
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
7-5-2 57.14% 46-40-5 53.30%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
Him 1 50.00% 28:39 3 33.33% 1:01:32 174 186
Culito de Femboy 2 100.00% 34:19 2 0.00% 47:02 191 189 64
BADLANDS KING 1 0.00% 17:56 3 66.67% 1:07:27 187 255
fac 0 0:00 4 37.50% 1:30:08
welp 2 50.00% 39:43 2 50.00% 41:38 166 217
pablo.rodriguez2006 3 33.33% 1:01:29 0 0:00 43 74
quorean 1 100.00% 27:44 2 50.00% 30:22 143 203
liaaammm 1 100.00% 27:44 2 75.00% 50:29 143 203
CM_longaker 1 0.00% 17:53 2 50.00% 43:36 149 256 80
ambatabus 3 66.67% 56:05 0 0:00 46 44
pinæpple 2 75.00% 50:29 1 100.00% 12:29 177 185
joakim 0 0:00 3 33.33% 1:01:29
squish. 3 33.33% 1:01:29 0 0:00 43 74
ṽ⧉ Cole 0 0:00 2 75.00% 56:23
craig dishwasher 1 0.00% 29:09 1 100.00% 27:44 0
MOZAMBIQUE FAN 1 50.00% 28:39 1 0.00% 17:56 174 186
aNTHONY 0 0:00 2 75.00% 43:06
yeah i dunno 2 100.00% 40:13 0 0:00 163 202 48
SCARYCRAZYMANN 1 0.00% 17:56 1 100.00% 27:44 187 255
mila 1 0.00% 17:56 1 100.00% 12:29 187 255
LAST 1 100.00% 12:29 1 50.00% 28:39 209 198
󠀡󠀡community leader 1 0.00% 29:09 1 100.00% 27:44 0
thao 2 50.00% 43:36 0 0:00 0
Gary the Crypto Trader 0 0:00 1 100.00% 14:27
purple 1 0.00% 17:53 0 0:00 149 256
ز دست محبوب 0 0:00 1 100.00% 27:44
myls 'ring 0 0:00 1 100.00% 21:50
I Gotcha Back 0 0:00 1 0.00% 17:53
azr 1 100.00% 12:29 0 0:00 209 198 109
Yoshi - tf2pugs.com 0 0:00 1 100.00% 12:29
binned 1 100.00% 27:44 0 0:00 143 203
Squiddysquibbles 1 50.00% 28:39 0 0:00 174 186
ark 1 50.00% 28:39 0 0:00 174 186 98
bank broke but my toes long 1 100.00% 27:44 0 0:00 143 203
Jaegerbot 1 0.00% 17:56 0 0:00 187 255 142
New Bedford, Massachusetts 0 0:00 1 50.00% 28:39
GGWP NOH MERCY 0 0:00 1 100.00% 21:50
Pookie 0 0:00 1 100.00% 27:44
man. 0 0:00 1 0.00% 17:56
۰۰۰ sp0rk! 0 0:00 1 0.00% 17:56
hojin 1 100.00% 21:50 0 0:00 181 184
nonoeway 0 0:00 1 0.00% 17:56
juan kabom LFT 1 0.00% 17:56 0 0:00 187 255
SEKT MAFIA 0 0:00 1 100.00% 21:50
Ian Foote 1 100.00% 21:50 0 0:00 181 184
TheG4M3R_PWN 0 0:00 1 100.00% 21:50
Jishin 0 0:00 1 100.00% 12:29
worthless dead human 0 0:00 1 0.00% 17:56
Saphia 1 100.00% 14:27 0 0:00 0
oozz 0 0:00 1 100.00% 12:29
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From