
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1609-1959-154 45.30% 5928-6818-476 46.63%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 9.6 92 46 13,323 8 2:24:20
Ambassador 4.2 37 33% 13 41 237 63,782 827 272 108 28:12:39
Arrow 9.5 142 92 41,402 0 0 29 4:49:50
AWPer Hand 22.9 259 42% 53 127 257 87,332 463 196 40 5:36:59
Baby Face's Blaster 11.3 104 12 3,305 0 0 2 31:46
Backburner 5.9 29 4 606 2 20:28
Ball 1.5 0 16 0 0 0 14 5:14:18
Bat 0.0 4 0 35 0 0 1 7:39
Bat Outta Hell 0.6 5 1 260 0 0 3 46:57
Bazaar Bargain 8.6 54 8 1,516 4 27:45
Beggar's Bazooka 3.3 29 11% 7 63 5 1,349 18 2 2 46:09
Big Earner 9.6 139 343 149,992 0 0 56 17:55:09
Black Box 8.4 124 37% 21 59 372 164,180 1,378 508 71 22:03:49
Bleeding 2.5 0 74 0 0 0 43 14:30:59
Boston Basher 0.3 1 0% 0 4 778 454 0 22 7:34:34
Bottle 1.5 5 19% 15 78 48 5,292 26 5 48 15:45:16
Brass Beast 12.5 159 41 15,707 7 1:38:11
Classic 1.3 19 1 450 1 23:07
Conniver's Kunai 7.6 109 76 32,830 0 0 19 4:59:22
Conscientious Objector 1.3 8 7% 4 65 27 5,330 14 1 33 10:30:53
Cow Mangler 5000 9.0 140 41% 29 71 82 38,190 249 101 12 4:31:56
Crusader's Crossbow 1.6 27 52% 3 6 1,362 715,240 47,355 24,534 1,359 437:54:49
Degreaser 8.8 91 136 42,163 0 0 31 7:42:06
Detonator 3.2 81 40 30,580 0 0 20 6:16:25
Direct Hit 3.7 52 25% 24 98 86 36,512 192 48 38 11:37:40
Disciplinary Action 2.0 9 0% 0 49 89 13,247 900 4 80 22:35:02
Enforcer 7.4 40 9 1,486 3 36:21
Environment 4.8 0 2,336 0 0 0 773 245:26:08
Escape Plan 0.9 4 0% 0 8 1,105 80 0 13 4:14:09
Fists of Steel 0.4 3 4 1,235 0 0 14 5:14:22
Flamethrower 6.4 50 11% 0 5 26 6,214 108 12 13 2:01:54
Flare Gun 2.9 45 5 2,387 8 52:09
Flying Guillotine 0.9 31 37 38,034 0 0 63 20:00:59
Force-a-Nature 11.7 63 42% 17 40 68 11,093 554 234 10 2:54:54
Frontier Justice 5.5 58 39 12,558 0 0 13 3:34:16
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 2 0% 0 0 65 4 0 2 26:19
Grenade 7.5 123 26% 19 76 195 96,950 3,744 963 47 13:03:19
Grenade Reflect 1.1 0 3 0 0 0 3 1:21:22
Gunslinger 2.3 6 4 325 0 0 3 51:40
Half-Zatoichi 3.7 24 2 390 1 16:11
Ham Shank 1.9 8 2 260 0 0 1 30:54
Huntsman 0.9 0 2 24 3 1:08:31
Huo Long Heatmaker 0.0 5 0 102 1 20:20
Iron Bomber 9.7 166 25% 18 71 966 496,182 3,092 782 161 49:41:11
Iron Curtain 26.0 292 212 71,756 0 0 13 4:04:57
Jag 0.0 6 0% 0 0 147 298 0 5 21:47
Knife 9.2 136 0% 0 318 141,244 2 0 76 17:13:15
Kukri 1.0 8 10% 6 65 12 3,380 10 1 24 6:15:54
L'Etranger 2.4 16 41% 14 34 89 18,867 133 54 76 18:42:42
Level 1 Sentry 1.2 11 16 7 2,069 0 6 13 2:54:18
