
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
273-267-48 50.51% 1406-1363-160 50.73%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
papo de poligamia 69 41.30% 26:24:11 97 49.48% 35:53:02 251 220 7 46
caninhas 95 67.37% 37:27:18 43 40.70% 16:39:47 239 214 3 2
Cyrex 77 58.44% 28:49:23 59 50.85% 22:49:08 238 211 1 44
necro 95 65.26% 36:48:08 40 46.25% 14:39:35 239 213 1 170
Nickera 95 59.47% 38:18:59 33 54.55% 12:21:13 222 211 4 4
blom 83 65.66% 31:01:04 40 36.25% 13:49:48 237 209 1 8
mge mix scrim goomer 37 51.35% 14:54:10 63 55.56% 24:13:51 231 222 12 8
SAKURA NESSA PORRA 34 61.76% 12:13:24 59 53.39% 22:20:59 254 213 6 41
Gustyago 46 55.43% 17:17:49 47 50.00% 16:31:25 276 231 0 74
cadeeeee 45 55.56% 16:33:59 42 48.81% 15:58:58 266 223 6
sulu 31 51.61% 12:57:37 51 61.76% 19:26:30 237 220 14 20
35 33 25.76% 13:38:32 39 60.26% 15:46:15 200 210 11
ivory 33 46.97% 13:00:05 39 56.41% 15:05:37 249 215 15 4
Summer! 31 62.90% 13:30:10 37 59.46% 12:38:38 185 198 30 19
Argen 34 48.53% 13:12:08 34 69.12% 12:04:36 264 235 4 30
biriz1n | MIX TF2 SA NOVATOS 37 52.70% 13:50:21 30 58.33% 12:09:03 244 212 3
p✰ Nico 28 53.57% 10:27:35 33 33.33% 13:04:05 251 223 42
placebo 23 54.35% 7:42:34 35 51.43% 14:34:41 258 247 13 55
kg↑ iPoney 36 50.00% 14:45:43 21 57.14% 8:24:00 249 229 193
tg 24 56.25% 9:01:07 31 72.58% 11:33:41 264 219 29 18
kill me slowly 22 47.73% 9:10:17 32 68.75% 11:06:42 235 207 22
diana 17 61.76% 7:09:12 34 57.35% 15:05:07 233 213 9 58
lupedelupefan23 23 69.57% 8:28:40 26 36.54% 11:45:12 224 210 83
latissimus dorsi 33 42.42% 14:03:40 16 50.00% 7:10:02 134 178 34
alberto 22 65.91% 8:28:46 26 61.54% 9:38:43 265 212 9 19
afterthought 22 43.18% 9:15:52 25 54.00% 8:39:22 221 204 21
xarke 18 44.44% 6:53:48 27 53.70% 12:41:03 226 213 18 75
beppi 27 51.85% 10:24:47 17 52.94% 6:39:22 220 214 16
el chivo 33 53.03% 12:50:13 11 45.45% 4:37:45 225 209 10 3
{N.T.}--=GeorgeDroydᴀɪ®> 20 62.50% 7:42:17 23 56.52% 9:32:06 275 237 95
hashinshin 20 40.00% 7:45:00 22 38.64% 9:10:49 219 216 9
onakin 19 50.00% 7:43:13 23 52.17% 9:59:24 198 179 2
prefeito de sorocaba 16 62.50% 6:31:52 26 32.69% 10:10:54 176 212 32 7
flynn 12 54.17% 4:07:43 30 70.00% 12:03:38 315 232 7 48
GAIN EAGER 16 46.88% 6:12:14 25 62.00% 9:11:13 236 217 165
cu de arrimo 29 55.17% 11:06:32 11 40.91% 4:20:59 228 212 9
avacalhadores 17 52.94% 7:07:24 23 30.43% 9:34:08 141 184 37 18
midas 14 46.43% 5:04:48 26 48.08% 11:55:27 247 226 39
caralho games 17 67.65% 6:13:21 23 63.04% 9:37:55 170 184 27
shima❀ 13 61.54% 4:09:44 26 59.62% 10:19:38 266 209 19 40
som 11 31.82% 4:20:26 26 76.92% 9:11:08 236 225 21 28
p✰ PRETA VELHA 20 62.50% 7:43:16 16 50.00% 5:49:00 230 193 7 14
klnt 15 53.33% 6:40:44 21 61.90% 8:15:55 260 243 10
The jew fear the samurai 13 65.38% 4:46:56 23 54.35% 9:48:25 194 191 28 7
ken burnz 15 40.00% 6:42:34 20 50.00% 8:03:15 216 204
cheers 15 43.33% 7:03:14 19 34.21% 8:15:30 146 174 13 7
imaginarium 14 25.00% 4:48:01 20 45.00% 8:44:25 230 216 15
