Mao Zedong's Glorious 6s Team

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
6-10-0 38% 21.17-26.83 44.1%


Current Players

Player Joined

Recent Competitions

Competition Division Format Team W-L-T WR PW PL PR
Sixes S6 Intermediate Sixes Mao Zedong's Glorious 6s Team 6-10-0 38% 21.17 26.83 44%

Recent Matches

D/M Competition Division Round Opponent PW PL Maps Date
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 8B Ram Ranch eSports 0.00 3.00 cp_sunshine
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 8A Wetness Protection 0.75 2.25 cp_sunshine
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 7B Chris Farley Fan Club 2.00 1.00 koth_bagel_rc4a
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 7A meagouy 2.00 1.00 koth_bagel_rc4a
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 6B funyun sandwich 3.00 0.00 cp_gullywash_final1
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 6A MAJOR LEAGUE SWAG OUT 0.50 2.50 cp_gullywash_final1
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 5B whats a thug to do 1.00 2.00 cp_villa_b19
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 5A Bombing Balcony 1.00 2.00 cp_villa_b19
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 4B minority with autority 1.00 2.00 cp_snakewater_final1
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 4A wheel snipe celly 0.75 2.25 cp_snakewater_final1
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 3B -rep 1.00 2.00 koth_product_rcx
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 3A Escoosy Esports 2.67 0.33 koth_product_rcx
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 2B joycore 2.00 1.00 cp_metalworks
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 2A Bedtime Hotshots 0.50 2.50 cp_metalworks
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 1B Sweaty Spaghetti 0.00 3.00 cp_process_f7
Sixes S6 Intermediate Week 1A Comp Ball Torture 3.00 0.00 cp_process_f7