
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
36-113-12 26.09% 126-293-5 30.31%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
Matcha Bookable: RED vs Dr.roh koth_ashville_final1 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 12:24 3 15 2 426 409 222 31% 1 14 490 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs Dr.Roh pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 10:37 9 8 7 576 311 233 39% 5 1 35 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: Dr.Roh vs BLU pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 19:48 8 15 6 369 358 246 25% 4 0 12 181 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 17:09 11 17 4 378 477 291 21% 3 4 0 12 344 0 0 3
Matcha Bookable: sdr vs GAMBLE pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 10:20 2 10 2 335 359 244 28% 1 5 123 0 0
Matcha Bookable: GAMBLE vs sdr pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 15:16 8 11 2 359 383 258 26% 3 6 170 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 1-3-0 highlander 22:29 26 17 9 527 401 243 26% 3 7 2 34 972 0 0 4
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs XMedZ pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-2-0 highlander 20:46 20 5 11 494 341 334 28% 14 0 21 593 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: XMedZ vs BLU pl_upward_f12 Demo 1-1-0 highlander 13:26 9 7 1 433 339 307 31% 3 4 90 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs nigas cp_steel_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 12:58 11 11 2 422 365 233 32% 4 4 0 12 448 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: nigas vs BLU cp_steel_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 14:40 9 13 2 389 467 350 30% 3 4 6 235 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: real vs burger koth_product_final Demo 0-3-0 highlander 15:02 6 15 10 436 530 399 32% 3 2 88 0 0 4
Matcha Bookable: RED vs bsk koth_ashville_final1 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 18:20 13 15 5 371 352 270 26% 3 1 14 539 0 0 5
Matcha Bookable: bsk vs RED pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 19:22 4 13 1 264 334 264 23% 1 0 14 525 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs bsk pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 10:53 3 10 4 241 364 284 23% 2 0 2 88 0 0 0
xmedz vs mix vigil Demo 4-0-0 highlander 34:20 31 21 16 554 363 285 29% 3 11 2 9 256 0 0 2 3694754, 3694762
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_ashville_final1 Demo 3-2-0 highlander 28:54 29 20 18 493 342 288 28% 3 5 0 18 572 0 0 7
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs B.JUJU pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 1-0-0 highlander 14:24 19 5 4 648 340 309 30% 3 8 4 88 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: B.JUJU vs BLU pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 19:56 12 16 12 486 380 267 28% 4 2 5 168 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: mix vs BLU koth_ashville_final1 Demo 1-3-0 highlander 25:11 15 18 5 423 378 269 28% 3 5 1 22 733 0 0 5
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs mix pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 1-0-0 highlander 20:46 15 8 8 395 312 316 29% 6 16 571 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: mix vs BLU pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 20:31 9 11 3 414 338 288 26% 3 5 18 545 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_process_f12 Scout 2-1-0 sixes 29:29 20 19 11 208 206 126 59% 5 0 25 674 0 8
sea.serveme.tf #11720 cp_sunshine Soldier Scout 1-5-1 sixes 23:44 19 21 10 194 255 125 42% 3 1 32 1261 0 1
sea.serveme.tf #11720 cp_snakewater_final1 Medic 3-4-1 sixes 29:23 3 14 21 26 212 812 52% 1 0 24 835 7
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 2-3-0 highlander 27:25 12 21 8 351 389 338 24% 2 0 0 0 0 0 9
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 16:06 7 8 3 267 307 274 21% 3 0 14 323 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: sRED vs BLU pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 15:50 11 4 4 377 287 294 26% 10 6 91 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 16:52 20 19 3 462 392 285 22% 4 5 0 4 88 0 0 3
Matcha Bookable: dash vs RED pl_upward_f12 Demo 1-1-0 highlander 16:10 9 14 3 368 357 246 26% 3 0 9 275 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs dash pl_upward_f12 Demo 1-0-0 highlander 17:41 9 9 10 415 298 297 28% 3 10 287 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs bskj koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 16:21 15 13 6 416 346 274 24% 5 5 0 10 296 0 0 4
