
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
553-708-136 44.45% 3245-3673-465 47.10%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
Greyhunter 306 52.61% 129:20:07 21 33.33% 9:13:09 262 251 3 2
Dwapking 306 46.24% 131:32:27 21 23.81% 8:58:49 247 239 1
Lurkki 303 44.06% 128:32:33 20 57.50% 5:50:12 239 246 3 146
Toxy 309 52.59% 129:48:31 13 38.46% 5:17:55 266 254 0 1
Tammrock 301 51.83% 127:18:46 2 100.00% 56:08 263 252 2
Jonny Fortress 204 44.12% 88:24:19 18 41.67% 7:59:25 257 246 1 179
*unzips .44 gangnam* 173 48.27% 73:37:53 17 38.24% 6:19:17 232 246 4 1
Sebab 166 44.88% 71:59:13 17 26.47% 7:23:25 253 243
BrannMolvik(Norway) 168 36.90% 71:31:59 13 50.00% 4:56:50 243 244 0
DUKY 164 53.66% 67:14:13 11 27.27% 4:19:33 257 256 2 1
JENNY 155 45.48% 68:35:06 19 31.58% 7:51:43 258 247
Creamy 163 50.31% 69:17:05 9 55.56% 3:42:47 266 254 101
hae 153 48.69% 64:35:54 17 26.47% 4:26:40 235 255 8 6
balder 127 48.43% 54:32:23 18 36.11% 5:24:37 235 250 4 2
Divine 128 47.66% 55:14:26 9 16.67% 3:53:49 230 250 3
Maxi 130 40.00% 55:08:02 3 66.67% 1:29:58 252 241
Elsbeth 120 47.50% 50:37:34 13 50.00% 5:29:01 272 256 163
the horror 101 29.70% 42:52:51 17 50.00% 7:38:42 244 253 122
wG yingus 107 44.86% 46:19:01 3 100.00% 1:27:18 249 241 1
JULIUS 84 29.76% 36:18:12 12 12.50% 4:51:46 238 248 3
Wlkr 95 42.11% 40:38:18 0 0:00 249 242
Löwenzahn 72 34.72% 31:07:47 3 66.67% 1:08:18 228 264 21
ASURA Kars 71 64.08% 29:07:47 3 16.67% 1:11:30 273 263 1 153
Samus 67 30.60% 29:55:19 7 21.43% 2:23:26 253 271
ap 65 21.54% 26:53:09 9 55.56% 3:49:52 240 243 3 1
DCS 68 33.09% 30:14:37 3 16.67% 59:03 259 276 182
󠀡󠀡 61 27.05% 26:09:58 7 42.86% 2:49:26 234 243 0
paulo 56 17.86% 22:55:49 9 33.33% 3:51:03 246 249 0 1
Stuffed 56 19.64% 22:59:48 8 37.50% 3:53:01 247 250 116
legend 56 20.54% 23:10:28 6 25.00% 2:37:23 247 250
coyo 45 55.56% 19:53:24 14 21.43% 6:03:56 213 238 33 1
sac 54 16.67% 21:58:01 3 33.33% 46:12 245 248
ndy 4 75.00% 1:25:02 51 42.16% 21:45:56 169 204 78
bob 51 47.06% 21:17:26 4 25.00% 1:45:30 261 250
NOREG Storm 22 52.27% 9:41:03 30 48.33% 13:22:05 262 248
whip 15 20.00% 5:47:45 34 48.53% 15:33:02 255 269
Bill (Not guilty) Cosby 0 0:00 46 44.57% 20:30:46
Mr Numbers 20 12.50% 7:54:41 26 26.92% 11:01:07 258 252 8
F Tier Prem Player 12 41.67% 4:31:39 33 56.06% 14:45:48 253 258
Crack Claus 1 0.00% 29:19 41 52.44% 18:15:01 9 217 145
fire 42 35.71% 18:38:37 0 0:00 262 278
lucky charm 7 42.86% 3:11:19 35 42.86% 14:59:00 249 264
chris 1 50.00% 8:30 39 47.44% 17:07:49 578 894
scrambled 38 15.79% 16:40:05 0 0:00 261 276
Chiefdog 14 67.86% 5:49:03 24 45.83% 10:41:50 263 253
fred 28 41.07% 12:12:24 10 35.00% 4:42:57 218 239 11
