WIPKL | OnionBat

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
25-91-6 22.95% 96-363-44 23.46%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #581503: WIPkl vs 1kg koth_clearcut_b17 Scout 0-3-0 sixes 16:04 2 12 3 126 211 94 39% 1 0 20 465 3
na.serveme.tf #579609: RED vs WIPkl cp_gullywash_f9 Scout Pyro Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 7:38 0 11 2 105 294 58 53% 0 3 59 0
na.serveme.tf #579609: gourd vs wipkl cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 7:02 1 8 2 118 347 137 38% 1 0 9 210 0
na.serveme.tf #579609: gourd vs borf cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 0-5-0 sixes 7:24 5 9 2 145 288 104 40% 2 0 3 79 0 0
na.serveme.tf #579609: KILL vs E cp_process_f12 Scout 0-5-0 sixes 7:07 1 8 0 70 254 115 25% 1 0 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #569454 cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Engineer Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 16:34 9 18 6 189 250 52 33% 2 0 11 291 0 1
na.serveme.tf #569454 cp_sunshine Scout Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 7:51 2 10 0 124 347 125 34% 1 4 114 1
na.serveme.tf #568186 cp_sultry_b8a Scout Engineer Heavy Sniper 0-5-0 sixes 9:54 3 10 1 133 262 130 37% 2 0 7 120 0
na.serveme.tf #568186 cp_process_f12 Scout Heavy Engineer 0-5-0 sixes 14:07 8 7 3 194 234 184 31% 6 0 11 234 0 0
na.serveme.tf #566174 cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Pyro Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 6:25 0 7 1 89 259 100 41% 0 2 63 0
na.serveme.tf #566174 cp_process_f12 Scout Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 9:04 7 9 2 171 315 159 38% 3 2 50 0
na.serveme.tf #564832 cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Heavy Engineer Spy 0-5-0 sixes 17:25 4 16 4 153 228 86 44% 1 0 11 210 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #564832 cp_process_final Scout Engineer Heavy Pyro 0-5-0 sixes 7:50 3 8 1 155 295 122 38% 1 0 4 81 0 0
na.serveme.tf #564832 cp_reckoner_rc6 Scout Engineer Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 11:42 4 9 2 193 275 84 35% 2 0 9 277 0 0
na.serveme.tf #564832 cp_metalworks_f5 Scout Engineer 0-5-0 sixes 9:53 11 8 1 232 247 135 44% 3 3 0 2 63 0 0 0
official logs Spy 3-1-0 highlander 20:33 3 14 2 71 128 28 14% 1 28 457 2 0 1 3679289, 3679325
na.serveme.tf #563215 cp_steel Spy 0-1-0 highlander 15:46 2 11 1 85 132 15 12% 1 28 457 2 0 0
na.serveme.tf #563215 cp_steel Spy 0-1-0 highlander 4:47 1 3 1 27 116 70 50% 1 0 0 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #562471 koth_lakeside_r2 Spy 0-2-0 highlander 9:02 11 10 1 454 165 53 27% 2 0 1 25 8 0 0
na.serveme.tf #562471 koth_lakeside_r2 Spy 0-2-0 highlander 8:24 5 4 0 206 104 25 29% 3 0 2 63 4 0 1
na.serveme.tf #558899 koth_product_final Spy 0-3-0 highlander 15:21 13 21 0 411 266 24 15% 3 3 7 144 13 0 1
na.serveme.tf #558899 koth_product_final Spy 1-2-0 highlander 14:57 17 15 1 495 174 11 38% 3 0 14 215 15 0 1
na.serveme.tf #558899 koth_product_final Spy 0-3-0 highlander 16:04 10 16 2 286 182 11 25% 3 0 22 532 9 0 0
na.serveme.tf #558126 pl_vigil_rc10 Spy 1-1-0 highlander 13:56 12 13 0 336 174 28 35% 2 0 10 224 9 0 0
na.serveme.tf #558126 koth_lakeside_r2 Spy 0-2-0 highlander 10:17 6 12 1 244 200 22 41% 3 0 8 172 4 0 0
na.serveme.tf #558126 koth_ashville_final1 Spy 1-2-0 highlander 19:46 12 21 1 274 170 13 28% 2 0 12 241 10 0 0