Matcha Bookable: bsk vs med pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 20:32 8 11 3 323 327 289 25% 2 16 491 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs bsk pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 15:56 5 13 8 238 299 242 21% 2 0 5 165 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs Dr.Roh koth_product_final Demo 0-3-0 highlander 11:33 6 12 5 368 362 242 27% 2 4 133 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: Dr.Roh vs 9MedZ cp_steel_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 22:09 9 20 4 246 403 242 25% 2 22 852 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs Dr.Roh cp_steel_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 9:35 0 6 2 152 265 233 21% 0 10 71 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs bsk koth_product_final Demo 2-3-0 highlander 26:47 25 18 6 447 358 309 25% 5 1 10 288 0 0 9
Matcha Bookable: Smash vs bsk cp_steel_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 15:07 6 8 2 317 198 236 23% 3 5 0 4 9 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: bsk vs Smash cp_steel_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 18:30 12 6 3 414 333 360 28% 4 19 475 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: cum vs Kumlo koth_product_final Demo 4-2-0 highlander 36:34 32 21 17 473 310 305 27% 3 8 1 10 174 0 0 6
Matcha Bookable: Mix vs RED cp_steel_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 16:28 10 5 4 388 259 287 32% 5 1 25 558 0 0 4
Matcha Bookable: RED vs Mix cp_steel_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 11:36 7 9 6 361 298 222 31% 2 18 555 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs BLU koth_product_final Demo 3-0-0 highlander 15:36 15 9 3 501 347 323 26% 4 0 0 0 0 4
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs bsk cp_steel_f12 Demo 1-0-0 highlander 16:00 10 7 2 390 311 309 27% 4 0 0 0 0 3
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU cp_steel_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 14:47 10 7 5 357 310 248 29% 4 14 529 0 0 4
Matcha Bookable: RED vs Dr.Roh koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 18:19 11 18 7 347 408 262 26% 3 0 2 70 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 14:25 14 9 4 497 328 308 32% 3 3 103 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: mongo vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 1-4-0 highlander 30:30 20 25 7 312 384 252 23% 3 3 8 88 0 0 5
Matcha Bookable: RED vs mong pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 9:47 7 6 1 392 317 279 26% 4 10 329 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RUPFF vs skizo koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 1-3-0 highlander 25:43 32 18 7 464 367 306 27% 3 8 0 13 304 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: SK1Z0 vs 9MedZ pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 20:38 14 10 3 421 285 279 29% 4 1 9 297 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs skizo pl_upward_f12 Demo 1-1-1 highlander 22:41 19 13 11 395 349 276 27% 6 14 387 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs bsk koth_ashville_final1 Demo 1-3-0 highlander 27:27 27 22 7 455 417 328 30% 3 4 0 14 477 0 0 6
Matcha Bookable: NO GG vs GG koth_ashville_final1 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 15:03 11 12 3 359 356 264 28% 2 0 8 234 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs GG pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 11:07 4 6 0 399 315 256 27% 2 14 309 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs balls cp_snakewater_final1 Demo 0-5-0 sixes 28:10 24 14 8 278 245 274 21% 4 8 0 37 1316 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: 6MedZ vs penis cp_process_f12 Demo 2-3-1 sixes 29:09 11 15 4 224 255 314 15% 2 0 14 328 0 4
Matcha Bookable: vagege vs 6meds cp_metalworks_f5 Demo 0-5-1 sixes 20:48 11 16 4 215 251 214 18% 5 0 16 544 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: balls vs 1med cp_snakewater_final1 Demo 0-5-0 sixes 21:10 8 12 2 251 299 330 18% 4 0 12 491 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: penis vs 6medz cp_process_f12 Demo 0-5-0 sixes 16:30 7 10 4 220 281 276 19% 2 0 2 70 0 2
Matcha Bookable: RED vs 9MedZ koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 15:53 13 21 7 410 425 243 28% 3 0 3 99 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 12:36 11 10 1 366 322 293 27% 5 0 6 222 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: Brave vs gg koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 17:46 13 20 5 445 446 284 31% 3 8 235 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: GG vs RED pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 21:58 13 22 3 444 365 265 31% 3 17 395 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs GG pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 11:58 7 9 3 357 330 317 28% 3 6 134 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_lakeside_r2 Demo 2-3-0 highlander 28:37 31 27 7 537 438 312 26% 4 6 0 15 559 0 0 8
