
W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
305-22-0 93% 866.96-107.63 89.0%


Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR
Sixes S14 Invite Sixes froyotech 9-1-0 90% 25.91 3.09 89%
Sixes S13 Invite Sixes froyotech 11-3-0 79% 32.25 9.75 77%
Sixes S12 Invite Sixes froyotech 13-0-0 100% 37.60 1.40 96%
NA Chucklenuts Cup #1 - Hosted by RGL RGL-Div-1 (Inv/Adv/Main) Sixes froyotech 8-0-0 100% 22.50 1.50 94%
Sixes S11 Invite Sixes froyotech 17-4-0 81% 52.79 10.21 84%
Sixes S10 Invite Sixes froyotech 10-6-0 62% 31.25 16.75 65%
Sixes S9 Invite Sixes froyotech 16-1-0 94% 47.88 3.12 94%
Sixes S8 Invite Sixes froyotech 21-0-0 100% 56.17 2.82 95%
Sixes S7 Invite Sixes froyotech 16-1-0 94% 45.87 5.12 90%
NR Sixes Cup #1 RGL-Div-1 Sixes froyotech 6-0-0 100% 17.75 0.25 99%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Playoffs - Grand Finals COZY! BLACK 2.50 0.50 cp_sunshine, cp_gullywash_f9, cp_process_f12, koth_bagel_rc7, UB Win
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Playoffs - Round 3 COZY! BLACK 1.33 1.67 cp_sunshine, cp_gullywash_f9, cp_metalworks_f5
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Playoffs - Round 2 MAGA County 2.00 0.00 cp_gullywash_f9, cp_metalworks_f5, cp_process_f12
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Week 4A COZY! BLACK 2.33 0.67 koth_product_final
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Week 3A MAGA County 2.75 0.25 cp_gullywash_f9
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Week 3B ROME 3.00 0.00 cp_snakewater_final1
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Week 2B Boys' Night 3.00 0.00 Forfeit
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Week 2A Anglerfish 3.00 0.00 cp_sunshine
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Week 1B The Mafia 3.00 0.00 cp_metalworks_f5
Sixes S14 Invite Invite Week 1A Global Clan 3.00 0.00 cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S13 Invite Invite Playoffs - Grand Final Witness Gaming 2.67 0.33 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, cp_gullywash_f9, cp_metalworks_f5, UB Win
Sixes S13 Invite Invite Playoffs - Lower Bracket Final The Darkest Knights 2.71 0.29 cp_metalworks_f5, cp_process_f12, cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S13 Invite Invite Playoffs - Upper Bracket Final Witness Gaming 0.67 2.33 cp_gullywash_f9, cp_metalworks_f5, cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S13 Invite Invite Playoffs - Upper Round 1 The Darkest Knights 2.62 0.38 cp_gullywash_f9, cp_process_f12, cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 2 - Group A - GF (Grand Finals) Witness Gaming 1.00 2.00 cp_sunshine, koth_product_final, cp_metalworks_f5
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 2 - Group A - UF (Upper Finals) Witness Gaming 2.50 0.50 cp_snakewater_final1, cp_sunshine, koth_product_final
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 2 - Group A - U1 (Upper 1) GlobanClan Fire 2.83 0.17 cp_sunshine, cp_sultry_b8a, koth_bagel_rc7
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 1 - Round 7 ROME 3.00 0.00 cp_sultry_b8a
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 1 - Round 6 GlobalClan Ice 1.00 2.00 cp_snakewater_final1
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 1 - Round 5 Witness Gaming 3.00 0.00 cp_gullywash_f9
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 1 - Round 2 The Darkest Knights 3.00 0.00 cp_sunshine
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 1 - Round 4 fgp 2.50 0.50 cp_process_f12
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 1 - Round 3 The Government 2.75 0.25 cp_metalworks_f5
Sixes S13 Invite Invite - Stage 1 - Round 1 GlobanClan Fire 2.00 1.00 cp_process_f12
Sixes S12 Invite Invite - Playoffs - Upper Grand Finals - M10 Greasy Dothogs 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f12, koth_bagel_rc6, cp_sultry_b8a