na.serveme.tf #558126 koth_ashville_final1 Spy 1-2-0 highlander 16:14 13 7 0 311 91 6 28% 4 24 391 10 0 1
na.serveme.tf #556531 koth_ashville_final Scout Demo Soldier Pyro Heavy 2-0-0 other 12:47 23 11 5 431 245 34 48% 5 6 15 413 0 0 3
na.serveme.tf #556531 koth_ashville_final Spy 0-2-0 highlander 11:41 10 12 2 385 178 30 31% 2 0 6 149 8 0 0
na.serveme.tf #556531 koth_ashville_final Spy 0-2-0 highlander 10:14 6 11 1 272 185 15 33% 3 0 10 248 5 0 1
na.serveme.tf #555910 cp_process_f12 Scout Pyro Sniper Heavy Spy 0-5-0 sixes 12:32 6 13 3 183 315 135 28% 2 0 16 418 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #555839 cp_steel_f12 Spy Demo 1-0-0 highlander 18:56 11 13 1 221 131 6 27% 3 3 0 28 604 7 0 0
na.serveme.tf #555839 cp_steel_f12 Spy 0-1-0 highlander 4:00 2 0 0 162 46 15 27% 2 0 6 169 1 0 0
na.serveme.tf #555839 koth_ashville_final1 Spy 2-0-0 highlander 10:27 3 7 1 146 92 5 43% 2 0 2 63 3 0 0
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: ham vs WIPkl cp_sunshine Scout 0-2-0 sixes 8:25 6 6 0 201 215 78 39% 3 5 0 14 357 0
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: BLU vs WIPkl cp_metalworks Scout Engineer Pyro 2-5-0 sixes 23:59 11 20 4 152 201 69 34% 6 23 589 0 3
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: ham vs WIPkl cp_gullywash_f9 Scout Spy Heavy Pyro Engineer 1-3-1 sixes 29:19 15 27 7 158 246 83 38% 2 26 497 2 5
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: BLU vs WIPkl koth_product_final Scout Spy Pyro 0-5-0 sixes 25:10 12 29 7 201 240 60 36% 3 0 13 364 3 0 4
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: WIPkl vs r2 cp_sunshine Scout Heavy Engineer 0-5-0 sixes 17:39 7 10 2 101 162 100 47% 2 0 15 332 0 2
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: BLU vs Rosy cp_sunshine Scout Medic Demo Spy 1-3-0 fours 9:15 4 8 0 148 157 17 23% 2 5 132 0
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: BLU vs MCOPE cp_sunshine Scout Engineer Heavy Pyro 0-4-1 sixes 29:19 12 25 10 172 224 69 39% 2 0 40 927 0 5
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: DiaD vs WIPkl cp_sunshine Scout Engineer 0-2-1 sixes 29:39 13 22 5 121 192 48 42% 3 0 51 1221 0 8
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: smely vs WIPkl cp_sunshine Scout Heavy Pyro Sniper 4-2-1 sixes 28:59 18 18 5 186 192 110 44% 3 4 16 406 13
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: BLU vs WIPkl cp_sunshine Scout Engineer Heavy Pyro 1-5-0 sixes 27:31 21 26 4 175 202 79 33% 3 0 17 425 0 0 3
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: BLU vs WIPkl cp_sunshine Scout Engineer 0-5-0 sixes 13:36 9 13 3 149 204 55 46% 3 14 337 0 1
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: BLU vs WIPkl koth_product_final Scout Sniper 3-1-0 sixes 25:22 24 21 13 288 250 125 41% 3 3 0 27 572 0 9
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: banan vs WIPkl koth_product_final Scout Spy Sniper 0-5-0 sixes 23:35 9 23 8 182 237 85 33% 3 0 22 526 1 3
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: DiaD vs WIPkl cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Engineer Pyro Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 23:18 7 13 6 172 177 90 46% 2 0 30 583 3
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: ham vs WIPkl koth_product_final Demo Spy Engineer Sniper Heavy Pyro 1-3-0 prolander 20:59 12 26 4 217 360 98 26% 2 0 14 443 2 1 1
