
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
286-466-61 38.93% 1511-2121-249 42.14%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
Torriss 257 41.83% 97:00:05 86 27.33% 34:40:16 195 263 16 12
ゆず KoSA marm 146 36.64% 56:09:53 72 61.81% 27:09:46 247 274 4 23
tacsist 114 30.26% 45:26:36 59 48.31% 22:24:28 226 263 15 21
ゆず soap 116 31.03% 45:23:38 49 71.43% 20:22:34 257 269 178
AFerociousTeddyBearSlayer 104 46.63% 40:54:29 39 38.46% 15:08:27 282 299 10 46
SIA 77 49.35% 30:30:55 58 36.21% 22:19:43 253 290 17 33
ZiKorNik 69 47.10% 28:50:01 62 41.94% 26:49:34 229 277 20 14
aniekuwee 94 36.17% 35:52:04 37 28.38% 13:08:09 215 282 19 16
Chunky Kong 108 41.67% 45:44:42 12 66.67% 5:45:25 219 231 32 0
XxFORTNITE_PRO_GAMERxx 93 44.09% 39:40:33 7 57.14% 2:53:08 231 235 18 5
nadpher 60 50.00% 23:05:29 37 43.24% 14:48:59 205 270 44 24
obi LFT 75 42.00% 25:36:06 22 45.45% 8:48:37 166 275 5 3
Toxy 64 47.66% 26:18:13 32 43.75% 13:54:06 226 270 1 37
NARDIS 40 26.25% 16:21:09 50 53.00% 21:00:48 222 265 9 15
Lumi [UT] 78 50.64% 33:00:31 8 75.00% 3:37:39 262 244 185
dolo 62 45.16% 24:25:15 22 22.73% 8:50:05 199 259 47 9
aless 42 27.38% 17:18:54 36 55.56% 14:55:02 193 266 23 28
Shaddow 72 47.92% 30:32:11 6 66.67% 2:55:00 202 220 72 2
Limber 71 42.25% 30:24:55 6 66.67% 2:56:12 209 227 29 0
Jaga 41 40.24% 16:52:56 32 21.88% 13:37:05 210 263 22 5
searching for my opps 40 25.00% 17:21:11 26 42.31% 10:19:32 228 255 9 26
jay 37 32.43% 14:52:04 28 53.57% 11:24:56 226 276 9 65
iamtheoneyouleftfordead 49 25.51% 17:29:12 15 53.33% 4:22:40 164 301 17 10
me 63 46.83% 19:47:26 1 100.00% 27:33 152 275
azzy 32 28.12% 12:10:26 30 41.67% 12:24:02 236 259 11
^4p^7ea^1z 51 41.18% 19:21:57 8 43.75% 3:12:31 251 263 3
chachiply 51 34.31% 15:29:42 5 80.00% 1:41:10 140 263 2
The 14th Orphan 28 46.43% 10:27:35 25 42.00% 11:12:12 252 301 40 63
MURDER AMBITION. 30 31.67% 12:37:22 20 52.50% 8:22:35 230 280 21 47
verkle 25 68.00% 10:46:21 25 62.00% 10:56:05 199 247 50 27
Lemmy 30 18.33% 10:42:53 16 40.62% 7:02:52 209 258 7 36
fortuna 45 50.00% 14:49:21 1 100.00% 27:33 151 256 178
rgb4 33 30.30% 13:28:49 7 28.57% 3:01:23 227 282 15 7
Trinity 27 22.22% 10:08:31 13 23.08% 5:49:26 281 321 8 131
picture 38 34.21% 12:05:03 1 100.00% 18:01 132 255
SKRILLEX 16 46.88% 6:26:29 23 54.35% 10:32:21 170 249 22 16
maxi 15 20.00% 5:56:50 24 43.75% 8:49:01 231 280 5 81
Smiguel 19 31.58% 5:57:13 20 27.50% 7:18:05 262 314 3 31
JohnMunter84 #HUMBLE&HUNG 36 22.22% 13:26:55 2 50.00% 58:38 241 295 12 239
Akio 21 42.86% 7:54:32 13 46.15% 5:37:04 153 247 24 18
Un1d 28 26.79% 11:09:37 3 66.67% 1:18:12 149 207 83
Em 9 5.56% 3:10:27 21 30.95% 8:43:05 202 280 13 91
when u out juggin' 10 35.00% 4:22:06 20 45.00% 9:22:15 182 280 33
unives. 26 38.46% 7:42:17 0 0:00 119 232
:> 17 41.18% 6:37:22 8 50.00% 3:37:02 142 224 31
Jud Chud the skrud of the east 21 45.24% 9:39:03 4 50.00% 1:57:44 223 241 25
