
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
562-681-146 45.72% 2300-2678-217 46.36%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Soldier Engineer 1-5-0 sixes 14:46 12 13 5 265 239 130 53% 4 5 0 7 208 2
Matcha Bookable: RED vs campaw cp_process_f12 Soldier 0-3-1 sixes 29:29 19 24 8 273 251 175 35% 4 2 32 1210 3
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Scout 4-2-0 sixes 28:59 16 19 7 132 174 88 53% 4 0 28 631 14
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_process_f12 Soldier 1-0-1 sixes 29:49 12 15 4 182 208 190 29% 4 2 60 1987 0 5
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_warmtic_f10 Spy 3-0-0 highlander 17:39 15 16 0 340 148 7 15% 4 0 23 502 13 0 0
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs RED pl_swiftwater_final1 Spy Sniper 0-1-0 highlander 17:27 11 17 3 267 168 13 17% 2 0 26 564 9 0 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_swiftwater_final1 Spy Heavy 1-0-0 highlander 18:34 15 15 1 360 125 13 0% 3 0 17 332 14 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Medic 2-5-0 sixes 24:07 0 16 15 3 182 938 63% 0 0 2 72 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: TODDTG vs BLU cp_process_f12 Medic 2-4-1 sixes 28:59 1 13 13 4 179 971 59% 1 0 17 567 0 5
Matcha Bookable: RED vs bingu koth_product_final Spy 0-3-0 highlander 16:43 9 21 0 176 196 17 17% 2 0 10 182 5 0 1
Matcha Bookable: nice vs l pl_upward_f12 Spy 0-2-0 highlander 14:46 11 14 0 328 159 12 7% 2 0 6 160 10 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs nice pl_upward_f12 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 17:04 10 18 0 249 141 12 0% 2 0 3 70 9 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_gullywash_f9 Scout Heavy 3-1-2 sixes 29:09 26 20 9 201 186 97 58% 3 6 0 40 836 0 0 12
Matcha Bookable: RED vs g cp_process_f12 Scout Heavy Engineer Sniper 0-4-1 sixes 29:18 15 20 3 195 201 80 52% 3 0 33 827 1 7
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Soldier 3-3-0 sixes 28:58 17 23 5 244 180 74 38% 2 1 70 2413 0 4
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Soldier Heavy 1-5-1 sixes 23:01 9 18 6 180 270 207 27% 2 1 24 666 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: TOLOLO vs BLU cp_sunshine Soldier 3-3-0 sixes 28:59 30 21 7 328 194 125 44% 5 8 2 49 1944 0 4
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_process_f12 Soldier 4-4-0 sixes 28:39 20 17 11 306 232 129 40% 7 0 83 3160 0 3
Matcha Bookable: kayse vs BLU cp_gullywash_f9 Soldier Engineer 5-4-0 sixes 23:43 23 18 13 304 277 150 41% 3 1 37 1330 0 9
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_process_f12 Medic 1-5-0 sixes 16:58 2 9 7 14 181 950 48% 1 0 8 270 3
Matcha Bookable: RED vs boooog koth_product_final Spy Sniper 1-3-0 highlander 23:51 17 29 1 300 190 15 18% 3 4 16 246 11 1 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs kontol pl_upward_f12 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 16:14 18 14 0 456 126 20 33% 3 4 18 315 15 0 0
Matcha Bookable: porn vs BLU pl_prowater_b12 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 21:33 24 15 1 364 157 17 36% 3 5 0 15 305 16 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_process_f12 Demo 3-4-0 prolander 45:47 47 26 10 419 328 308 27% 3 5 1 31 1162 0 0 5
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_process_f12 Scout Heavy 4-0-1 sixes 29:19 15 17 12 168 184 90 48% 5 0 49 1107 0 0 15
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_process_f12 Demo Medic 3-3-1 sixes 28:59 8 22 9 194 260 202 16% 2 0 23 877 0 0 6
