RGL Prolander Cup #5


Descending Ascending
D/M Division Round Teams Score Maps Date
RGL-Div 2 Grand Finals Cloud. IX Victoria's Secret 1.10 1.90 koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 2 Third Place Playoff Kalgan open hl players meet div2pl :/ 3.00 0.00 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 2 Playoffs round 1 Kalgan Victoria's Secret 1.10 1.90 koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 4 Playoffs round 1 blakesports :D 7 Moyai Emoji's 3.00 0.00 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 3 Playoffs round 1 I'M BOING BOING Hard to Explain 0.40 2.60 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Invite Third Place Playoff Turbo Alcoholics Bye Round 1.00 0.00
RGL-Invite Grand Finals Drake Fan Club I Hate 7s 1.00 2.00 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Invite Playoffs round 1 Turbo Alcoholics Drake Fan Club 1.20 1.80 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Invite Playoffs round 1 squir7yay I Hate 7s 0.00 3.00
RGL-Div 1 Third Place Playoff Scatman's World darty 3.00 0.00 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 1 Grand Finals Bad Comp Format cliffside PL 1.20 1.80 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 1 Playoffs round 1 Scatman's World cliffside PL 0.00 3.00 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 1 Playoffs round 1 Bad Comp Format darty 1.60 1.40 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 2 Playoffs round 1 Cloud. IX open hl players meet div2pl :/ 1.60 1.40 koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 3 Third Place Playoff No Limit I'M BOING BOING 1.00 2.00 koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 3 Grand Finals Hard to Explain Keroppi wearin sick Timbs 0.00 3.00 koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 3 Playoffs round 1 No Limit Keroppi wearin sick Timbs 0.40 2.60 koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 4 Third Place Playoff 7 Moyai Emoji's PLATONIC SOLIDS WORSHIP GROUP 0.00 3.00 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 4 Grand Finals blakesports :D Bong Bros 2.20 0.80 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 4 Playoffs round 1 PLATONIC SOLIDS WORSHIP GROUP Bong Bros 0.90 2.10 koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 5 Grand Finals P4TS 4 B4RRY Nec7ar 3.00 0.00
RGL-Div 5 Third Place Playoff Casual Casuals Casually Casual Garbagemen 2.00 1.00 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 5 Grand Finals MakkaBALD Bargain bin 2.20 0.80 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 5 Playoffs round 1 Casual Casuals Casually Casual Bargain bin 0.60 2.40 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 5 Playoffs round 1 MakkaBALD Garbagemen 3.00 0.00 pl_upward, koth_product_rcx, koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 6 Third Place Playoff OnlyFrags CreamTeam 0.00 3.00 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 6 Grand Finals Aerospace LITE freakin' vegetables 0.00 3.00 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 6 Playoffs round 1 CreamTeam freakin' vegetables 0.00 3.00 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 6 Playoffs round 1 OnlyFrags Aerospace LITE 3.00 0.00 pl_upward, koth_ashville_rc2b, pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 2 Match 4 (tiebreaker): pl_vigil_rc7 (Best of 3) Vorpal Swords Victoria's Secret 1.00 2.00 pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Invite Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) I Hate 7s Bye Round 1.50 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Invite Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Drake Fan Club squir7yay 0.00 3.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Invite Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Gang Unit Tactics Turbo Alcoholics 0.80 2.20 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Invite Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Gang Unit Tactics Bye Round 1.50 0.00 pl_upward
RGL-Invite Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Turbo Alcoholics Drake Fan Club 0.00 3.00 pl_upward
RGL-Invite Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) squir7yay I Hate 7s 1.00 2.00 pl_upward
RGL-Invite Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Drake Fan Club Bye Round 1.50 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Invite Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Turbo Alcoholics I Hate 7s 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Invite Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Gang Unit Tactics squir7yay 0.80 2.20 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 1 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) cliffside PL darty 1.80 1.20 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 1 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) throwing for fun open move-ups :D 3.00 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 1 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Scatman's World Bem vindo ao Brasil 2.20 0.80 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 1 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Bad Comp Format deez nuts 3.00 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 1 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Scatman's World cliffside PL 1.00 2.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 1 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Bad Comp Format darty 0.00 3.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 1 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) throwing for fun Bem vindo ao Brasil 0.00 3.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 1 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) open move-ups :D deez nuts 1.00 2.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 1 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) darty deez nuts 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 1 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) cliffside PL Bem vindo ao Brasil 2.20 0.80 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 1 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Bad Comp Format open move-ups :D 2.20 0.80 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 1 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Scatman's World throwing for fun 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 2 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Kalgan Cloud. IX 3.00 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 2 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Snap Back to Reality BYE Round 1.50 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 2 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Vorpal Swords Victoria's Secret 1.80 1.20 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 2 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Norwegian Nerdewells open hl players meet div2pl :/ 0.00 2.50 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 2 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Kalgan Vorpal Swords 3.00 0.