
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2668-2272-352 53.74% 11433-10243-1194 52.60%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 4.5 57 40% 19 48 30 11,531 5 2 15 3:21:05
AWPer Hand 19.8 248 44% 54 123 364 137,122 2,226 981 205 9:10:57
Axtinguisher 1.3 9 9 1,990 0 0 9 3:32:54
Back Scatter 15.9 123 14 3,272 2 26:29
Ball 1.5 0 35 0 0 0 32 11:44:08
Bat 0.8 4 1 175 2 39:40
Beggar's Bazooka 18.6 137 27% 17 65 5 1,112 63 17 1 8:04
Big Earner 7.6 115 82 37,422 0 0 25 5:23:17
Big Kill 13.9 106 32% 13 41 105 24,155 374 121 12 3:46:55
Black Box 16.8 219 50% 34 69 264 103,488 508 253 27 7:51:20
Black Rose 1.8 31 1 530 1 16:45
Bleeding 1.7 0 152 0 0 0 122 43:54:39
Blutsauger 0.0 16 0 199 2 11:57
Boston Basher 0.7 2 0% 0 62 6,195 352 0 118 45:48:06
Brass Beast 8.5 90 10 3,188 0 0 10 35:11
C.A.P.P.E.R 2.8 13 21% 2 13 340 48,135 16,433 3,476 210 60:07:01
Classic 4.4 52 3 1,092 1 20:40
Cleaner's Carbine 0.0 11 0 43 0 0 2 3:47
Conscientious Objector 1.0 2 1 65 0 0 1 28:55
Cow Mangler 5000 20.7 297 16 6,898 2 23:13
Crusader's Crossbow 1.2 16 57% 3 5 70 27,607 5,967 3,402 82 28:41:28
Decapitation 0.0 28 0 900 0 0 2 31:22
Degreaser 6.0 71 12% 0 4 152 54,022 3,190 367 162 12:38:48
Detonator 2.1 45 2 1,294 0 0 2 28:18
Direct Hit 6.9 88 29% 30 105 22 8,422 264 76 8 1:35:30
Disciplinary Action 1.4 4 0% 0 33 2,793 518 0 37 11:30:54
Enforcer 2.8 27 32% 13 42 328 96,228 1,811 573 201 58:00:03
Environment 2.1 0 2,865 0 0 0 1,924 689:04:00
Equalizer 2.7 10 2 224 2 22:05
Escape Plan 0.6 3 13 2,191 0 0 25 10:14:40
Fists of Steel 0.4 2 7% 4 65 2 390 14 1 6 2:16:52
Flamethrower 5.3 60 307 104,041 0 0 378 28:41:34
Flare 0.0 1 0 56 0 0 2 47:25
Flare Gun 4.4 57 0% 0 46 18,047 2 0 50 5:13:23
Flying Guillotine 1.2 35 124% 12 10 49 43,206 58 72 63 20:02:55
Force-a-Nature 8.2 130 70% 31 45 57 27,044 815 570 9 3:27:25
Frontier Justice 3.3 29 100% 6 6 21 5,539 1 1 51 3:08:45
Frying Pan 3.8 21 30% 20 69 41 6,994 250 74 21 5:25:14
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.8 2 0% 0 2 218 98 0 6 1:18:37
Grenade 3.3 55 22% 16 76 96 48,516 1,339 297 91 14:41:25
Grenade Reflect 2.3 3 16 752 0 0 20 3:29:49
Gunslinger 2.3 11 0% 0 7 1,040 32 0 5 1:30:08
Half-Zatoichi 1.5 3 4 325 0 0 3 1:21:34
Ham Shank 1.8 12 9% 5 65 8 1,648 104 9 9 2:10:36
Holiday Punch 0.0 13 0 130 1 9:46
Holy Mackerel 0.9 3 2 210 0 0 3 1:06:59
Iron Bomber 9.4 130 26% 19 73 4,160 1,737,461 66,141 17,421 667 222:16:02
Iron Curtain 22.6 242 60 19,289 0 0 28 1:19:33
Jag 0.0 14 0% 0 0 49 76 0 2 3:17
Jarate 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 10 0 1 5:47
Knife 12.8 186 39% 121 314 4,058 1,773,413 310 120 638 158:51:21
Kukri 1.9 10 2% 1 65 33 5,617 124 2 28 8:54:27
L'Etranger 2.2 17 31% 10 32 228 54,426 970 305 207 51:31:18
