Lav4ie She/Her

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
99-142-7 41.33% 286-417-8 40.79%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Bat 0.0 15 0 70 0 0 1 4:31
Bleeding 3.2 0 3 0 0 0 3 28:12
Boston Basher 0.9 3 2 211 0 0 5 1:09:04
Bottle 0.5 5 2 715 0 0 8 1:59:11
Crusader's Crossbow 1.3 17 64% 3 7 5 2,128 474 301 8 1:59:01
Degreaser 7.6 44 1 174 0 0 1 3:56
Detonator 4.7 62 4 1,580 0 0 2 25:25
Environment 1.6 0 58 0 0 0 50 18:05:36
Family Business 0.0 5 38% 7 19 0 59 8 3 1 11:27
Fireball 5.8 0 1 0 0 0 1 5:09
Fists of Steel 0.3 3 4 1,612 0 0 19 7:50:49
Flamethrower 10.2 63 10 1,867 0 0 3 29:21
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 2 0 65 0 0 1 25:55
Grenade 6.3 115 33% 24 74 32 17,658 709 237 10 2:32:39
Half-Zatoichi 6.8 44 1 195 0 0 1 4:25
Iron Bomber 7.1 86 27% 19 72 161 59,258 2,974 815 43 11:23:11
Knife 30.2 449 23 10,290 0 0 1 22:53
Level 1 Sentry 15.5 145 2 561 0 0 4 3:52
Level 2 Sentry 0.0 9 0 32 0 0 3 3:20
Level 3 Sentry 5.9 118 1 597 0 0 3 5:03
Minigun 14.8 175 839 297,124 0 0 97 28:15:47
Mini-Sentry 0.0 102 0 238 0 0 1 2:20
Original 13.1 160 43% 28 66 47 17,354 601 260 9 1:47:58
Panic Attack Shotgun 2.9 20 63% 13 21 4 830 62 39 4 41:24
Pistol 1.5 6 19% 3 17 28 3,336 978 190 36 9:07:31
Player 2.2 0 2 0 0 0 2 27:22
Revolver 5.2 21 26% 13 53 4 481 35 9 1 22:53
Rocket 0.0 166 0 242 0 0 1 1:27
Rocket Reflect 41.4 0 2 0 0 0 1 1:27
Scattergun 12.4 152 50% 14 28 265 97,471 6,931 3,449 45 10:40:02
Shotgun 3.1 15 43% 12 29 4 580 47 20 4 38:35
SMG 0.0 30 10% 1 10 0 32 29 3 1 1:02
Sniper Rifle 0.0 106 40% 22 55 0 110 5 2 1 1:02
Spinal Tap 9.8 147 1 450 0 0 1 3:03
Stickybomb 10.5 156 23% 14 65 265 117,987 7,940 1,788 48 12:35:23
Tomislav 11.0 141 687 265,273 0 0 112 31:10:01
Ubersaw 0.0 3 0 66 0 0 2 18:19
Unknown 0.0 52 0 585 0 0 2 11:05
Widowmaker 5.4 45 43% 9 22 2 503 51 22 8 11:05
Wrap Assassin 0.0 22 0 388 0 0 1 17:37
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played