Matcha Bookable: blue vs 9MedZ pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 13:36 9 10 2 291 385 282 24% 2 11 438 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs blue pl_vigil_rc10 Demo 1-0-0 highlander 12:22 13 5 3 473 281 291 30% 4 3 104 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs bsk koth_product_final Demo 0-4-0 highlander 20:19 20 18 7 471 386 239 28% 6 0 15 527 0 0 3
Matcha Bookable: bsk vs 9MedZ pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 22:36 14 21 6 453 409 264 31% 3 13 503 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs bsk pl_upward_f12 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 17:33 15 15 4 432 293 240 26% 3 0 9 326 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: read vs BLU koth_ashville_final1 Demo 3-0-0 highlander 19:32 26 14 6 558 383 321 30% 8 1 14 299 0 0 3
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs 9MedZ pl_upward_f12 Demo 1-1-0 highlander 15:30 15 7 4 527 272 292 29% 4 7 11 235 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs BLU pl_upward_f12 Demo 1-1-0 highlander 14:34 9 10 3 296 314 226 22% 2 0 12 362 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: Child vs Parent koth_ashville_final1 Demo 0-3-0 highlander 17:54 16 13 1 423 324 242 26% 3 7 0 16 626 0 0 2
Matcha Bookable: parent vs Child pl_swiftwater_final1 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 15:05 7 8 4 468 309 311 27% 3 3 4 125 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: Child vs parent pl_swiftwater_final1 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 11:46 5 8 4 502 345 295 30% 1 0 8 265 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: TROLL vs Noob koth_ashville_final1 Sniper 1-3-0 highlander 29:34 28 23 9 246 232 89 30% 7 14 406 0 19 2
Matcha Bookable: Throw vs BLU koth_product_final Sniper 3-0-0 highlander 18:21 13 14 2 278 216 72 34% 3 0 0 0 0 11 0
Matcha Bookable: sad vs BLU koth_ashville_final Demo 2-4-0 other 35:53 16 32 4 355 432 276 23% 4 1 18 513 0 0 7
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs 9MedZ pl_swiftwater_final1 Demo 1-1-0 highlander 22:31 6 14 2 315 375 298 23% 2 0 12 441 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs BLU pl_swiftwater_final1 Demo 1-1-0 highlander 16:34 4 10 5 350 349 295 24% 2 0 8 305 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU koth_product_final Demo 4-3-0 highlander 46:22 29 37 25 436 385 249 26% 3 0 21 743 0 0 11
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs 9MedZ pl_upward_f11 Demo 0-2-0 highlander 17:58 17 11 7 450 335 249 30% 9 1 20 631 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs BLU pl_upward_f11 Demo 1-1-0 highlander 13:09 5 8 4 363 385 281 25% 4 18 534 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs RED pl_upward_f11 Demo 0-2-0 highlander 23:10 21 19 9 406 419 265 29% 4 1 6 139 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_upward_f11 Demo 1-1-0 highlander 24:46 17 11 7 460 388 347 30% 3 10 22 758 0 0 1
Matcha Bookable: unmix vs BLU koth_product_final Demo 4-3-0 highlander 40:50 46 24 19 565 423 346 31% 3 9 12 489 0 0 12
Matcha Bookable: XMedZ vs BLU koth_product_final Demo 3-4-0 highlander 38:52 31 33 10 463 395 295 26% 3 6 16 235 0 0 3
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs 9MedZ pl_upward_f11 Demo 1-0-0 highlander 13:01 10 9 3 405 326 276 30% 3 5 175 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs BLU pl_upward_f11 Demo 1-0-0 highlander 21:32 17 9 7 492 287 264 29% 6 1 16 467 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: 9MedZ vs BLU koth_product_final Demo 4-2-0 highlander 36:19 40 16 13 552 349 322 29% 3 8 0 15 435 0 0 10
Matcha Bookable: BLU vs blu pl_upward_f11 Demo 1-1-0 highlander 14:04 11 7 5 429 290 277 26% 3 5 12 378 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: old vs BLU pl_upward_f11 Demo 2-0-0 highlander 17:17 17 8 12 582 285 277 36% 4 0 14 320 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: Conten vs RED pl_upward_f11 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 21:36 19 14 10 534 368 348 28% 3 5 7 243 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: RED vs Conten pl_upward_f11 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 16:06 15 12 3 516 374 326 30% 5 6 176 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: MIX vs 9MedZ koth_product_final Demo 4-2-0 highlander 35:04 27 26 8 403 349 300 23% 3 4 1 16 164 0 0 9
Matcha Bookable: RED vs mixer pl_upward_f11 Demo 0-1-0 highlander 10:58 4 8 2 360 319 275 30% 2 6 237 0 0 0
Matcha Bookable: nomix vs mixer koth_warmtic_f10 Demo 0-4-0 highlander 25:35 20 22 5 445 424 302 27% 4 4 6 141 0 0 3
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of