W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
151-378-27 29.59% 492-1071-39 31.93%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL Little Einsteins HL Season 13 Amateur Highlander
RGL Team Name Pending HL Season 11 Intermediate Highlander
RGL GG's Prolander Cup #7 Intermediate - B Prolander
RGL ALl AIM NO BRAIN HL Season 10 Intermediate Highlander
RGL Dead Mercenaries Prolander Cup #7 Advanced Prolander
RGL Curipapus Sixes S7 Amateur Sixes
RGL main dropouts HL Season 10 Intermediate Highlander
RGL Pandomizer HL Season 10 Intermediate Highlander
RGL CoolBeans HL Season 9 Newcomer Highlander
RGL Read If Dumb P7 Season 9 Newcomer-B Prolander
RGL Debit or Credit Sixes S6 Newcomer Sixes
RGL Teufort Tartans Sixes S5 Amateur Sixes
RGL Botmode HL Season 8 Newcomer Highlander
RGL The Buffet Sixes S5 Newcomer Sixes
RGL Revolver Sixes Cup #1 Amateur Sixes