
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
12-5-1 69.44% 22-10-1 68.18%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
Veno 5 50.00% 1:06:41 9 66.67% 1:25:24 177 256 44
Dynam 7 71.43% 1:28:55 5 80.00% 1:06:59 214 251 10
Victim of Circumcision 8 81.25% 1:53:04 4 75.00% 44:07 182 219 7
MayaBon 5 60.00% 59:47 7 64.29% 1:26:39 192 261
BLUPotatoSpy 9 77.78% 1:26:27 2 75.00% 23:42 212 231
Entropy (She/Her) 5 60.00% 1:03:07 6 75.00% 1:14:41 216 252 100
Arya 8 68.75% 1:42:45 3 66.67% 34:38 176 245
Krrrby 3 66.67% 48:44 8 56.25% 1:31:14 169 225
african spy main 3 66.67% 35:56 5 80.00% 1:08:17 251 296 5
methwitch 2 75.00% 33:23 5 80.00% 56:38 123 180 59
Mass :3 6 75.00% 1:09:53 1 100.00% 12:34 192 240
fart 3 66.67% 37:06 3 100.00% 37:54 271 299
noopch 3 100.00% 33:04 3 66.67% 48:44 268 261
The Drink™ 2 100.00% 22:39 3 100.00% 31:46 250 268 10
Yuna_Tuna 1 100.00% 18:45 4 75.00% 26:28 149 165 41
Asc3747♥ 1 100.00% 5:08 4 75.00% 58:44 281 104
China 1 100.00% 15:27 3 100.00% 28:53 116 186
The Nefarious Creature 2 100.00% 23:45 2 100.00% 17:26 277 267
science makes me ANGRY >:C 1 100.00% 13:31 2 0.00% 33:28 199 262
1 0.00% 20:43 2 50.00% 26:16 162 239
MrDaveStef 0 0:00 3 100.00% 35:42
frisnu 2 50.00% 22:25 1 100.00% 18:45 282 316 47
Engi-Panz 0 0:00 3 66.67% 16:23
A Walnut 2 100.00% 20:15 1 100.00% 15:27 313 274
Gunspy Main 1 0.00% 12:45 2 50.00% 34:14 151 327
Canadian Miku 3 66.67% 16:23 0 0:00 298 294
-={o.W.n.}=- mustard. 0 0:00 3 66.67% 16:23
me at balls 1 100.00% 9:04 1 100.00% 12:34 313 260
Trumpet 0 0:00 2 100.00% 28:50
territori64 2 50.00% 12:44 0 0:00 311 250
Kenny Stone 0 0:00 2 100.00% 15:13
nyanezt 0 0:00 2 50.00% 21:43
FunguzBunguz 1 0.00% 9:27 1 50.00% 14:38 188 395
ginseng 1 0.00% 20:43 1 100.00% 13:31 162 239
Isoply 2 50.00% 34:14 0 0:00 177 248 102
Nosamot 1 100.00% 10:05 1 100.00% 18:45 256 288 205
SeaRavioli 0 0:00 2 100.00% 23:53
CyberWizard 0 0:00 2 100.00% 34:12
Jesture 1 0.00% 13:21 1 100.00% 13:31 261 354
Freakage 1 100.00% 15:27 1 0.00% 20:43 116 186
solar controller #FORTROPS 0 0:00 2 25.00% 27:23
Tommy 1 100.00% 5:08 1 100.00% 18:45 281 104
Kazmire 1 100.00% 10:05 1 100.00% 18:45 256 288
Haggan 0 0:00 2 50.00% 34:14
Effion 1 100.00% 10:06 1 0.00% 9:27 216 169
heavy is the crown 0 0:00 1 0.00% 12:45
Cyndi 1 100.00% 18:45 0 0:00 149 165
KILL THEM NOW 1 0.00% 12:45 0 0:00 151 327
normalizedchungus33 1 0.00% 12:45 0 0:00 151 327
Whitebeard Cock 0 0:00 1 0.00% 20:43
Your Mum: Porked 1 100.00% 13:31 0 0:00 199 262 109
snip #iloveroamer 0 0:00 1 0.00% 9:27
Package O' Lies 0 0:00 1 100.00% 5:08
chocc touca, spu on that train 1 0.00% 12:45 0 0:00 151 327
DrHappiness | EssentialsTF 1 100.00% 5:08 0 0:00 281 104
aerol1th 1 100.00% 10:05 0 0:00 256 288
meatballfreak 0 0:00 1 0.00% 12:45
7x ᗜˬᗜ 0 0:00 1 100.00% 8:22
nepp 0 0:00 1 100.00% 8:22
Nazlala 0 0:00 1 0.00% 20:43
greed 0 0:00 1 100.00% 5:08
My Main Goal 1 100.00% 18:45 0 0:00 149 165
- 0 0:00 1 0.00% 12:45
labricecat 1 100.00% 5:08 0 0:00 281 104 131
Flamingstorm98 [FB] 1 100.00% 13:31 0 0:00 199 262
Sammy G. Gaming 1 100.00% 12:34 0 0:00 245 251
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From