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_sunshine Demo 0-5-0 sixes 18:11 13 12 3 289 285 303 18% 5 1 4 79 1
Matcha Bookable: BTS vs kiyoga cp_process_f12 Soldier Demo 0-4-1 sixes 29:19 23 21 10 353 276 240 37% 5 1 29 1002 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: BTS vs pussy koth_product_final Spy 4-0-0 highlander 18:06 14 15 1 307 132 9 33% 3 0 20 285 10 0 0
Matcha Bookable: KFC vs LIGGA koth_cascade Engineer 3-1-0 other 25:57 12 18 9 258 186 57 51% 3 16 392 0 1
Matcha Bookable: CUM vs BLU koth_product_final Spy 3-2-0 highlander 32:55 19 35 2 259 203 5 10% 4 4 0 40 820 17 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_clearcut_b16a Medic 0-3-0 sixes 17:09 0 14 13 5 233 944 62% 0 0 10 298 5
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_process_f12 Medic 1-5-0 sixes 27:18 2 14 17 39 161 900 57% 2 0 10 303 0 3
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BwLU koth_warmtic_f10 Spy 0-4-0 highlander 20:51 11 20 1 215 143 8 11% 3 28 504 9 0 0
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs RED pl_upward_f11 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 24:43 11 28 0 213 170 25 11% 1 16 257 11 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward_f11 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 10:37 4 10 0 173 143 15 0% 2 6 90 4 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_clearcut_b16a Medic Soldier 1-4-0 sixes 31:00 1 24 16 13 251 845 53% 1 0 23 795 0 6
Matcha Bookable: 5'1 vs chair cp_process_f12 Medic 3-2-0 sixes 33:12 4 17 20 25 150 896 58% 1 0 14 422 0 5
● ⱲҒʟ #1 | Singapore *ATF2L* (6s: RED vs cp_process_f12 Soldier Sniper 0-2-1 sixes 29:49 25 18 3 297 199 139 39% 3 5 0 53 1756 0 1 3
avan's server: BLU vs RED pl_vigil_rc9 Medic 0-1-0 highlander 13:31 0 9 7 21 222 868 61% 0 0 2 57 0 0 0
avan's server: RED vs BLU pl_vigil_rc9 Medic 0-1-0 highlander 20:30 0 13 3 10 192 1018 53% 0 5 33 0 0 0
Hopps' Match Server: AmbL vs RED pl_upward_f10 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 23:55 16 25 1 308 213 14 20% 2 0 37 748 14 0 0
Hopps' Match Server: RED vs AmbL pl_upward_f10 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 14:29 6 11 3 136 207 33 28% 2 16 395 2 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #7 | Hongkong *ATF2L* (Highlander: pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 22:40 17 18 0 321 174 20 15% 4 7 0 32 569 15 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #7 | Hongkong *ATF2L* (Highlander: pl_vigil_rc10 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 18:13 9 16 0 237 196 24 25% 2 22 463 9 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #7 | Hongkong *ATF2L* (Highlander: pl_vigil_rc10 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 10:22 2 10 2 96 170 19 14% 1 6 125 2 0 0
SG1 - avan's server: 8===D vs BLU koth_product_final Spy 4-2-0 highlander 36:23 38 35 0 377 179 5 20% 3 3 0 40 931 27 0 0
SG1 - avan's server: BLU vs >'m'< pl_upward_f10 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 13:54 6 12 2 191 147 1 31% 3 0 13 323 4 0 1
SG1 - avan's server: >'m'< vs BLU pl_upward_f10 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 18:56 9 17 1 191 153 14 31% 2 0 20 456 6 0 1
SG1 - avan's server: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Spy 4-0-0 highlander 22:50 22 22 2 390 141 8 12% 3 3 0 31 617 18 0 3
SG1 - avan's server: phats vs RED pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 18:56 11 16 0 200 127 15 19% 3 0 13 195 8 0 0
