
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
103-167-17 38.85% 488-705-23 41.08%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
grtd 10 50.00% 4:05:05 13 19.23% 4:17:31 120 191 19
ish641 6 50.00% 2:09:57 10 30.00% 3:48:28 97 223 70
XX_DNS_XX mój 5 40.00% 1:53:27 8 25.00% 2:50:38 13 177 168
still 9 55.56% 2:43:58 3 33.33% 1:25:23 10 163 92
digit pump 5 0.00% 1:40:01 6 16.67% 2:11:59 141 226 11
dersa 4 37.50% 1:12:32 7 42.86% 2:57:22 13 145 50
WONDER. 6 16.67% 2:35:09 5 60.00% 1:56:40 49 199 142
welp 6 33.33% 2:25:56 5 10.00% 1:49:40 12 183 108
HLG aXm 6 8.33% 1:54:45 4 0.00% 1:17:35 45 160 56
eryn 🗺 3 33.33% 49:44 7 64.29% 2:41:28 72 226 2 5 0.00% 1:34:11 4 100.00% 1:32:42 112 224 39
imshrinking 6 33.33% 2:33:37 3 33.33% 1:08:06 43 171 115
kung fu kenny 1 100.00% 23:52 8 0.00% 2:05:25 175 255
gilga 4 37.50% 1:21:59 4 50.00% 1:41:46 66 193 127
Poxie 5 20.00% 2:00:01 3 33.33% 1:16:22 21 151 100
invite player 4 12.50% 1:36:50 4 0.00% 1:06:47 114 260 18
Scorpion 3 33.33% 1:12:08 5 20.00% 2:12:04 11 165 134
T.K. 2 50.00% 42:40 6 0.00% 1:31:42 101 271 83
fguy 3 16.67% 1:09:04 5 80.00% 1:49:04 53 139 54 2
.forgotten 1 0.00% 14:58 7 64.29% 2:23:32 229 534
Private Dancer 6 41.67% 2:05:50 2 0.00% 33:03 116 248 7
bare 5 30.00% 1:48:22 2 0.00% 39:44 44 158 63
dzcreeper 0 0:00 7 35.71% 2:24:50
teeedog 5 20.00% 1:45:12 2 0.00% 31:14 65 106 44
iekat 4 0.00% 1:22:36 3 100.00% 1:06:40 108 222 37 2
cloaky 1 100.00% 23:52 6 0.00% 1:57:03 175 255
Marrote is back baby 3 0.00% 1:21:09 4 25.00% 1:12:12 10 171 96
John Weak 3 66.67% 1:14:02 4 50.00% 1:30:04 116 177
rita 0 0:00 7 35.71% 2:40:53
Alias 2 50.00% 57:43 5 20.00% 1:19:33 187 205 51
dc 4 0.00% 1:04:29 3 16.67% 1:10:18 53 125 82
NOPE ⅓ 4 0.00% 1:27:03 3 33.33% 1:14:54 20 183 199
grix 5 50.00% 2:00:07 2 0.00% 26:07 58 169 94
ckrow 7 0.00% 1:56:30 0 0:00 81 204 70
Hopsin 4 50.00% 1:52:51 3 0.00% 1:09:23 65 141 67
A. 3 83.33% 1:02:24 4 75.00% 1:37:20 155 224 107
TAKE ME WITH U DONT LEAVE ME 3 33.33% 59:11 4 50.00% 1:40:44 11 192 105
Shmrps 4 75.00% 1:29:14 3 66.67% 1:05:55 73 224 50
snoodles 4 50.00% 1:35:22 3 33.33% 1:07:19 44 219 87
UNDISPUTED CHAMP TOM ASPINALL 3 100.00% 1:18:31 4 25.00% 1:41:14 18 129 91
Elopes 2 25.00% 49:38 5 80.00% 2:02:43 12 97 80 0
aloo 2 50.00% 43:21 4 62.50% 1:38:42 68 141 16 11
THAT FUCKING SCOUT 3 50.00% 48:03 3 100.00% 1:20:05 91 142 10
MASS CRINGE 2 100.00% 48:40 4 25.00% 1:52:41 120 210
ProDG 5 40.00% 2:10:58 1 0.00% 29:29 32 177 165
ihor 2 75.00% 36:07 4 75.00% 1:19:54 145 181
quintosh 3 33.33% 1:05:41 3 33.33% 1:24:43 7 152 128
Lil' Rex 3 50.00% 1:09:46 3 33.33% 1:20:38 34 150 35
