
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
74-97-26 44.16% 278-315-10 46.93%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 0.0 15 48 0 48 0 1 1 3:10
Ambassador 1.5 7 27% 12 46 1 139 11 3 2 19:41
AWPer Hand 7.1 88 38% 46 124 5 1,871 40 15 4 21:08
Backburner 4.3 28 6 1,191 0 0 2 42:07
Back Scratcher 4.4 11 1 81 0 0 1 6:48
Bat 3.0 19 5 980 0 0 3 50:20
Big Earner 13.9 205 23 10,170 0 0 3 49:32
Brass Beast 1.8 20 2 706 0 0 1 33:57
Conniver's Kunai 13.5 213 24 11,414 0 0 3 53:22
Conscientious Objector 2.7 9 9 949 0 0 6 1:41:26
Cow Mangler 5000 9.5 146 80% 92 116 1 464 5 4 1 3:10
Crusader's Crossbow 0.5 9 60% 2 4 5 2,770 954 572 18 4:50:28
Degreaser 0.0 42 0 242 0 0 2 5:39
Detonator 1.5 43 5 4,394 0 0 5 1:41:21
Dragon's Fury 13.2 162 3 1,103 0 0 1 6:48
Dragon's Fury Bonus 8.8 0 2 0 0 0 1 6:48
Enforcer 0.0 14 38% 18 48 0 293 16 6 1 20:04
Environment 1.7 0 77 0 0 0 65 22:28:54
Family Business 28.7 345 58% 20 34 3 1,081 53 31 1 3:08
Fists of Steel 0.6 6 7 2,306 0 0 13 5:40:28
Flamethrower 7.3 73 26 7,789 0 0 6 1:46:26
Flare Gun 0.0 6 0 308 0 0 2 45:50
Force-a-Nature 20.7 161 59% 35 59 17 3,973 113 67 2 24:38
Frontier Justice 1.0 24 1 698 0 0 2 28:52
Frying Pan 0.8 5 9 1,794 0 0 16 5:46:40
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.5 5 7 2,184 0 0 17 7:13:40
Grenade 10.9 62 10% 6 66 5 859 131 13 1 13:42
Gunslinger 75.0 162 1 65 0 0 1 0:24
Half-Zatoichi 14.2 140 34 10,098 0 0 5 1:11:41
Holy Mackerel 5.5 12 2 140 0 0 1 10:52
Homewrecker 0.0 2 0 49 0 0 1 20:42
Iron Bomber 7.0 89 29% 20 79 164 63,244 2,715 799 37 11:46:59
Jag 0.0 6 0 196 0 0 1 28:28
Killing Gloves of Boxing 0.0 5 0 130 0 0 1 23:10
L'Etranger 1.1 16 25% 8 35 2 858 97 24 3 53:22
Level 1 Sentry 0.0 12 0 351 0 0 1 28:28
Level 2 Sentry 0.0 9 0 268 0 0 1 28:28
Level 3 Sentry 0.0 8 0 232 0 0 1 28:28
Loch-n-Load 0.0 5 0 135 0 0 1 25:09
Loose Cannon 2.9 41 42 1 427 0 10 1 10:19
Loose Cannon Impact 2.9 0 1 0 0 0 1 10:19
Minigun 9.4 130 85 35,396 0 0 11 4:31:49
Mini-Sentry 6.7 50 7 1,563 0 0 3 31:09
Natascha 0.0 55 0 390 0 0 1 6:59
Original 7.9 137 43% 28 66 24 12,462 440 188 10 1:30:41
Panic Attack Shotgun 13.2 81 39 3 555 0 14 1 6:48
Phlogistinator 19.7 132 31 6,275 0 0 3 47:12
Pistol 1.2 5 16% 2 17 9 1,144 417 66 14 3:43:01
Player 1.0 0 2 0 0 0 2 1:01:22
Powerjack 0.0 3 0 195 0 0 3 1:02:50
Quickiebomb Launcher 2.9 76 43% 28 65 1 789 28 12 1 10:19
Rescue Ranger 0.0 1 0 49 0 0 1 28:28
Revolver 3.0 34 46% 20 43 2 701 35 16 1 20:04
Rocket 8.8 109 45% 30 66 21 7,819 253 114 6 1:11:18
Rocket Reflect 2.9 0 2 0 0 0 1 20:42
Scattergun 24.0 210 60% 18 31 170 44,751 2,360 1,415 14 3:32:54
Scorch Shot 0.0 26 0 134 0 0 1 5:05
Scotsman's Skullcutter 15.3 145 6 1,716 0 0 1 11:47
Shotgun 5.5 60 81% 15 29 24 7,944 332 270 13 2:11:08
Sniper Rifle 32.5 360 48% 75 156 17 5,647 75 36 1 15:41
Spy-cicle 0.0 3 0 40 0 0 1 10:01
Stickybomb 7.8 191 29% 18 65 188 138,332 7,312 2,108 39 12:01:16
Tide Turner 0.0 3 0 100 0 0 1 29:34
Tomislav 25.1 298 2,082 743,569 0 0 117 41:28:51
Tribalman's Shiv 0.0 5 0 90 0 0 1 15:41
Ubersaw 0.7 8 5 1,924 0 0 13 3:42:54
Ullapool Caber 8.2 59 4 868 0 0 2 14:36
Widowmaker 1.9 25 48% 9 20 2 818 83 40 3 31:34
Wrangled Sentry 1.1 11 1 338 0 0 1 28:28
Wrap Assassin 0.0 5 0 79 0 0 1 13:46
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played