Log 3489766

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
TF2Center Lobby #1243765 koth_product_final Highlander 2 3 30:11 3489765


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Kosmogoniik Scout 19 37 13 257 310 84 7782 9364 2554 2 0 31 0 0 2 30:11
Red Royal Soldier 31 37 5 366 384 130 11058 11616 3939 4 0 107 0 0 0 30:11
Red Amir Pyro 19 35 13 199 433 145 6019 13097 4398 4 0 27 0 0 7 30:11
Red Jean Vicquemare Demo 21 35 7 332 360 101 10036 10873 3064 3 0 19 0 0 3 29:07
Red ZakMcRofl #STOPTHEWAR Engineer 11 31 18 253 251 45 7665 7593 1365 4 0 14 0 0 5 30:11
Red Frozen Pegasus Heavy Demo 21 26 17 346 557 268 10472 16836 8097 5 0 15 0 0 7 30:11
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Medic 2 22 16 22 255 690 7697 0 1 0 12 0 0 7 30:11
Red SPARTAN Sniper 38 34 7 358 319 81 10812 9633 2474 5 0 10 0 32 2 30:11
Red Daniele Antox Spy 22 28 3 244 187 27 7392 5660 830 3 0 36 12 0 1 30:11
Blue ¿Depruu? Scout 63 24 18 490 244 101 14790 7388 3078 14 0 26 0 0 4 29:44
Blue Moai Soldier 9 16 13 209 250 148 6338 7552 4472 2 0 47 0 0 1 30:11
Blue frazzle Pyro 15 23 20 190 300 101 5745 9060 3052 2 0 38 0 0 8 30:11
Blue Adrenaline Demo 43 18 12 507 351 280 15315 10598 8463 9 1 12 0 0 8 30:11
Blue Purik #TF2Center Engineer 15 26 25 222 244 61 6712 7368 1843 3 0 14 0 0 1 30:11
Blue bauxite Heavy 42 24 9 358 488 169 10810 14748 5130 9 0 15 0 0 5 30:11
Blue cinny Medic 1 19 33 9 195 290 5894 0 1 0 12 0 0 3 30:11
Blue partypooper Sniper 61 18 11 610 188 108 18424 5688 3289 10 0 15 0 53 1 30:11
Blue Void Spy 33 19 0 462 120 110 13945 3630 3335 7 0 2 32 0 0 30:11
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 184 285 99 2382 3060 885 71926 92369 26721 5 0 271 12 32 34 5 30:11
Blue 282 187 141 3060 2382 1082 92369 71926 32662 14 1 181 32 53 31 7 30:11


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Medic 100% 881 26600 7 6 1 0 1 0 0:00 1 1 30:11
Blue cinny Medic 100% 1086 32783 11 3 8 0 1 1 0:10 6 0 30:11



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue ¿Depruu? 5 6 8 7 7 6 6 8 10 63
Blue partypooper 11 5 8 6 3 7 7 13 1 61
Blue Adrenaline 4 3 7 9 4 7 3 3 3 43
Blue bauxite 8 9 6 7 1 4 0 2 5 42
Red SPARTAN 3 3 5 4 5 4 3 10 1 38
Blue Void 1 3 2 5 8 3 5 6 0 33
Red Royal 5 2 3 4 5 1 8 0 3 31
Red Daniele Antox 2 4 2 0 5 7 0 0 2 22
Red Jean Vicquemare 3 0 5 2 1 2 5 3 0 21
Red Frozen Pegasus 3 1 2 3 3 5 0 0 4 21
Red Amir 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 19
Red Kosmogoniik 2 2 2 1 2 4 1 3 2 19
Blue Purik #TF2Center 4 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 4 15
Blue frazzle 2 6 2 0 1 2 0 0 2 15
Red ZakMcRofl #STOPTHEWAR 2 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 3 11
Blue Moai 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 9
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2
Blue cinny 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Kosmogoniik 5 2 2 4 8 4 0 11 1 37
Red Royal 6 2 6 3 9 2 0 5 3 36
Red Amir 8 1 2 7 6 1 0 8 2 35
Red SPARTAN 8 1 0 3 2 1 0 13 6 34
Red Jean Vicquemare 7 0 0 8 7 0 0 6 5 33
Red ZakMcRofl #STOPTHEWAR 6 1 2 7 4 1 0 7 3 31
Red Daniele Antox 10 2 2 3 5 4 1 1 0 28
Blue Purik #TF2Center 4 1 2 2 5 0 1 4 7 26
Red Frozen Pegasus 7 0 1 5 1 1 0 3 8 26
Blue ¿Depruu? 2 5 4 3 3 2 0 3 2 24
Blue bauxite 2 5 1 1 3 1 1 5 5 24
Blue frazzle 2 3 2 5 2 2 0 5 2 23
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 6 0 0 3 0 1 0 7 5 22
Blue cinny 1 8 1 5 0 1 0 3 0 19
Blue Void 2 3 4 0 4 3 0 1 2 19
Blue partypooper 3 0 1 3 0 1 0 10 0 18
Blue Adrenaline 1 4 2 2 3 1 0 4 0 17
Blue Moai 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 3 4 14