Level 2 Sentry 1.5 13 16 8 2,256 0 19 13 2:42:54
Level 3 Sentry 3.5 33 16 35 10,118 0 1 21 4:58:55
Liberty Launcher 8.7 85 34 10,107 7 1:57:55
Loch-n-Load 6.0 101 20% 20 102 168 85,165 1,112 220 42 13:57:27
Loose Cannon 3.3 71 1914% 23 53 59 38,432 14 268 27 8:58:07
Loose Cannon Impact 2.2 0 19 0 0 0 12 4:24:24
Lugermorph 3.3 13 23% 3 13 70 8,853 1,350 314 34 10:41:02
Mantreads 0.6 7 1 335 3 47:22
Market Gardener 3.7 32 25% 48 195 190 50,746 4 1 77 25:45:36
Minify 10.3 0 2 0 1 5:48
Minigun 17.0 185 21% 2 12 577 188,902 2,907 601 84 16:59:58
Mini-Sentry 3.7 71 65 37,780 0 0 34 8:44:52
Natascha 15.3 176 14 4,842 2 27:29
Necro Smasher 1.7 6 4 455 4 1:08:54
Original 24.6 299 44% 28 65 6,385 2,336,596 14,005 6,152 423 129:53:26
Overdose 0.6 11 34% 3 9 2 1,274 64 22 4 1:48:12
Panic Attack Shotgun 1.6 16 3 923 3 57:38
Phlogistinator 5.2 67 12 4,650 7 1:08:42
Pistol 3.2 12 21% 3 14 305 35,163 1,912 398 172 47:24:30
Player 13.9 0 2,781 0 0 0 358 100:01:45
Powerjack 0.0 3 0 234 0 0 3 1:08:57
Rescue Ranger 0.0 5 0 319 0 0 4 56:01
Revolver 7.0 65 39% 15 38 245 68,760 1,663 648 66 17:24:07
Rocket 30.7 336 44% 30 67 9,298 3,058,825 16,347 7,269 514 151:40:31
Rocket Reflect 1.8 6 72 12 1,385 0 1 15 3:18:15
Scattergun 19.3 197 65% 18 27 2,971 910,610 13,712 8,875 275 76:53:23
Scorch Shot 0.0 100 0 195 1 1:56
Scottish Resistance 3.0 18 6 1,121 4 1:00:58
Sharp Dresser 11.8 182 10 4,660 3 25:31
Shortstop 0.0 37 0 1,199 2 31:35
Shotgun 29.5 165 77% 25 33 6,671 1,119,317 7,947 6,080 421 113:02:39
Shovel 1.1 5 32 4,745 0 0 49 14:05:45
SMG 2.4 12 25% 2 9 42 6,899 627 158 81 8:51:16
Sniper Rifle 17.1 198 39% 46 118 557 194,106 896 352 132 16:16:04
Solemn Vow 0.6 3 0% 0 13 2,340 8 0 25 10:07:39
Spinal Tap 2.0 5 6 450 0 0 6 1:28:08
Splendid Screen 0.0 5 0 85 1 16:06
Spy-cicle 10.6 151 4% 6 176 732 314,104 80 3 131 34:36:03
Stickybomb 10.6 175 26% 15 62 1,220 609,331 7,862 2,025 196 57:46:29
Syringe Gun 0.0 3 0 91 1 25:56
Telefrag 1.4 20 1 450 1 21:59
Three-Rune Blade 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 374 0 3 54:09
Tomislav 19.5 234 29% 3 10 1,195 431,842 343 101 118 30:39:19
Ubersaw 1.9 19 25% 16 65 1,049 324,228 320 81 860 280:28:52
Ullapool Caber 0.6 6 1 283 3 46:11
Wanga Prick 0.0 22 0 40 1 1:47
Widowmaker 7.7 76 55% 15 28 151 45,171 256 141 48 9:48:45
Winger 2.8 8 12% 2 23 42 3,591 51 6 24 7:25:54
Wrangled Sentry 0.0 18 0 1,692 0 0 6 1:32:57
Wrap Assassin 0.1 17 5 29,990 0 0 94 27:58:21
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played