Abyss 11 22.73% 4:18:03 26 40.38% 11:45:58 207 230 10
sophisticated chungus 0 0:00 37 54.05% 16:09:35
bone zone 4 37.50% 1:32:14 33 56.06% 15:04:59 228 235
covid connoisseur 26 38.46% 11:02:13 10 40.00% 4:15:38 297 264
water123 0 0:00 36 29.17% 15:23:05
I get money metaphysically 32 40.62% 13:05:32 3 33.33% 1:14:14 281 249
animaltrash7399 35 15.71% 13:01:45 0 0:00 255 253 0
deli 2 0.00% 45:40 32 29.69% 14:15:51 245 208
aaroooon_ 11 45.45% 4:51:56 23 23.91% 8:29:31 257 262
biohazard.pt 28 44.64% 11:58:49 6 16.67% 2:28:35 264 246
pijacka 14 35.71% 5:25:05 19 47.37% 8:45:29 245 257
Habina 0 0:00 33 30.30% 13:35:06
sheepy dog's hand 26 40.38% 11:07:18 6 83.33% 2:41:16 252 233
Pupute 0 0:00 32 37.50% 14:41:44
NOOBUS DESTRUCTUS 27 37.04% 11:28:22 4 50.00% 1:27:14 298 265
ORACLE Apollo 3 0.00% 1:26:29 28 91.07% 11:43:43 206 209
lekku 2 25.00% 1:00:22 29 34.48% 12:18:02 190 257
:-) 0 0:00 31 32.26% 12:25:40
Dr Backshots MD 16 25.00% 6:17:34 15 33.33% 6:35:05 255 265
Assassin+ 12 54.17% 5:32:34 18 27.78% 7:38:36 245 239
Célério 0 0:00 30 36.67% 13:12:53
팀툼 0 0:00 30 25.00% 12:49:05
Leila FEILA 6 25.00% 2:25:29 23 23.91% 8:44:20 205 248 110
Aimache3 0 0:00 29 37.93% 13:07:20
lander 5 20.00% 1:45:36 24 52.08% 9:39:09 238 253
Erik 12 29.17% 5:20:55 17 44.12% 6:28:29 246 254
tavi 4 25.00% 1:31:51 25 24.00% 9:58:26 232 257
Maverick 0 0:00 28 44.64% 12:45:11
JN 6 25.00% 2:25:29 22 25.00% 8:02:05 205 248
Azitio 0 0:00 28 39.29% 12:54:40
keicam 21 76.19% 8:42:13 7 14.29% 2:57:50 209 234 16
Fetfud 28 12.50% 10:35:34 0 0:00 252 248 0
jjake 0 0:00 28 28.57% 11:37:48
killer queen 7 28.57% 2:22:03 21 23.81% 9:00:10 272 250
Stable? Thats for horses 14 25.00% 5:51:11 14 46.43% 6:10:47 254 271
Patrickspud 28 41.07% 10:46:15 0 0:00 11 178 125
meowanese boy 0 0:00 27 59.26% 11:36:01
last to spake 18 44.44% 7:32:19 8 50.00% 3:22:15 286 263 122
ttv YPMvl 12 20.83% 4:56:58 14 60.71% 6:25:41 232 260
celvn 26 9.62% 10:01:38 0 0:00 251 249 0 7
nyxzsche 5 10.00% 1:42:09 21 42.86% 9:34:45 250 232
oddJ@guar87 4 50.00% 1:43:15 22 22.73% 9:27:48 191 202
swayze 0 0:00 26 36.54% 11:52:55
c0y0 25 36.00% 9:30:39 0 0:00 10 177 116
meeresfrüchte 7 28.57% 2:40:18 18 55.56% 7:41:35 258 237
marcel 0 0:00 25 28.00% 11:39:18
john demoknight 23 34.78% 9:53:26 2 0.00% 45:40 304 270
t4ntrum 7 64.29% 3:21:54 17 47.06% 7:17:52 248 271
mora ・ᴗ・ 1 100.00% 28:25 23 34.78% 10:18:39 284 224
tok 22 4.55% 8:36:12 2 25.00% 58:28 237 247 119
lobotomite 0 0:00 24 27.08% 9:58:42
DigyB 0 0:00 24 39.58% 10:30:04
Matek 4 62.50% 1:44:10 20 47.50% 8:48:42 165 151
MrSmithers 0 0:00 24 35.42% 10:34:54
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From