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue ¿Depruu? 8 12 10 10 10 6 6 9 10 81
Blue partypooper 12 7 9 10 4 9 7 13 1 72
Blue Adrenaline 6 3 8 9 7 10 3 6 3 55
Blue bauxite 8 11 9 8 1 4 2 3 5 51
Red SPARTAN 5 3 5 5 6 4 3 11 3 45
Blue Purik #TF2Center 8 4 5 3 4 3 3 2 8 40
Red Frozen Pegasus 5 3 5 6 5 7 0 2 5 38
Red Royal 7 2 4 5 6 1 8 0 3 36
Blue frazzle 6 9 5 0 4 5 2 1 3 35
Blue cinny 4 6 5 5 1 4 3 3 3 34
Blue Void 1 3 2 5 8 3 5 6 0 33
Red Amir 7 2 2 3 3 3 7 1 4 32
Red Kosmogoniik 2 4 3 2 8 6 2 3 2 32
Red ZakMcRofl #STOPTHEWAR 4 0 6 3 3 3 3 2 5 29
Red Jean Vicquemare 5 0 5 3 1 3 8 3 0 28
Red Daniele Antox 3 5 2 0 5 8 0 0 2 25
Blue Moai 3 3 5 2 0 4 1 1 3 22
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 3 2 2 1 1 6 1 0 2 18


TF2Center Lobby #1243765

Time Team Player Kills
0:20 Blue bauxite 4
1:34 Blue partypooper 3
2:01 Blue ¿Depruu? 6
4:38 Blue partypooper 3
6:21 Red SPARTAN 3
6:37 Red Amir 3
8:18 Blue ¿Depruu? 3
8:58 Blue ¿Depruu? 6
12:19 Blue ¿Depruu? 7
15:36 Blue partypooper 3
16:28 Blue Adrenaline 3
16:40 Red Royal 3
17:30 Red Frozen Pegasus 3
22:36 Blue Purik #TF2Center 3
23:30 Blue Adrenaline 4
23:59 Blue bauxite 4
24:12 Red SPARTAN 4
28:07 Blue bauxite 4
28:35 Blue ¿Depruu? 3
30:10 Blue ¿Depruu? 3


TF2Center Lobby #1243765

Team Player Message
Red Daniele Antox Void
Red Daniele Antox Can you switch teams with me pls?
Blue frazzle lmao
Red Daniele Antox Void
Red Daniele Antox Letìs switch
Blue Void guys i have 9 11 kills on my knife
Red Daniele Antox dude
Red Daniele Antox answer me
Red Daniele Antox switch teams pleasE?
Red Kosmogoniik good
Red Kosmogoniik ?
Blue ¿Depruu? kosmo
Blue ¿Depruu? wrong team
Blue ¿Depruu? kosmo go red
Red Kosmogoniik soo give me scout red
Red SPARTAN moai ur blue solly
Red SPARTAN can u go to that position plz
Red SPARTAN maoi
Red SPARTAN ur holding the lobby
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ _
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ?
Blue Moai oh
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ who didnt join
Red SPARTAN go blue soldier
Blue ¿Depruu? moai blue soldier brother
Blue ¿Depruu? rup
Blue ¿Depruu? rup red please
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ :/
Blue ¿Depruu? AMIR WTF
Red Amir im not sure
Blue frazzle wtf just play jesus christ
Blue ¿Depruu? READY UP
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ im r
Red Amir im not sure if our guys are ready or not
Red Amir wait
Blue Moai man i'm waiting
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ lol...
Red SPARTAN we have demo
Red SPARTAN missing
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ can i just leave at this point_
Blue ¿Depruu? NO
Blue frazzle sd
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ uwu
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ idk where to go
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ i cant find my teamchat bind
Blue ¿Depruu? void
Blue ¿Depruu? scout worst class?
Red Royal yes
Blue Void damn 6 kill streak
Blue Void iim so good man
Blue ¿Depruu? congrats on the 3-5 spartan
Blue ¿Depruu? np
Blue frazzle ok
Blue partypooper =???
Blue partypooper amir
Blue Adrenaline hp?
Blue Adrenaline pyro
Blue partypooper sto
Blue partypooper ur not smart
Blue partypooper at all
Blue ¿Depruu? ???
Red Frozen Pegasus mad depuuru?
Blue ¿Depruu? nah
Blue ¿Depruu? ez kills
Blue ¿Depruu? uwu
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ uwu
Blue frazzle i think red is mad
Blue Moai yeah
Red ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ what is this chat
Red Amir GUYS
Red Amir RISE
Red Amir nice
Blue Void i think im a bad spy
Blue bauxite wait wtf
Red Amir that was really
Blue Adrenaline ty
Red Amir Fascinating
Blue Void i accept my fate
Blue bauxite worlds toughest scout
Blue frazzle bro you ran away from me lmao
Blue Void bakin makon
Red Amir xd
Blue Adrenaline ahah amir
Red Amir nice guys
Blue Void bruh
Red Amir rip
Blue Void i though you took the tele
Red Amir scout took
Red Amir :D
Blue Void NO WAY
Blue Void NAH
Red Daniele Antox eat shit
Blue Void what did i do to you
Blue cinny LMAO
Blue Adrenaline gg
Blue Adrenaline amir
Red Amir ty
Red Amir <3
Blue Moai tied game
Blue Moai best of luck
Red Frozen Pegasus =
Blue Void wtf
Blue Adrenaline AHAHA AMIR
Blue Adrenaline AHAHHA
Red Amir xD
Red Amir gg
Red Daniele Antox gg ez
Blue Void gg
Blue ¿Depruu? GGW P
Red ZakMcRofl #STOPTHEWAR gg
Blue frazzle gg
Blue bauxite gg
Red Amir wp
Blue Purik #TF2Center gg
Blue frazzle well played
Blue Void gg