Femboy gaming uwu

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
114-213-34 36.29% 654-1029-79 39.36%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
blinkus blonkus 183 40.98% 71:41:49 15 53.33% 6:17:04 12 135 202 1
let's boo boo 170 35.88% 65:54:45 13 53.85% 5:06:52 20 146 153 1
Phara 162 40.43% 63:16:17 8 50.00% 3:30:37 18 145 153 2
Not Harmless Potato 100 44.00% 39:35:30 12 29.17% 5:29:21 20 146 228
Zeklyn 83 40.96% 33:01:45 10 40.00% 3:54:44 19 137 115 3
Helbrecht 73 30.14% 29:27:40 17 47.06% 6:31:32 35 167 176 12
bawner 70 37.14% 27:42:40 13 19.23% 5:39:38 24 156 116
>> Thomas 77 40.91% 30:27:38 4 25.00% 1:56:05 10 135 172
D3athX4ngelX 70 45.00% 27:59:09 6 8.33% 2:40:29 16 143 133 1
sky 70 39.29% 27:56:04 1 0.00% 27:08 13 138 84
A_Mongoose 40 48.75% 17:05:37 10 15.00% 4:13:31 31 139 140
tok 38 31.58% 15:20:05 9 50.00% 3:33:25 21 138 106
Trinity 35 35.71% 13:05:48 4 37.50% 1:50:28 33 140 116 11
Fr3unen 35 54.29% 14:40:36 3 33.33% 54:09 9 137 217
cevni 35 12.86% 9:07:34 2 0.00% 36:16 84 197 128
uelen 35 12.86% 9:28:26 1 0.00% 11:10 86 199 50
Tengu 32 45.31% 12:32:47 1 100.00% 25:49 11 135 153
Bingio 29 10.34% 7:03:13 1 0.00% 11:10 83 200 141
Anaryke 27 14.81% 6:24:17 2 0.00% 36:16 81 207 66
Rakna 28 28.57% 10:48:05 1 0.00% 28:58 7 131 204
IT'S TIME TO G-G-G-G-G-GAMBLE 7 57.14% 3:09:15 13 23.08% 5:37:52 112 181 103 39
piju 18 38.89% 7:49:09 2 25.00% 42:39 36 142 220
Saphie (no monitor) 19 13.16% 5:49:26 0 0:00 127 214 57 76
OCD - Oversized Cock Downsyndrom 11 40.91% 5:02:47 7 35.71% 2:56:03 54 156 74
blicy 15 36.67% 6:47:26 3 50.00% 1:20:47 7 136 227
na moje bentley serou ptáci!!!!! 11 36.36% 4:55:57 2 0.00% 25:10 7 123 129
TidB 11 9.09% 4:26:31 2 25.00% 44:01 8 140 161
nianson 11 9.09% 2:31:32 0 0:00 29 191 144
Jammal 0 0:00 10 20.00% 4:21:25
BigZZZ 0 0:00 10 40.00% 3:23:31
Mercimek 4 25.00% 1:09:40 6 50.00% 2:56:09 6 157 252
Sashi 9 22.22% 2:06:56 1 0.00% 11:10 8 178 160
juup -rng 0 0:00 10 25.00% 4:16:48
Arentrir 6 50.00% 2:27:57 3 16.67% 1:12:02 8 180 63
SIKORSKY 0 0:00 9 38.89% 3:37:58
ᴳʸᴺ hunter 9 44.44% 3:20:52 0 0:00 8 134 272
m 0 0:00 9 11.11% 4:09:00
[EUROBEAT INTENSIFIES] 0 0:00 9 61.11% 3:41:36
kristof 0 0:00 9 55.56% 4:04:07
Refleks 0 0:00 9 61.11% 3:41:36
Eme 0 0:00 9 16.67% 3:47:10
Nintails 0 0:00 9 33.33% 3:04:53
ello 4 25.00% 1:41:34 5 40.00% 1:31:15 7 190 226