Level 1 Sentry 0.9 26 42 35,719 0 0 361 22:30:59
Level 2 Sentry 2.0 42 18 119 74,532 0 2 527 29:25:21
Level 3 Sentry 3.1 55 16 227 122,274 0 8 627 36:25:20
Loch-n-Load 9.5 152 22% 22 103 950 459,451 20,062 4,429 154 50:10:46
Loose Cannon 1.4 53 59 9 10,779 0 132 14 3:19:54
Loose Cannon Impact 2.9 0 9 0 0 0 6 1:33:06
Lugermorph 2.8 12 22% 3 14 130 18,125 1,289 290 63 23:17:23
Minigun 27.2 307 23% 3 15 460 155,549 469 110 217 8:26:26
Mini-Sentry 3.6 58 8 46 22,643 0 82 18 6:23:47
Natascha 0.0 52 27% 2 8 0 1,079 459 126 1 20:25
Original 20.4 289 50% 34 68 3,736 1,590,898 23,064 11,487 463 91:44:24
Panic Attack Shotgun 9.1 72 75% 16 21 24 5,743 186 140 14 1:19:00
Pistol 3.3 15 22% 2 13 1,086 156,115 21,630 4,689 653 165:49:11
Player 2.6 0 215 0 0 0 113 40:44:33
Pomson 6000 0.0 19 0 64 1 3:15
Postal Pummeler 1.1 4 1 135 0 0 2 27:12
Powerjack 1.5 5 0% 0 6 738 116 0 13 2:03:40
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 2.9 17 52 9,173 0 0 29 8:51:55
Quickiebomb Launcher 0.0 17 0 736 2 42:31
Rescue Ranger 2.1 9 3 401 0 0 2 43:00
Revolver 11.8 105 38% 17 44 6,282 1,679,752 29,716 11,342 1,080 265:52:38
Rocket 2.6 64 53% 38 72 23 17,000 168 89 53 4:24:27
Rocket Reflect 5.0 8 110 5,287 0 0 98 10:59:39
Sandman 0.0 3 0 45 1 11:49
Scattergun 23.8 259 70% 18 26 38,462 12,615,714 420,638 296,450 2,227 809:39:03
Scottish Handshake 1.0 4 2% 1 65 126 16,102 162 4 163 60:19:14
Sentry Rocket 0.0 26 0 104 0 0 1 3:55
Shahanshah 0.0 25 0 358 0 0 5 14:18
Sharp Dresser 15.7 232 348 154,294 0 0 51 11:04:42
Shortstop 16.8 192 54% 16 30 452 155,921 478 259 38 13:29:14
Shotgun 16.1 123 69% 18 26 920 212,095 7,259 5,036 417 28:30:33
Shovel 0.0 7 0 195 0 0 2 25:53
SMG 3.0 14 18% 1 8 54 7,695 2,332 427 85 9:08:43
Sniper Rifle 29.1 343 45% 52 117 1,361 481,843 1,923 859 296 23:23:17
Soda Popper 21.0 225 89 28,668 0 0 6 2:07:23
Solemn Vow 1.1 5 20 3,224 0 0 27 9:30:04
Spy-cicle 9.5 137 25% 68 276 2,572 1,113,861 610 152 511 135:29:38
Stickybomb 14.9 309 30% 18 63 7,942 4,938,261 217,300 64,160 792 266:13:32
Syringe Gun 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 8 0 2 38:08
Telefrag 1.4 7 3 450 0 0 3 1:04:03
Three-Rune Blade 1.3 3 5 355 5 1:51:10
Tomislav 31.7 355 24% 3 12 1,630 549,921 9,798 2,368 763 25:44:59
Ubersaw 2.6 15 22% 14 65 24 4,258 72 16 15 4:37:08
Ullapool Caber 0.5 1 1 64 0 0 2 57:58
Widowmaker 5.0 48 55% 11 20 352 102,741 5,547 3,040 543 35:26:59
Winger 1.1 6 24% 4 19 1,179 201,951 449 110 1,486 552:50:13
Wrangled Sentry 1.5 36 10 7,250 0 0 9 3:17:33
Wrap Assassin 0.0 13 72% 4 6 5 158,035 1,478 1,063 529 189:43:30
Wrench 1.2 5 0% 0 1 130 28 0 2 24:19
Your Eternal Reward 9.2 138 44 19,782 0 0 9 2:22:56
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played