SG1 - avan's server: RED vs BLU pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 21:28 19 14 2 347 130 8 25% 4 5 0 26 474 15 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Singapore *ATF2L* (Highlander koth_product_final Spy 4-0-0 other 15:14 9 10 2 277 117 28 24% 4 0 7 170 9 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Singapore *ATF2L* (Highlander pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 12:49 9 5 2 312 82 22 22% 4 0 12 207 8 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Singapore *ATF2L* (Highlander pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 9:43 11 8 0 472 113 5 0% 3 4 3 68 10 0
SG2 - avan's server: PHATS vs mix koth_ashville_final Spy 4-0-0 highlander 24:10 16 18 1 266 117 14 18% 5 26 391 11 1 0
SG2 - avan's server: RED vs mix koth_product_final Spy 4-0-0 highlander 20:28 16 17 1 320 169 3 21% 3 6 28 554 14 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #7 | Hongkong *ATF2L* (Highlander: cp_steel_f12 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 14:32 5 10 0 169 212 16 10% 2 0 43 720 5 0 2
● ⱲҒʟ #7 | Hongkong *ATF2L* (Highlander: cp_steel_f12 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 10:03 0 9 0 44 209 23 23% 0 23 442 0 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #7 | Hongkong *ATF2L* (Highlander: koth_product_final Spy 0-4-0 highlander 21:17 9 23 1 173 217 5 21% 3 0 29 669 5 0 1
SG2 - avan's server: PHATS vs BLU koth_product_final Spy 0-4-0 highlander 26:12 18 26 0 295 169 7 15% 3 4 0 30 774 15 0 1
SG2 - avan's server: RED vs PHATS cp_steel_f12 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 14:36 4 13 1 132 203 29 15% 1 35 625 3 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Singapore *ATF2L* (Highlander cp_steel_f12 Spy 1-1-0 highlander 11:01 8 8 1 222 180 10 24% 2 21 340 5 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Singapore *ATF2L* (Highlander cp_steel_f12 Spy 2-0-0 highlander 16:11 1 13 1 26 142 19 19% 1 18 264 0 0 2
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Singapore *ATF2L* (Highlander cp_steel_f12 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 10:51 2 9 2 110 164 35 15% 1 6 106 2 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Singapore *ATF2L* (Highlander cp_steel_f12 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 19:25 1 17 0 61 162 17 20% 1 0 18 284 1 0 0
SG2 - avan's server: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Spy 4-1-0 highlander 25:39 15 24 1 245 153 19 24% 2 0 19 342 12 0 0
SG2 - avan's server: RED vs BLU koth_proot_b5b Soldier 4-0-0 highlander 20:24 17 10 7 370 199 86 1362% 5 0 111 4321 0 0 1
SG2 - avan's server: PHATS vs MEDZ pl_vigil_rc9 Soldier 1-0-0 highlander 11:36 6 8 4 359 206 73 44% 3 1 24 612 0 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #1 | Singapore *ATF2L* (Highlander pl_vigil_rc10 Soldier 1-0-0 highlander 10:19 10 5 1 304 256 83 28% 4 0 21 816 0 0 0
SG2 - avan's server: >'-'< vs PHATS koth_warmtic_f10 Spy 4-0-0 highlander 22:08 12 21 0 239 170 19 10% 3 0 34 689 11 0 1
SG2 - avan's server: PHATS vs >'-'< pl_borneo_f2 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 12:58 4 8 0 154 112 31 22% 4 5 127 4 0 0
SG2 - avan's server: >'-'< vs PHATS pl_borneo_f2 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 27:45 17 26 1 281 162 21 17% 4 12 267 16 0 1
SG2 - avan's server: RED vs BLU koth_ashville_final Spy 0-4-0 highlander 23:49 12 21 2 180 170 6 10% 3 3 0 34 845 8 0 0