wackydirt51 11 59.09% 5:09:20 13 42.31% 5:50:12 161 244 88
Klarra 14 21.43% 5:48:33 9 61.11% 3:22:50 156 247 29 45
Fluffy 22 40.91% 7:01:06 1 50.00% 29:19 142 300
ello 14 67.86% 5:36:04 9 55.56% 3:35:31 229 276 15
Zeklyn 19 50.00% 7:40:03 4 0.00% 1:04:58 210 257 188
Tiad 22 27.27% 8:01:26 0 0:00 262 292
Not Steven 11 50.00% 4:49:59 11 27.27% 5:02:40 174 258 28 45
veltek 15 33.33% 6:03:47 5 20.00% 2:10:31 200 242 37
sks ˄˅ 18 22.22% 6:03:39 2 0.00% 41:24 280 311
Plank ∞ 20 30.00% 6:13:43 0 0:00 293 320
Savos 6 33.33% 2:37:26 13 26.92% 5:51:37 249 261 190
spawn 7 57.14% 2:08:36 12 50.00% 4:02:33 140 322
тонтон Flairix 2 50.00% 59:18 16 34.38% 7:02:47 308 240
egoista 11 54.55% 4:16:25 7 42.86% 2:34:06 235 253 6 28
Soul Aimer 9 44.44% 3:27:20 9 33.33% 3:40:40 225 243
last to spake 6 25.00% 2:49:32 12 50.00% 5:06:33 225 272 77
#goonersforramadan 6 16.67% 2:13:27 12 70.83% 4:58:37 166 254 19
Rocky 10 25.00% 3:29:03 7 21.43% 2:49:55 252 276
robert the constructor 13 30.77% 5:13:22 4 75.00% 1:27:42 208 256 11 22
Dr. Snoiper :) 5 50.00% 2:02:38 12 29.17% 3:59:38 225 236
FL1X 4 0.00% 1:17:27 13 38.46% 4:30:34 211 307 17 85
Jan 5 40.00% 2:14:26 11 50.00% 4:59:43 232 294 36 23
Fluoxetine Enjoyer 16 31.25% 6:25:03 0 0:00 251 294
Agneps 16 50.00% 5:08:33 0 0:00 167 275
distinguished fella 16 12.50% 5:39:35 0 0:00 238 295
Angel16 7 42.86% 2:50:51 9 16.67% 4:00:30 228 287
gecigránát 6 16.67% 2:16:59 10 60.00% 4:46:01 216 278
xCape 8 50.00% 2:51:19 8 25.00% 3:26:15 210 273 39 39
ziggokill 4 25.00% 2:01:40 12 12.50% 4:31:35 127 243 117 42
toilet humor 3 0.00% 1:24:28 12 8.33% 4:36:03 220 324 62 12
Royal 2 100.00% 59:17 13 42.31% 5:14:39 188 210
Nati Noot 8 25.00% 3:03:34 7 14.29% 2:34:47 93 204 67 49
maclin 6 41.67% 2:36:23 9 16.67% 3:47:27 246 260 37
Surfin' USA 6 75.00% 1:57:28 8 43.75% 3:16:43 244 238 29 34
DaveRISK 4 25.00% 1:40:37 10 45.00% 4:27:38 193 264 18
happy 6 50.00% 2:38:22 8 25.00% 3:24:42 150 201 30
mt 7 42.86% 3:13:42 7 50.00% 3:06:11 209 257 40 163
Bunny♥ 1 100.00% 29:09 13 61.54% 5:50:57 271 238 183
ᴊɪɴx 7 14.29% 1:51:25 7 21.43% 2:20:17 134 287 48
Ablativus 9 66.67% 3:30:08 4 75.00% 1:57:44 255 228 21
gross encounters of the turd min 11 36.36% 4:19:44 2 0.00% 49:44 185 302 12
Vitun Jonne 5 40.00% 1:51:56 8 12.50% 3:11:27 242 290 59
coca juniors 9 0.00% 2:48:02 4 0.00% 1:14:09 193 243 20
guapdaddy4000 4 0.00% 1:42:12 9 44.44% 3:59:45 166 256 21 76
THUGMONKEY 5 0.00% 2:16:06 7 35.71% 2:15:52 189 249
blinkus blonkus 0 0:00 12 25.00% 4:15:49
¿Depruu? 5 0.00% 1:51:00 7 14.29% 2:47:40 203 264 20
Alienation 3 33.33% 1:27:27 9 33.33% 3:54:02 171 204
hops 3 66.67% 1:22:18 9 55.56% 3:31:20 196 250 59
Alkochomik 0 0:00 12 16.67% 4:32:49
TC Shuffles_ 12 41.67% 4:20:16 0 0:00 291 315
tok 3 33.33% 1:27:10 9 16.67% 2:46:49 190 228
Azari 3 66.67% 1:29:34 8 87.50% 3:35:17 282 273
Jortand 2 0.00% 30:02 9 33.33% 2:43:09 96 263
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From