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: ham vs WIPkl koth_product_final Scout Spy 1-3-0 sixes 22:15 13 26 6 193 272 63 29% 4 4 0 19 473 2 0 7
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: ham vs WIPkl koth_product_final Scout 0-3-0 sixes 15:53 12 13 3 165 229 100 40% 2 0 13 240 5
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: ham vs WIPkl koth_product_final Scout Engineer Spy Heavy 0-3-0 sixes 16:36 7 25 2 207 294 49 35% 2 0 5 136 2 0 2
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: ham vs WIPkl cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 9:31 8 12 2 148 284 102 52% 2 0 9 263 0
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: chkn vs WIPkl cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 11:27 7 11 1 192 273 155 41% 2 18 375 0 1
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: chkn vs WIPkl cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Heavy Pyro 0-5-0 sixes 22:19 14 15 5 156 181 176 46% 3 3 11 291 0 3
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: RED vs WIPkl cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 1-0-1 sixes 4:49 6 3 1 264 194 38% 5 7 178 0 1
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: RED vs WIPkl cp_gullywash_f9 Scout Pyro Heavy Engineer 0-5-0 sixes 23:34 13 17 1 149 204 187 52% 4 0 12 263 0 5
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: WIPkl vs ham cp_gullywash_f9 Scout Engineer Pyro 0-5-0 sixes 9:22 3 8 1 164 222 111 39% 2 0 7 179 0 0
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: WIPkl vs ham cp_gullywash_f9 Scout Pyro Engineer 0-5-0 sixes 17:47 13 16 6 175 260 152 47% 2 0 6 161 2
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: atsm vs alex cp_gullywash_f9 Pyro Demo 2-3-0 other 18:59 3 6 3 97 112 66 42% 2 8 197 0 3
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: atsm vs alex cp_gullywash_f9 Scout Sniper 3-0-0 other 4:47 4 3 2 225 200 157 23% 2 6 69 5
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: RED vs BWUHF cp_gullywash_f9 Scout Medic Pyro 5-1-0 other 14:41 6 12 6 139 202 144 91 31% 3 0 7 95 8
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: CUCUM vs PICKL koth_bagel_rc6 Scout Pyro Demo 0-3-0 other 17:42 20 23 2 264 263 39% 3 4 22 691 0 0 6
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: WIPkl vs MM cp_process_f12 Scout Demo Pyro Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 9:03 6 12 0 187 375 137 33% 2 0 4 65 0 0
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: RED vs MM cp_metalworks_f5 Scout Pyro Engineer Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 20:54 9 11 5 150 181 155 29% 3 0 9 248 2
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: RED vs WIPkl cp_process_f12 Scout Engineer Spy Heavy 0-4-1 sixes 29:20 14 22 13 176 194 122 35% 3 0 10 246 1 1
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: WIPkl vs BLU cp_metalworks Scout Engineer 0-5-0 sixes 27:09 9 22 8 126 174 103 33% 2 0 5 120 1
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: WIPkl vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Spy Soldier 2-0-1 sixes 15:20 3 9 2 63 111 258 31% 1 3 79 2 3557100
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: WIPkl vs BLU cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 0-0-1 sixes 6:10 1 2 2 47 62 333 29% 1 3 79 0
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: WIPkl vs BLU koth_bagel_rc6 Scout 3-1-0 sixes 26:16 10 16 13 135 182 206 40% 2 0 23 463 14