EnormeZizard21 0 0:00 9 22.22% 4:04:58
MEDIUM SPIDER 0 0:00 9 61.11% 3:41:36
超酢作戦 7 0.00% 2:51:41 1 100.00% 25:10 9 132 293
Garcia 0 0:00 8 50.00% 3:35:08
† Dom 0 0:00 8 12.50% 3:08:34
✈🚬🚬 0mger 6 50.00% 2:27:57 2 0.00% 58:24 8 180 204
monty -rng 0 0:00 8 31.25% 3:40:18
BLUEBLASTER 0 0:00 8 37.50% 3:31:30
Torriss 5 60.00% 1:24:07 3 33.33% 1:11:12 71 177 132
k33th 0 0:00 8 12.50% 2:57:01
Wizard 0 0:00 7 21.43% 2:37:01
Hadrian 0 0:00 7 28.57% 3:18:37
Super Carrot 0 0:00 7 57.14% 2:34:32
angel with a shotgun 0 0:00 7 64.29% 2:46:59
Cat Enjoyer 0 0:00 7 50.00% 3:05:30
Dombasek 0 0:00 7 42.86% 3:17:45
Angel16 0 0:00 7 21.43% 2:55:29
The 14th Orphan 0 0:00 7 71.43% 2:54:02
narmi 0 0:00 7 28.57% 3:06:34
kul 0 0:00 7 21.43% 2:37:01
xBigBigFish 0 0:00 7 28.57% 2:11:58
Ranalie 0 0:00 7 50.00% 2:57:45
Kalp Hastası 4 50.00% 1:32:49 3 100.00% 1:22:26 14 128 227
stace 6 50.00% 2:27:57 1 0.00% 29:23 8 180 87
Filppuvaimokuiskaaja 0 0:00 6 83.33% 2:06:09
MackMyra 0 0:00 6 50.00% 2:55:48
Wheat 0 0:00 6 0.00% 2:22:19
Ragnar Lothbrok 0 0:00 6 41.67% 2:36:31
bugser 1 100.00% 16:23 5 60.00% 1:12:53 60 140
водитель по губам 0 0:00 6 0.00% 1:27:35
Great John 0 0:00 6 0.00% 2:15:02
Nashu Mhakaracca 0 0:00 6 66.67% 2:33:04
Sebbo 0 0:00 6 66.67% 2:33:04
Sw3ny 6 50.00% 2:27:57 0 0:00 8 180 55
Cassiopeia 4 37.50% 1:56:34 2 0.00% 47:19 202 206 26
Ɑ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ لں͞ 0 0:00 6 66.67% 2:40:32
Kool 0 0:00 6 75.00% 2:32:33
Vinbing 0 0:00 6 33.33% 2:05:19
woohooren 1 0.00% 11:10 5 0.00% 55:37 71 207
hold kæft noget lort 0 0:00 6 75.00% 2:32:33
sway 0 0:00 6 8.33% 2:31:19
twotone 0 0:00 6 66.67% 2:40:32
s0s 0 0:00 6 75.00% 2:32:33
YN Bill #GRMDAILY 6 50.00% 2:27:57 0 0:00 8 180 109
pipesqueak 1 0.00% 11:10 5 0.00% 55:37 71 207
Heny 0 0:00 6 0.00% 2:22:19
тонтон Flairix 4 50.00% 1:25:12 2 100.00% 38:52 8 123 271
PJC 0 0:00 6 0.00% 2:22:19
boat goes binted 1 0.00% 11:10 5 0.00% 55:37 71 207
JMaxchill 0 0:00 6 83.33% 2:06:09
Lyra 0 0:00 6 16.67% 2:46:49
fntlps 0 0:00 6 75.00% 2:32:33
Adam Snow 0 0:00 6 16.67% 2:46:49
hatsune miku with your address 3 16.67% 1:14:02 3 50.00% 1:13:54 79 197 60
UNYO 1 0.00% 11:10 5 0.00% 55:37 71 207
Heaven's Night 0 0:00 6 66.67% 2:31:41
racs 0 0:00 6 0.00% 2:22:19
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From