Straight Outta Valve Comp

W-L-T Winrate Points W-L Point Ratio
9-2-0 82% 25.33-6.67 79.2%


Descending Ascending
Competition Player From To
Sixes S2 the Loathsome Playa
Sixes S2 Sashi
Sixes S2 Certified Slugger
Sixes S2 Captain Leona
Sixes S2 tacocat
Sixes S2 Cornsauce
Sixes S2 peacherine
Sixes S2 PhlegmBoy69
Sixes S2 Shardinger's Gyatt
Sixes S2 bogulboap
Sixes S2 Shardinger's Gyatt
Sixes S2 Captain Leona