 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 33 0 2 35:16
Manmelter 0.0 3 0 92 0 0 1 27:50
Market Gardener 1.4 14 2 585 3 41:45
Minigun 19.6 234 958 343,564 0 0 79 24:25:34
Mini-Sentry 3.2 53 9 170 84,669 0 8 84 26:34:27
Natascha 1.6 45 1 846 1 18:34
Original 16.7 224 46% 32 69 1,246 502,996 12,114 5,597 120 37:20:01
Pain Train 0.0 5 0 65 0 0 1 11:21
Panic Attack Shotgun 8.8 79 67% 13 20 95 25,740 506 340 19 5:23:18
Phlogistinator 11.6 83 134 28,803 0 0 17 5:45:23
Pistol 2.6 11 17% 2 15 389 51,619 4,042 679 230 74:32:50
Player 1.6 0 37 0 0 0 33 11:27:47
Powerjack 0.2 3 1 650 0 0 8 3:00:31
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 3.6 17 48 6,798 0 0 23 6:39:02
Quickiebomb Launcher 0.8 27 36% 20 57 4 4,296 183 65 7 2:38:54
Rescue Ranger 0.6 7 6 2,032 0 0 13 4:42:38
Revolver 3.6 32 30% 12 40 745 201,135 7,000 2,070 318 103:22:42
Rocket 18.2 237 49% 34 71 1,319 515,165 2,694 1,307 124 36:08:31
Rocket Reflect 1.4 6 38 5,535 0 0 42 13:40:37
Scattergun 22.6 229 60% 16 28 4,596 1,400,279 24,880 14,902 324 101:47:09
Scotsman's Skullcutter 1.9 4 1 78 1 15:57
Scottish Handshake 0.6 12 2 1,258 0 0 6 1:44:35
Shahanshah 1.0 5 59 10,247 0 0 87 28:34:37
Short Circuit Orb 0.0 12 0 150 1 12:03
Shortstop 3.7 48 6 2,365 0 0 3 48:39
Shotgun 8.9 55 64% 20 32 119 22,455 465 297 28 6:41:55
Shovel 1.5 15 1 325 2 20:19
Skewer 0.0 25 0 450 0 0 1 17:37
SMG 1.4 9 17% 1 9 28 5,697 2,100 351 56 10:20:24
Sniper Rifle 27.2 309 38% 57 151 3,545 1,208,288 10,671 4,021 265 65:10:00
Soda Popper 8.5 90 10 3,211 0 0 2 35:25
Solemn Vow 0.6 3 0% 0 9 1,495 6 0 17 7:33:43
Spinal Tap 1.2 18 1 450 0 0 1 24:29
Splendid Screen 0.0 3 0 364 0 0 4 1:40:23
Spy-cicle 13.6 200 23% 59 257 4,970 2,201,104 402 92 582 183:05:46
Stickybomb 11.7 233 28% 18 66 7,784 4,647,968 178,743 50,246 1,063 332:02:14
Sydney Sleeper 7.9 50 37% 39 107 14 2,697 68 25 3 53:17
Syringe Gun 0.0 3 12% 1 11 0 55 40 5 1 17:56
Telefrag 1.3 3 5 450 0 0 5 1:53:21
Tide Turner 0.0 2 0 618 0 0 12 4:27:42
Tomislav 22.9 265 25% 2 11 2,208 768,999 170 43 183 48:17:44
Ubersaw 1.2 10 124 33,717 0 0 156 51:59:29
Ullapool Caber 1.4 3 12 1,033 0 0 11 4:21:38
Unknown 0.0 1 0 25 0 0 1 22:44
Wanga Prick 4.6 66 97 42,418 0 0 29 10:33:25
Widowmaker 7.8 79 56% 15 27 215 66,130 643 360 44 13:51:41
Winger 1.7 7 21% 2 12 30 4,147 94 20 28 9:02:52
Wrangled Sentry 1.0 24 37 26,392 0 0 55 17:48:12
Wrap Assassin 0.0 19 65% 4 6 4 57,995 104 68 165 50:47:47
Wrench 0.8 5 1 195 0 0 2 38:55
Your Eternal Reward 9.2 122 19 7,590 0 0 4 1:02:06
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played