RGL HL Season 7



INVITE - Powered by Mannco.store

Memento Mori 8-2-0 80% 22.83 7.16 76%
Kids Next Door 8-3-0 73% 23.16 9.82 70%
Cuties 7-2-0 78% 21.58 5.41 80%
refrigerator 5-5-0 50% 14.41 15.59 48%
Burger Squad 3-4-0 43% 6.67 14.33 32%
My Net Graph Is A War Crime 2-5-0 29% 8.67 12.33 41%
Impostors 1-6-0 14% 4.33 16.67 21%
Super Handsome Inteligent Team 0-7-0 0% 0.33 20.67 2%


The Dojo 9-0-0 100% 25.92 1.08 96%
somebody help 7-3-0 70% 18.51 11.49 62%
Oprah Winfrey Network 5-4-0 56% 16.16 10.84 60%
Never Knows Best 5-5-0 50% 17.58 12.42 59%
Home Depot eSports 4-4-0 50% 12.17 11.83 51%
Flow 4-3-0 57% 10.34 10.66 49%
Crit Sandvich 4-4-0 50% 11.00 13.00 46%
Rooftop Koreans 3-4-0 43% 10.33 10.67 49%
Steel Moveups 3-4-0 43% 9.00 12.00 43%
Live Laugh Love 3-4-0 43% 7.00 14.00 33%
Gramps! and the Boomers 2-5-0 29% 9.33 11.67 44%
DogBGaming 1-3-0 25% 3.00 9.00 25%
Bye Team 1-4-0 20% 2.66 12.34 18%
RiskWare 1-5-0 17% 3.00 15.00 17%


Klowwdless9 10-0-0 100% 26.67 3.33 89%
We Overslept.. 8-2-0 80% 22.32 7.67 74%
Yeye 7-3-0 70% 18.34 11.66 61%
ralph 6-4-0 60% 19.83 10.16 66%
Pencils 5-3-0 62% 12.00 12.00 50%
we lost 4-4-0 50% 12.84 11.16 53%
teeklander 4-3-0 57% 11.00 10.00 52%
Shooting Starz 4-3-0 57% 10.34 10.66 49%
George 4-4-0 50% 11.66 12.34 49%
The Kaboom Kollective 3-5-0 38% 13.00 11.00 54%
nukroo 3-4-0 43% 11.00 10.00 52%
I'M BOING BOING 3-4-0 43% 10.33 10.67 49%
Fireplace BLACK 3-4-0 43% 10.00 11.00 48%
Dedoris 3-4-0 43% 9.66 11.34 46%
Magical Dragons of Dustbowl 3-4-0 43% 9.33 11.67 44%
Vindicators 3-4-0 43% 8.67 12.33 41%
Worse Comp Format 2-5-0 29% 8.00 13.00 38%
Same Time Next Week? 2-5-0 29% 6.00 15.00 29%
Portland Burnsiders 1-6-0 14% 3.00 18.00 14%
BYE WEEK 0-6-0 0% 0.00 18.00 0%
Name Pending 0-1-0 0% 0.00 3.00 0%


Femboy eSports 9-1-0 90% 26.17 3.82 87%
Scatman's World 7-3-0 70% 21.33 8.67 71%
Kalgan 6-4-0 60% 16.99 13.00 57%
Zipf's law 5-5-0 50% 15.67 14.33 52%
Need for Feed 4-4-0 50% 13.00 11.00 54%
Flight Crew 4-4-0 50% 12.34 11.66 51%
Vorpal Swords 4-3-0 57% 10.01 10.99 48%
Big Time Rush Mid 3-4-0 43% 9.33 11.67 44%
Tulips of the Keukenhof 3-4-0 43% 8.99 12.01 43%
Man I Love Frogs 2-2-0 50% 6.33 5.67 53%
Far Out 2-5-0 29% 8.33 12.67 40%
SACRED GEOMETRY CLUB 2-4-0 33% 5.67 12.33 31%
Bye Week 1-2-0 33% 3.00 6.00 33%
The Bug Club 1-5-0 17% 3.33 14.67 18%
2020 Toyota Highlander 0-2-0 0% 0.66 5.34 11%
People Against Alarm Clocks 0-2-0 0% 0.00 6.00 0%


