dedicated gpu player

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2-0-1 83.33% 4-2-2 62.50%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
soysauce 3 83.33% 44:43 0 0:00 106 236
snip 3 83.33% 44:43 0 0:00 106 236 6
Fox is Hot 3 83.33% 44:43 0 0:00 106 236 16
HJGuard 3 83.33% 44:43 0 0:00 106 236
Glitchcrab 0 0:00 3 83.33% 44:43
Kris 0 0:00 3 83.33% 44:43
Ralsei 0 0:00 3 83.33% 44:43
Doc Amen 0 0:00 3 83.33% 44:43
Acceonit 0 0:00 3 83.33% 44:43
I love fishsticks 0 0:00 3 83.33% 44:43
Uncle Sam 0 0:00 3 83.33% 44:43
Mi PRO | BWU 0 0:00 3 83.33% 44:43
Gunter 3 83.33% 44:43 0 0:00 106 236
LegoGuy 3 83.33% 44:43 0 0:00 106 236
RiceMonkey 3 83.33% 44:43 0 0:00 106 236 28
Ronny Ribcage 0 0:00 2 75.00% 37:33
Pooenjoyer 0 0:00 1 100.00% 22:46
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From