SG2 - avan's server: PHATS vs BLU pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 16:38 12 18 1 249 191 18 16% 2 0 19 404 9 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #2 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 11:35 8 7 1 269 142 19 24% 3 0 18 385 5 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H koth_ashville_final Spy 4-2-0 highlander 35:47 32 35 1 312 146 16 23% 3 4 36 603 22 0 2
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 16:59 12 15 0 274 143 16 28% 3 5 19 397 9 1 0
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 23:51 22 24 0 329 143 16 14% 3 4 0 9 181 18 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H koth_ashville_final Spy 4-1-0 highlander 29:38 13 26 1 207 181 14 13% 3 0 52 1115 11 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 15:13 9 17 0 232 177 35 11% 3 0 20 320 7 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H pl_upward_f10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 18:02 14 11 1 281 131 17 20% 4 5 30 676 10 3 0
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H koth_proot_b5b Spy 2-4-0 highlander 37:19 25 39 0 274 214 11 15% 2 0 70 1578 22 0 3
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H cp_steel_f12 Spy 2-0-0 highlander 16:35 6 13 0 141 152 18 10% 2 18 280 5 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H cp_steel_f12 Spy 1-1-0 highlander 15:09 3 14 0 123 149 24 25% 1 0 25 384 3 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #4 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H koth_proot_b5b Spy Pyro 4-2-0 other 36:56 14 18 0 122 114 10 17% 4 6 0 30 674 7 0 0
● ⱲҒʟ #4 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H cp_steel_f12 Spy 1-1-0 highlander 12:33 2 10 0 53 97 20 13% 1 0 12 187 1 0 1
● ⱲҒʟ #4 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (H cp_steel_f12 Spy 2-0-0 highlander 21:07 7 20 0 128 126 16 12% 2 0 10 161 5 1 2
sea.serveme.tf #9577: PHATS vs Mix koth_warmtic_f10 Spy 4-0-0 highlander 25:10 27 19 3 482 130 16 13% 5 6 0 46 686 26 0 2
sea.serveme.tf #9577: Mix vs PHATS pl_vigil_rc9 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 18:07 4 16 0 105 122 17 0% 1 0 12 234 4 0 1
WFL #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (Hig pl_vigil_rc10 Spy 1-0-0 highlander 20:50 27 19 0 540 130 26 36% 3 4 0 22 308 24 0 1
WFL #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (6s: cp_snakewater_final1 Medic 3-3-1 sixes 29:29 0 13 17 10 134 967 56% 0 1 6 208 3
WFL #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (6s: cp_sunshine Medic 2-5-1 sixes 29:24 2 16 13 22 170 989 54% 1 0 13 451 5
WFL #4 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (6s: koth_bagel_rc6 Soldier Scout 1-4-0 sixes 26:12 27 31 9 272 306 80 39% 3 4 1 67 2142 0 0 1
WFL #4 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (6s: cp_process_f12 Soldier Scout 0-4-1 sixes 29:38 19 26 8 227 254 126 31% 3 1 48 1654 0 6
WFL #5 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (Hig koth_ashville_final Spy 4-1-0 highlander 30:39 16 29 0 189 124 1 10% 3 3 0 24 435 12 0 2
WFL #5 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (Hig pl_borneo_f2 Spy 2-0-0 highlander 25:39 22 21 0 355 120 21 11% 3 0 14 220 20 0 0
WFL #5 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (Hig pl_borneo_f2 Spy 0-2-0 highlander 15:24 8 13 0 202 118 23 16% 3 17 314 6 0 0
WFL #4 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (6s: cp_snakewater_final1 Medic 4-3-0 sixes 29:26 4 16 16 23 184 844 52% 1 1 19 698 1
WFL #4 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (6s: cp_process_f12 Medic 1-6-0 sixes 24:32 1 17 17 16 197 907 53% 1 1 6 195 0 1
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of