na.serveme.tf #541359 cp_process_f12 Scout Engineer Pyro 3-2-1 sixes 29:09 16 18 9 147 180 292 36% 3 0 28 598 8
na.serveme.tf #541231 cp_process_f12 Scout 3-2-0 sixes 29:17 9 13 6 129 159 297 40% 2 0 30 631 8
na.serveme.tf #541194 cp_process_f12 Scout Engineer 0-1-1 prolander 18:07 6 10 3 115 149 238 37% 2 0 10 173 0 4
na.serveme.tf #541194 koth_bagel_rc7 Scout 2-0-0 sixes 10:53 6 8 4 159 235 247 43% 3 8 200 4
na.serveme.tf #540933 cp_snakewater_final1 Scout Medic Demo 0-5-0 sixes 14:18 5 15 4 144 188 30 45% 2 0 4 73 0 0 1
na.serveme.tf #540933 cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 0-5-0 sixes 13:16 4 8 3 114 204 224 48% 2 0 11 241 1
na.serveme.tf #540819 koth_bagel_rc7 Pyro Scout Heavy Sniper Demo 0-2-0 other 11:10 8 13 1 286 375 128 38% 3 2 106 0 1
na.serveme.tf #540751 cp_snakewater_final1 Scout 3-5-0 sixes 24:16 13 18 5 171 208 219 47% 2 0 13 300 6
na.serveme.tf #540751 cp_process_f12 Scout 1-0-1 sixes 29:49 19 16 5 133 166 201 42% 5 0 35 657 5
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: 6LP vs BLU cp_process_f12 Scout 1-0-4 sixes 23:26 5 5 5 60 75 43 44% 3 17 443 0 0 3
Oingo Boingo Enjoyment: 6LP vs BLU cp_process_f12 Scout 1-0-3 sixes 29:29 19 13 14 158 173 216 36% 3 5 20 512 0 6
THE GRAPE CAVERN - Chicago: WIPkl vs 6LP cp_process_f12 Scout Engineer 0-2-0 sixes 8:27 9 4 3 174 165 101 33% 4 6 0 5 125 1
THE GRAPE CAVERN - Chicago: WIPkl vs 6LP cp_process_f12 Scout 0-3-1 sixes 29:28 10 16 5 107 168 175 38% 2 0 26 553 0 2
na.serveme.tf #539969 cp_process_f12 Scout 1-3-1 sixes 29:18 16 16 5 114 177 251 35% 3 3 0 17 366 0 4
na.serveme.tf #539969 cp_process_f12 Scout Heavy 0-3-1 sixes 29:28 8 9 3 88 128 271 41% 3 0 16 285 2
Newbie Mixes: gaming vs fart4 cp_sunshine Scout Engineer Heavy 0-4-2 sixes 29:09 16 17 3 151 154 94 45% 3 4 0 16 213 0 5
TF2Pugs.com - rk cp_process_f12 Scout 0-5-0 sixes 8:11 0 9 2 82 239 117 39% 0 0 2 57 0 0
Newbie Mixes: ZAZA vs BLUnt cp_process_final Scout Pyro Heavy Engineer 0-5-0 sixes 24:15 9 17 3 134 216 101 37% 4 0 35 783 3
Newbie Mixes: UhUmm vs Glu cp_process_final Scout Heavy 5-0-0 sixes 24:11 6 10 3 114 136 159 45% 3 0 16 271 0 5
Newbie Mixes: push p vs dog:) cp_process_final Scout Heavy 2-2-0 sixes 29:18 6 10 3 118 133 72 28% 2 0 60 1260 10
Newbie Mixes: why vs BLU cp_process_final Scout Heavy 0-5-0 sixes 21:50 8 15 2 118 201 245 40% 2 0 10 217 0 1
Newbie Mixes: ungus vs red cp_process_final Scout 3-3-1 sixes 28:58 13 13 4 127 163 264 39% 4 0 17 329 4
na.serveme.tf #532311 koth_clearcut_b15d Scout Sniper Heavy 0-4-0 sixes 18:49 8 21 3 212 277 66 31% 2 0 14 347 0 1 0
na.serveme.tf #532311 koth_clearcut_b15d Scout Spy 0-4-0 sixes 15:11 2 18 0 92 245 65 38% 1 0 16 306 0
na.serveme.tf #532062 koth_clearcut_b15d Scout Heavy Spy 0-3-0 sixes 15:29 6 15 3 218 258 89 30% 2 0 19 342 2 2
na.serveme.tf #532062 koth_clearcut_b15d Scout 0-3-0 sixes 14:33 4 14 0 115 222 99 34% 2 0 17 308 0 4
Newbie Mixes: IBS vs wnrar cp_gullywash_f9 Scout Heavy 0-4-2 sixes 29:10 11 21 2 116 231 204 55% 4 0 4 0 0 5
Newbie Mixes: krabs vs wheez cp_process_final Scout Heavy 2-2-1 sixes 29:19 5 15 7 62 141 118 43% 2 0 30 537 11
na.serveme.tf #528946 cp_sunshine Scout 0-4-0 sixes 9:05 3 8 2 130 200 145 38% 1 0 2 63 0 0
na.serveme.tf #528946 cp_process_f12 Scout 0-5-0 sixes 13:25 5 10 4 105 202 215 36% 2 0 3 79 0 0
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of