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 2 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Cloud. IX open hl players meet div2pl :/ 2.00 1.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 2 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Snap Back to Reality Victoria's Secret 0.00 3.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 2 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Norwegian Nerdewells xinatl 1.50 0.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 2 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Vorpal Swords xinatl 1.50 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 2 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Snap Back to Reality open hl players meet div2pl :/ 1.20 1.80 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 2 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Cloud. IX Victoria's Secret 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 2 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Kalgan Norwegian Nerdewells 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 3 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) No Limit Keroppi wearin sick Timbs 1.20 1.80 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 3 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Femboy eSports No Heal Targets 2.20 0.80 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 3 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) I'M BOING BOING Beast from the east 2.20 0.80 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 3 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) TeamRPI Hard to Explain 0.80 2.20 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 3 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) I'M BOING BOING Keroppi wearin sick Timbs 1.00 2.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 3 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) No Limit Beast from the east 3.00 0.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 3 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) No Heal Targets Hard to Explain 0.00 3.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 3 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) TeamRPI Femboy eSports 3.00 0.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 3 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Femboy eSports Keroppi wearin sick Timbs 0.00 3.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 3 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) No Limit Hard to Explain 1.80 1.20 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 3 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) No Heal Targets Beast from the east 0.00 3.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 3 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) TeamRPI I'M BOING BOING 0.00 3.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 4 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) blebblepvlep PLATONIC SOLIDS WORSHIP GROUP 0.00 3.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 4 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) blakesports :D 7 Moyai Emoji's 3.00 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 4 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) minecraft Bong Bros 1.80 1.20 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 4 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) blakesports :D PLATONIC SOLIDS WORSHIP GROUP 3.00 0.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 4 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) blebblepvlep Bong Bros 0.00 3.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 4 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) minecraft 7 Moyai Emoji's 2.00 1.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 4 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) 7 Moyai Emoji's Bong Bros 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 4 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) blakesports :D minecraft 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 5 Match 4 (tiebreaker): pl_vigil_rc7 (Best of 3) Bargain bin Garbagemen 2.00 1.00 pl_vigil_rc8
RGL-Div 5 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) MakkaBALD Casual Casuals Casually Casual 3.00 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 5 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) P4TS 4 B4RRY Nec7ar 3.00 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 5 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Small Time Fraggers PL Bargain bin 0.80 2.20 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 5 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Horn Cleat Homeboys Garbagemen 0.80 2.20 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 5 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) MakkaBALD Horn Cleat Homeboys 3.00 0.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 5 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Casual Casuals Casually Casual Garbagemen 3.00 0.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 5 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) P4TS 4 B4RRY Small Time Fraggers PL 1.00 2.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 5 Match 2: pl_upward (Best of 3) Nec7ar Bargain bin 0.00 3.00 pl_upward
RGL-Div 5 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Nec7ar Garbagemen 0.00 3.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 5 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) P4TS 4 B4RRY Horn Cleat Homeboys 0.80 2.20 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 5 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) Casual Casuals Casually Casual Bargain bin 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 5 Match 1: koth_product_rcx (Best of 5) MakkaBALD Small Time Fraggers PL 3.00 0.00 koth_product_rcx
RGL-Div 6 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) The Meme Police BYE Round 1.50 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 6 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Aerospace LITE CreamTeam 0.00 3.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 6 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) freakin' vegetables The Redditors 3.00 0.00 koth_ashville_rc2b
RGL-Div 6 Match 3: koth_ashville_rc2b (Best of 5) Household Objects OnlyFrags 1.20 1.80 koth_ashville_rc2b