
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
167-213-6 44.04% 429-602-14 41.72%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 2.8 21 14% 5 36 26 6,190 56 8 14 4:43:15
Amputator 0.0 2 0 52 1 24:02
Arrow 2.0 42 4 2,550 0 0 3 1:00:02
Atomizer 0.0 2 0 90 2 42:49
AWPer Hand 14.7 181 23% 26 112 22 8,134 308 72 3 44:49
Baby Face's Blaster 3.6 50 30 12,805 0 0 14 4:12:18
Ball 1.4 0 1 0 0 0 1 21:42
Bat Outta Hell 0.0 2 0 65 1 26:52
Beggar's Bazooka 5.2 87 21% 17 86 8 4,068 159 33 2 46:25
Big Earner 1.3 26 1 610 1 22:49
Black Box 0.4 14 35% 20 58 2 1,955 52 18 6 2:18:02
Bleeding 2.5 0 9 0 6 1:46:22
Brass Beast 2.0 30 6 2,802 5 1:31:13
Claidheamohmor 1.8 13 8 1,725 6 2:10:57
Cleaner's Carbine 0.0 1 0 41 1 23:04
Cow Mangler 5000 8.1 155 32% 16 51 16 9,176 71 23 4 59:03
Crusader's Crossbow 0.9 10 61% 2 4 5 1,713 264 161 8 2:48:20
Degreaser 3.2 38 67 24,351 0 0 35 10:34:10
Detonator 1.9 43 33 22,486 0 0 26 8:40:17
Disciplinary Action 0.5 3 1 196 0 0 4 1:03:01
Dragon's Fury 0.0 18 0 792 0 0 3 43:30
Dragon's Fury Bonus 3.3 0 3 0 0 0 2 27:32
Environment 1.6 0 53 0 0 0 46 16:54:57
Escape Plan 0.0 4 0 65 1 13:27
Eviction Notice 0.0 3 0 286 3 1:25:38
Fists of Steel 0.5 5 1 348 4 1:01:46
Flamethrower 2.8 38 41 17,100 0 0 23 7:19:29
Flare 0.0 1 0 23 0 0 1 15:58
Flare Gun 0.8 14 8 3,992 0 0 16 4:42:43
Flying Guillotine 0.5 23 5 7,366 0 0 17 5:13:15
Freedom Staff 0.7 4 3 520 6 2:07:12
Frontier Justice 2.0 22 17 5,571 0 0 11 4:12:14
Frying Pan 0.0 6 0 130 0 0 1 18:39
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.5 3 2 455 5 1:58:35
Grenade 3.5 69 42 24,858 0 0 19 5:55:09
Grenade Reflect 0.5 4 1 281 0 0 3 1:04:11
Gunslinger 0.5 3 2 455 0 0 5 1:53:51
Homewrecker 0.0 2 0 49 1 18:05
Huntsman 0.0 1 0 32 1 18:19
Iron Bomber 450.0 2700 50% 45 90 1 180 4 2 1 0:04
Jag 0.8 5 1 206 2 36:33
Knife 8.3 122 139 61,606 0 0 26 8:22:23
Kukri 0.0 3 0 65 1 16:17
L'Etranger 0.7 7 14% 4 32 9 3,012 202 29 21 6:26:55
Level 1 Sentry 0.5 12 4 3,337 15 4:21:26
Level 2 Sentry 1.7 16 12 3,446 12 3:31:23
Level 3 Sentry 5.3 37 23 4,931 8 2:10:10
Loch-n-Load 5.9 86 36 16,009 10 3:04:29
Loose Cannon Reflect 0.0 1 0 30 1 17:51
Manmelter 0.7 13 2 1,128 4 1:21:58
Maul 1.3 4 1 98 0 0 1 23:14
Minigun 8.7 130 178 79,932 0 0 36 10:13:12
Mini-Sentry 4.1 68 108 53,971 0 0 40 13:12:17
Natascha 0.7 42 1 1,786 2 42:26
Necro Smasher 1.3 8 1 195 1 23:04
Original 1.3 29 6 4,235 0 0 8 2:23:52
Panic Attack Shotgun 1.4 17 43% 7 16 33 11,907 207 88 36 11:33:52
Phlogistinator 0.3 7 1 669 5 1:27:16
Pistol 0.7 6 11% 1 10 23 5,830 1,280 141 48 15:45:25
Player 1.5 0 4 0 0 0 4 1:20:22
Powerjack 0.4 2 1 195 3 1:13:01
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 0.0 7 0 299 0 0 2 39:45
Quickiebomb Launcher 0.0 1845 50% 30 61 0 123 4 2 1 0:04
Rescue Ranger 0.2 5 1 990 9 2:57:31
Revolver 1.2 13 32% 10 34 14 4,864 47 15 19 5:55:25
Rocket 5.0 108 31% 18 60 45 29,240 239 75 17 4:30:12
Rocket Reflect 1.2 6 9 1,522 0 0 11 3:47:03
Scattergun 6.7 92 39% 10 25 174 72,230 2,033 800 40 13:01:31
Scottish Handshake 1.8 10 5 845 4 1:21:59
Sharp Dresser 5.7 91 11 5,312 0 0 3 58:03
Shortstop 0.0 8 0 294 2 33:15
Shotgun 0.4 8 41% 7 17 6 3,605 69 28 21 6:43:21
SMG 0.4 4 5% 0 7 2 692 549 29 9 2:40:18
Sniper Rifle 11.9 179 27% 43 163 99 44,681 97 26 14 4:09:26
Spy-cicle 2.1 35 3 1,470 0 0 2 41:52
Stickybomb 5.0 85 47 23,888 15 4:40:59
Sun-on-a-Stick 1.8 3 3 184 0 0 2 49:42
Sydney Sleeper 1.6 25 1 465 1 18:19
Tide Turner 0.0 2 0 224 5 1:44:33
Tomislav 3.2 49 34 15,929 0 0 19 5:22:45
Ubersaw 0.3 4 1 455 0 0 5 1:48:23
Widowmaker 3.9 45 37% 8 23 94 33,072 2,275 847 38 12:11:23
Winger 0.8 5 9 2,143 0 0 16 5:59:35
Wrangled Sentry 0.6 11 7 4,365 0 0 18 6:14:53
Wrap Assassin 0.0 11 0 7,347 0 0 31 10:27:59
Wrench 0.0 4 0 130 2 30:42
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played