femboi friday 10-0-0 100% 28.34 1.66 94%
Flip Diddups 8-2-0 80% 23.41 6.59 78%
FakeTaxi eSports 7-3-0 70% 18.18 11.82 61%
High Newcomer 6-4-0 60% 19.50 10.50 65%
Nine Man Sac 5-3-0 62% 14.00 10.00 58%
The 5-3-0 62% 12.84 11.16 53%
bottom_text 4-3-0 57% 11.67 9.33 56%
Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. 4-3-0 57% 11.34 9.66 54%
Bagels and Donuts 4-3-0 57% 11.33 9.67 54%
Pandomizer 4-4-0 50% 12.33 11.67 51%
(Mis)adventures of Cliff Heavy 4-4-0 50% 12.25 11.75 51%
TeamRPI 4-3-0 57% 10.67 10.33 51%
Beetlejuice 4-4-0 50% 12.00 12.00 50%
Whole Lotta Chimps 4-3-0 57% 10.34 10.66 49%
Heart Breakers Club 3-4-0 43% 11.00 10.00 52%
TeamWithPeopleInIt 3-4-0 43% 10.67 10.33 51%
Microp-enis 3-4-0 43% 9.33 11.67 44%
Monosodium Glutamate 3-4-0 43% 8.33 12.67 40%
Good Manners 3-4-0 43% 7.67 13.33 37%
Cream Team 3-4-0 43% 7.34 13.66 35%
Femboy Shark Tank 2-4-0 33% 9.32 8.68 52%
BigBrainComp? 2-5-0 29% 6.00 15.00 29%
What's The Connect Info? 1-2-0 33% 4.00 5.00 44%
Degenerate Destroyers 1-4-0 20% 3.66 11.34 24%
Kung Fu Fighters 1-5-0 17% 4.00 14.00 22%
FetaTech 0-4-0 0% 1.66 10.34 14%
Aerospace 0-2-0 0% 0.66 5.34 11%
Bye Week 0-3-0 0% 0.00 9.00 0%
White Girls Inc. 0-2-0 0% 0.00 6.00 0%


Based Department 9-1-0 90% 26.75 3.24 89%
BWM 7-3-0 70% 19.67 10.33 66%
WeBigPimps 6-2-0 75% 15.35 8.65 64%
!callpip 6-4-0 60% 18.41 11.58 61%
Baffin' Yah Nan 6-4-0 60% 16.92 13.08 56%
Blunky Business 5-3-0 62% 14.17 9.83 59%
Hopefully We Win 4-3-0 57% 13.08 7.92 62%
The Meme Police 4-3-0 57% 10.67 10.33 51%
Lemon Lads 3-4-0 43% 10.66 10.34 51%
scrump3 3-4-0 43% 10.00 11.00 48%
Botmode 3-4-0 43% 9.33 11.67 44%
I'll Be Back 3-4-0 43% 9.00 12.00 43%
Family Guy Funniest Moments 3-4-0 43% 9.00 12.00 43%
The Goons 2-5-0 29% 7.66 13.34 36%
Walrose 2-5-0 29% 7.33 13.67 35%
The Legless Track Team 2-4-0 33% 6.33 11.67 35%
Penguin Pride 2-4-0 33% 5.33 12.67 30%
High Babies 1-2-0 33% 3.00 6.00 33%
Stop Shlooting At Me 1-3-0 25% 3.33 8.67 28%
Bye Week 0-6-0 0% 0.00 18.00 0%

Recent Matches

D/M Round Teams Score Maps Date
Playoffs 4 Memento Mori Kids Next Door 2.33 0.66 cp_steel, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 3 Kids Next Door refrigerator 2.50 0.50 pl_upward, koth_cascade_rc1a, koth_ashville_rc2b
Playoffs 3 Never Knows Best somebody help 0.50 2.50 koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 3 The Dojo Oprah Winfrey Network 2.75 0.25 pl_upward, pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_ashville_rc2b
Playoffs 3 ralph We Overslept.. 1.33 1.66 pl_upward, pl_swiftwater_final1, cp_steel
Playoffs 3 Yeye Klowwdless9 0.00 3.00 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 3 Femboy eSports Zipf's law 3.00 0.00 cp_steel, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 3 Kalgan Scatman's World 0.00 3.00 pl_upward, pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_cascade_rc1a
Playoffs 3 FakeTaxi eSports High Newcomer 2.50 0.50 pl_upward, cp_steel, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 3 Flip Diddups femboi friday 1.00 2.00 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 3 BWM Baffin' Yah Nan 2.50 0.50 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b
Playoffs 3 !callpip Based Department 0.66 2.33 cp_steel, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 2 Kids Next Door Cuties 1.83 1.16 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 2 Memento Mori refrigerator 3.00 0.00 pl_upward, cp_steel, koth_product_rcx
Playoffs 2 Never Knows Best Oprah Winfrey Network 0.75 2.25 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_cascade_rc1a, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 2 somebody help The Dojo 0.50 2.50 pl_upward, pl_swiftwater_final1, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 2 Yeye We Overslept.. 0.00 3.00 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_cascade_rc1a, koth_ashville_rc2b
Playoffs 2 ralph Klowwdless9 1.00 2.00 cp_steel, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 2 Scatman's World Zipf's law 3.00 0.00 koth_cascade_rc1a, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 2 Femboy eSports Kalgan 1.16 1.83 cp_steel, koth_cascade_rc1a, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 2 Flip Diddups High Newcomer 3.00 0.00 pl_upward, cp_steel, koth_ashville_rc2b
Playoffs 2 FakeTaxi eSports femboi friday 0.00 3.00 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b
Playoffs 2 !callpip BWM 2.75 0.25 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_cascade_rc1a, pl_vigil_rc8
Playoffs 2 Based Department Baffin' Yah Nan 2.75 0.25 pl_upward, koth_cascade_rc1a, koth_ashville_rc2b
Playoffs 1 !callpip WeBigPimps 3.00 0.00 pl_swiftwater_final1, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8