
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
175-199-29 47.02% 699-794-79 46.98%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 8.5 65 24% 12 51 2 465 21 5 3 7:05
Arrow 5.8 86 7 3,140 0 0 3 36:12
AWPer Hand 12.1 104 33% 27 83 14 3,620 9 3 5 34:42
Axtinguisher 2.6 16 0% 0 2 381 4 0 4 23:17
Backburner 35.7 247 21 4,364 0 0 4 17:40
Back Scatter 18.2 172 75% 35 47 1 284 8 6 1 1:39
Ball 2.7 0 2 0 0 0 2 22:02
Bat Outta Hell 1.1 3 0% 0 3 260 8 0 6 1:19:49
Big Earner 20.8 296 30% 78 259 209 89,446 116 35 22 5:01:42
Black Box 17.5 348 46% 25 55 18 10,713 424 194 2 30:47
Bleeding 4.6 0 2 0 0 0 2 12:58
Boston Basher 0.0 0 0% 0 0 43 476 0 14 4:02:55
Bottle 2.9 14 3% 1 65 3 442 70 2 3 31:26
Bushwacka 0.0 4 0 130 0 0 2 31:59
Chargin' Targe 0.0 40 0 38 1 0:57
Cleaner's Carbine 15.6 63 12 1,479 1 23:07
Conniver's Kunai 14.9 202 4 1,630 1 8:03
Conscientious Objector 1.0 4 11% 6 65 2 260 38 4 5 58:59
Cow Mangler 5000 13.3 188 42% 25 61 15 6,391 247 104 2 33:55
Crusader's Crossbow 3.4 61 25% 9 37 88 48,148 3,082 781 49 13:05:27
Degreaser 28.6 184 19% 0 4 12 2,318 2,187 411 10 12:35
Detonator 5.6 78 232% 13 6 3 1,272 91 211 2 16:11
Disciplinary Action 0.5 0 0% 0 1 49 244 0 5 1:00:18
Environment 2.4 0 276 0 0 0 185 58:15:33
Escape Plan 0.3 1 1% 0 65 17 2,363 1,518 20 92 29:40:10
Eviction Notice 0.0 4 0 26 1 6:04
Family Business 9.9 109 2 667 1 6:04
Flamethrower 5.8 67 9% 0 5 9 3,145 4,333 369 3 46:22
Force-a-Nature 21.4 225 73% 31 42 25 7,906 143 105 4 35:01
Frying Pan 0.4 3 3% 1 65 1 325 190 5 5 1:23:08
Gloves of Running Urgently 3.4 20 0% 0 1 176 16 0 7 8:44
Grenade 0.0 6 10% 8 87 0 351 40 4 3 52:50
Gunslinger 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 352 0 2 28:03
Half-Zatoichi 13.8 153 4% 2 65 58 19,311 26 1 6 2:05:58
Hitman's Heatmaker 13.0 137 27% 14 52 3 953 15 4 2 6:55
Homewrecker 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 94 0 1 15:49
Huntsman 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 18 0 1 5:44
Iron Bomber 12.1 155 28% 19 69 312 120,480 4,632 1,293 49 12:55:17
Jag 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 548 0 4 31:53
Killing Gloves of Boxing 18.8 109 0% 0 6 1,052 4 0 3 9:36
Knife 20.6 301 32% 90 282 287 125,898 418 133 30 6:57:16
Kukri 0.0 4 4% 2 65 0 65 24 1 2 14:55
L'Etranger 2.0 20 24% 9 39 44 13,529 1,396 333 46 11:14:25
Level 1 Sentry 0.8 19 17 1 749 0 29 5 38:07
Level 2 Sentry 5.6 37 17 6 1,208 0 71 4 31:53
Level 3 Sentry 6.2 68 22 5 1,674 0 33 4 24:18
Loch-n-Load 12.0 199 23% 23 105 24 11,904 500 113 5 59:47
Loose Cannon 0.0 15 57% 19 34 0 139 7 4 1 8:52
Manntreads 0.0 15 85 0 85 0 1 1 5:21
Market Gardener 3.0 26 5% 8 160 201 54,185 2,448 126 112 33:49:42
Minigun 43.8 311 46% 5 12 14 2,987 65 30 4 9:35
Mini-Sentry 0.0 53 8 0 1,513 0 174 2 28:03
Natascha 46.7 254 7 1,146 1 4:30
Original 20.8 289 31% 19 60 2,551 1,068,859 44,608 14,016 210 61:26:35
Pain Train 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 6 0 1 13:42
Panic Attack Shotgun 4.8 16 38% 8 23 2 210 24 9 2 12:32
Phlogistinator 0.0 154 0 165 1 1:04
Pistol 4.3 18 19% 3 17 101 12,890 3,368 625 50 11:44:37
Player 3.1 0 8 0 0 0 6 1:17:45
Powerjack 1.0 4 0% 0 1 130 182 0 7 28:55
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 10 0 1 8:54
Quickiebomb Launcher 0.0 46 38% 25 68 0 408 16 6 1 8:52
Revolver 4.2 35 20% 8 40 20 5,011 460 91 10 2:22:29
Rocket 17.3 245 32% 19 60 488 208,655 8,105 2,590 50 14:08:38
Rocket Reflect 10.5 37 108 2 217 0 2 2 5:43
Scattergun 21.2 236 60% 15 25 461 154,019 8,979 5,400 45 10:52:00
Scorch Shot 0.0 56 260% 11 4 0 356 5 13 4 6:18
Scotsman's Skullcutter 34.3 240 81 17,034 0 0 5 1:10:45
Scottish Handshake 0.6 2 2% 1 72 5 608 162 3 13 4:15:35
Shahanshah 0.8 8 0% 0 81 3 905 222 1 9 1:52:14
Shotgun 19.0 111 64% 18 29 96 16,811 472 304 13 2:31:22
SMG 3.3 23 20% 2 10 15 3,310 1,601 327 19 2:18:21
Sniper Rifle 24.1 247 39% 56 146 118 36,223 600 233 25 2:26:37
Solemn Vow 4.8 40 21% 14 66 19 4,749 252 54 7 1:57:32
Spinal Tap 1.5 11 2 450 0 0 2 39:44
Splendid Screen 1.5 31 3 1,861 0 0 3 58:48
Spy-cicle 17.9 261 35% 78 222 115 50,240 68 24 17 3:12:14
Stickybomb 14.3 184 21% 13 63 357 137,912 8,011 1,660 47 12:26:58
Sydney Sleeper 3.8 42 3 1,020 2 23:49
Tide Turner 0.8 16 1 654 0 0 2 39:40
Tomislav 30.3 302 35% 5 15 18 5,386 456 159 14 17:48
Ubersaw 5.7 39 25% 16 65 123 25,721 408 101 39 10:43:58
Ullapool Caber 2.9 30 7 2,218 0 0 4 1:12:55
Widowmaker 4.9 50 57% 10 18 7 2,173 192 110 7 42:54
Winger 5.4 7 4 163 0 0 2 22:24
Wrap Assassin 0.0 13 91% 5 5 0 2,947 185 168 16 3:32:22
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played