victor 12 45.83% 5:03:51 22 34.09% 8:39:18 224 216 21
natan 8 31.25% 2:31:51 25 48.00% 10:13:47 243 247 152
fodiator rostratus 19 44.74% 8:08:30 14 25.00% 5:15:22 158 204 34
Luca 9 55.56% 3:47:36 24 64.58% 10:22:58 177 202 35
hiperfoco em traficar 12 33.33% 4:45:43 21 66.67% 8:34:02 228 212
no aura 13 50.00% 4:11:09 20 35.00% 7:14:36 305 251
TF2| TILÁPIA GAMER 18 44.44% 7:06:43 14 42.86% 5:26:52 264 229 25 62
eyes of glass 16 59.38% 5:09:02 16 62.50% 6:10:36 252 216 15
Vit 14 85.71% 4:51:44 17 23.53% 5:34:09 277 224
Hotspur 16 56.25% 5:58:51 15 30.00% 6:19:06 267 215 194
RyZe 11 40.91% 3:45:38 19 76.32% 8:22:52 215 225 44
zey 20 37.50% 8:07:00 10 20.00% 4:04:18 202 214 32
pd 13 42.31% 6:06:50 16 53.12% 6:05:20 221 192 33
vista marina 19 47.37% 8:02:12 10 55.00% 4:03:48 158 199 46 70
skele 11 45.45% 4:39:10 17 55.88% 7:43:49 245 229
Schlaganfall 12 54.17% 4:41:38 16 50.00% 6:34:00 234 211 17
bilibili 8 68.75% 3:22:48 20 30.00% 8:25:21 223 210
Ryisuh 10 45.00% 4:47:26 18 55.56% 7:21:48 229 196 12
eki 15 56.67% 5:52:17 13 38.46% 5:08:06 247 220
abacaxi 9 44.44% 3:52:03 19 78.95% 6:24:27 229 194 75
Paharito 8 68.75% 3:13:56 19 36.84% 7:06:19 214 209 25 25
Dacs 13 57.69% 5:35:47 14 35.71% 5:34:47 219 198 23
skeety 12 54.17% 5:12:15 15 53.33% 6:44:50 142 184 28
rise 9 50.00% 4:46:44 17 44.12% 7:04:11 189 191
tava 11 68.18% 3:30:24 15 70.00% 6:36:23 283 234 24
tomi5 11 59.09% 5:07:44 15 60.00% 5:58:23 295 243 61
cArlito 16 40.62% 6:27:00 10 40.00% 4:40:20 144 187 39 7
element 13 38.46% 4:47:29 12 45.83% 5:08:09 170 193 5
QuAvo 13 42.31% 5:25:27 12 58.33% 5:17:26 142 195 26 7
asjahdfajfag 10 65.00% 3:49:44 14 53.57% 5:46:30 258 235 31 39
fox 7 42.86% 2:46:31 17 35.29% 6:50:53 206 222 17
Ph4rad0x 15 26.67% 6:35:31 9 77.78% 3:10:34 203 203 81
FROZeN 17 41.18% 7:21:50 6 50.00% 2:31:12 204 213 74
comidas gostosas 11 27.27% 5:12:08 12 58.33% 4:32:08 201 196 47
rK 7 57.14% 2:45:12 16 28.12% 6:55:37 176 172 49
:V 8 50.00% 3:02:45 15 70.00% 6:04:34 254 231
Jey8 Games 11 40.91% 4:00:56 12 79.17% 4:40:49 285 235 122
polak 5 50.00% 2:24:55 18 44.44% 8:23:33 105 159 83
xax 5 30.00% 2:23:35 17 44.12% 6:28:50 258 242
императрица 8 18.75% 2:54:19 14 78.57% 6:30:56 255 243 73
Cixous 5 70.00% 2:02:32 17 64.71% 7:14:20 222 163
monogamy gameplay 14 39.29% 6:19:41 7 28.57% 2:22:45 157 160 8
ciriakk 10 20.00% 3:31:20 11 45.45% 4:56:51 231 219 9
revovoada 11 36.36% 4:02:45 10 50.00% 4:33:57 216 219 3 12
the troller 11 54.55% 5:05:23 9 61.11% 3:17:55 309 239
Unlead 6 41.67% 2:24:45 14 28.57% 5:47:23 103 145 38
Jão. 10 35.00% 4:07:14 10 30.00% 4:11:42 60 147 41 20
pandora palace 7 28.57% 3:01:24 13 26.92% 4:10:14 151 201 47 13
Stevland 11 54.55% 5:07:46 9 44.44% 3:54:14 175 183 7
Pasto 5 80.00% 1:43:51 15 76.67% 6:17:19 301 209 54
pex 4 25.00% 1:26:30 16 59.38% 5:43:14 303 280
preñador 11 40.91% 4:33:18 9 27.78% 3:47:28 217 211
Hexer 10 55.00% 3:32:30 9 61.11% 3:46:34 238 211 14
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From