Big Papi 2 50.00% 40:39 4 50.00% 1:20:26 174 211
R0ZUE 4 50.00% 1:40:37 2 0.00% 33:45 72 172 44
PatH 3 33.33% 1:16:58 3 33.33% 1:04:02 78 148 70
x_x 3 83.33% 1:02:24 3 100.00% 1:08:11 155 224
MONSTER 2 50.00% 45:32 4 0.00% 59:08 129 205 11
Cheech Wizard 5 80.00% 2:10:20 1 0.00% 29:24 16 135 114
mad 5 0.00% 1:32:58 1 0.00% 22:43 15 215 182
:^) 2 0.00% 40:25 4 25.00% 1:25:31 33 190 81
dvdr 2 0.00% 55:04 4 37.50% 1:47:43 22 176 115
mango cafe 4 25.00% 1:22:10 1 100.00% 29:43 15 186 208
#1 Duck 2 100.00% 44:00 3 66.67% 1:06:39 94 238 78
nolonger 0 0:00 5 40.00% 1:44:33
Green Al Dankovic 3 66.67% 56:51 2 75.00% 44:46 20 103
s0sa 3 16.67% 1:04:07 2 50.00% 32:08 44 125 25
Triple 0 0:00 5 20.00% 1:35:17
Hyperion 5 20.00% 1:25:52 0 0:00 138 231 15
добрый 2 0.00% 55:43 3 0.00% 1:18:24 10 204 41
V O N V O N 2 100.00% 52:00 3 33.33% 1:08:00 4 91 29
fundo 2 75.00% 38:50 3 50.00% 1:12:47 73 128 2
anomalist 2 25.00% 38:39 3 33.33% 41:28 88 116 33
rod 3 33.33% 1:03:21 2 50.00% 59:12 16 146 99
Kacper 4 0.00% 1:08:38 1 0.00% 29:34 53 204 90
落葉 3 0.00% 1:01:39 2 50.00% 46:35 82 300 11
Neiko 3 33.33% 1:01:23 2 0.00% 48:22 61 211 75
FilthyBob 3 0.00% 1:10:24 2 50.00% 58:47 12 185 126
nicco 5 60.00% 2:08:29 0 0:00 28 134 95
hhyphen 2 50.00% 49:45 3 0.00% 1:21:39 171 405
O'men 4 25.00% 1:18:28 1 100.00% 12:27 57 131 19
1kla$ 4 37.50% 1:20:30 1 0.00% 11:31 94 147
DEATH BY KILL 2 0.00% 39:02 3 0.00% 1:18:49 55 195 90
microwave dog 4 50.00% 1:20:52 1 0.00% 11:31 9 163 43
edward shitterhands 3 33.33% 48:38 2 50.00% 43:03 41 209 10
Pyrolander 2 0.00% 40:32 3 33.33% 1:05:16 24 150 48
there is a wolf inside me 1 0.00% 21:26 4 75.00% 1:33:15 106 156 75
moldddd 1 0.00% 18:18 4 50.00% 1:23:41 12 190 114
Alberto Weskerino 2 75.00% 47:14 3 66.67% 57:34 126 105
chris 4 62.50% 1:18:24 1 0.00% 20:51 93 135 84 23
Lizzo goyslappin the bear 2 0.00% 33:19 3 33.33% 48:43 15 196 2
Nico Harrison 3 50.00% 1:25:28 2 0.00% 22:46 21 69 43
ChefBD 2 0.00% 48:38 3 0.00% 1:08:07 10 206 85
:^3 4 0.00% 1:19:01 1 100.00% 20:11 100 167 9
dan flashes 4 50.00% 1:30:05 1 0.00% 18:23 69 178 61
Vince Wilfork 3 33.33% 1:02:19 2 0.00% 46:58 141 189 21
pseudo 2 0.00% 56:51 3 33.33% 58:28 14 171 253
pijacka 3 66.67% 1:05:05 2 50.00% 51:00 55 215 4
l0rd 2 100.00% 35:48 3 66.67% 1:09:21 92 215 3
Dave 3 33.33% 1:28:42 2 50.00% 48:35 19 156 96
tango 2 50.00% 48:33 2 50.00% 59:17 7 90 37
smile 4 62.50% 1:30:21 0 0:00 33 159 100
Luby 0 0:00 4 50.00% 1:31:35
The Mole 1 0.00% 22:43 3 33.33% 1:02:10 244 253 40
bogdagod 1 100.00% 32:24 3 83.33% 1:16:51 174 126
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From