W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1992-2800-432 42.27% 11543-14623-1482 44.43%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
ETF2L Latvia 6v6 Nations Cup #10 Group C Sixes
ETF2L trans bites 6v6 Season 47 (Spring 2024) Low Sixes
ETF2L Magnificent Bastards Highlander Season 22 to Highlander Spring 2023 Low Highlander
ETF2L Shivering Maniacs Season 32 Preseason Map Cup to Season 33 Preseason Map Cup Mid C Sixes
ETF2L Swayzbury's 6v6 Autumn 2023 to 6v6 Autumn 2023: Low Playoffs Sixes
ETF2L Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs TF2C Archimedes Cup powered by to 6v6 Season 48 (Autumn 2024) Division 4A Sixes
ETF2L Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives Season 36 to 6v6 Summer 2023: Low & Open Low Sixes
ETF2L Porg E-Sports Global Whitelist Test Cup #1 to Season 33 Low Sixes
RGL Cosmo Fam Club P7 EU Season 4 Advanced Prolander
RGL Cosmo Fam Club P7 EU ODC #2 Div 1 Prolander
RGL Cosmo Fam Club P7 EU Season 3 Intermediate Prolander
RGL Cosmo Fam Club P7 EU Season 2 Intermediate Red Prolander
ETF2L Massive Legends Here Highlander Season 15 Preseason Cup to Highlander Season 16 Preseason Cup Open E Highlander
RGL CAFe-sports P7 EU Season 1 Intermediate Prolander