
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
756-960-149 44.53% 4080-4811-554 46.13%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
master МАСТЕР ЗЗ 412 57.04% 152:12:18 32 29.69% 12:12:23 238 243 26 38
^2hole 289 54.67% 108:14:54 35 54.29% 13:04:19 230 237 4 9
Какаш Каврот 160 62.50% 62:25:14 8 50.00% 3:04:09 245 235 1 167
oriano 153 50.65% 59:39:33 15 40.00% 4:52:21 235 234 4 15
cluX 145 57.93% 54:01:46 11 27.27% 4:29:07 235 232 3 1
rx. cagi 133 51.13% 50:48:51 19 55.26% 7:42:30 241 235 2 140
Skibiditer 126 55.56% 47:23:03 25 26.00% 9:24:50 236 232 0 2
FoxTitle 136 59.19% 49:38:04 1 0.00% 22:28 237 230 268
ivan 105 51.43% 41:20:43 10 20.00% 3:07:28 239 236 2
Kayvaan 110 63.18% 40:57:41 2 75.00% 31:56 230 227 3
yellowg 97 62.37% 36:29:01 9 16.67% 2:45:13 221 220
narcissus 102 57.84% 39:14:09 3 66.67% 1:03:54 257 237 1 114
cherry perry 89 64.04% 34:28:33 7 57.14% 2:26:33 232 222 3
stfwn 90 47.22% 35:29:23 6 25.00% 1:57:54 235 229 10 6
bango 91 63.74% 32:16:21 2 75.00% 1:07:55 237 230 3 1
Vilnius 62 53.23% 23:04:35 12 41.67% 4:14:31 268 256 182
yams 72 65.28% 26:27:34 1 0.00% 21:44 240 231 27
rx. tomi50 68 62.50% 25:31:07 3 50.00% 1:13:59 222 221 6
fikus 63 44.44% 24:37:14 5 30.00% 1:45:20 242 230
q64 30 26.67% 9:51:27 37 62.16% 13:46:44 227 230 5 34
Sinines 36 51.39% 12:43:34 31 53.23% 11:27:51 233 226 19 49
Grgis 50 18.00% 15:47:59 12 41.67% 5:20:07 236 269 13 4
RADU.mij 43 55.81% 16:52:41 13 57.69% 5:09:37 226 222 51 45 42.22% 17:50:47 11 27.27% 3:14:42 219 239
Benpl 33 13.64% 10:31:10 22 68.18% 8:17:43 293 321 65
IJN Amagi 38 15.79% 11:17:19 16 59.38% 6:58:46 238 292 34
иcq 53 63.21% 19:26:57 1 100.00% 10:16 260 231
Zola 50 58.00% 18:49:05 1 0.00% 27:54 255 232
lonley day 44 65.91% 15:57:11 6 41.67% 2:05:02 224 215 12
P Diddy in a Murrsuit 26 30.77% 9:09:45 23 73.91% 8:23:10 244 246 13 103
reishi 4 50.00% 1:13:55 44 44.32% 16:28:06 165 197
Noobie 34 25.00% 11:51:39 13 46.15% 4:58:29 239 253 14 5
Mads 13 26.92% 4:44:24 34 66.18% 12:33:33 249 251 7
Adena 38 36.84% 13:28:27 9 88.89% 3:31:06 223 222 0
lupus 22 45.45% 9:33:52 24 43.75% 10:02:21 240 259 35
wonder 23 36.96% 10:01:03 23 43.48% 10:29:11 235 249 47
zzzzzzz 40 52.50% 15:17:55 5 20.00% 2:11:33 272 260 29 22
Famtosha 9 5.56% 3:16:25 35 57.14% 12:34:42 160 202 17 22
Val 40 41.25% 13:54:06 2 50.00% 29:51 234 238 5
404 bomb 26 26.92% 9:29:34 16 25.00% 5:21:17 259 282 34
knuckles 24 22.92% 8:36:20 17 61.76% 7:06:15 239 286
derkica 18 41.67% 6:45:09 23 41.30% 8:31:58 225 258 13
Валерий 19 34.21% 6:24:09 22 25.00% 7:07:25 173 191
MJ 40 63.75% 14:49:58 0 0:00 248 224 9
L'Chaim 14 28.57% 5:49:18 25 28.00% 9:21:32 269 259 108
Naga 12 12.50% 4:19:55 25 82.00% 9:11:20 376 312 238
Arelelele 9 88.89% 3:51:04 25 38.00% 9:03:10 241 216 6
Royal 14 14.29% 5:12:41 20 65.00% 8:44:27 218 250 1 22
Megalodon 21 40.48% 7:17:27 12 58.33% 4:41:34 218 226 11 31
rutu 13 23.08% 4:50:50 19 26.32% 7:23:19 227 242 19
𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀𝒷𝑜𝒷 7 50.00% 2:31:37 25 82.00% 8:49:45 207 203 13
BakY 29 43.10% 11:02:03 2 50.00% 58:07 233 237 19
happy 9 38.89% 3:50:21 22 43.18% 8:58:20 280 269 72
TPC 13 26.92% 4:24:54 18 63.89% 6:54:56 231 242
schmitzi 12 45.83% 3:19:51 19 60.53% 6:58:26 266 246 193
Kaister 28 16.07% 7:27:32 3 0.00% 1:19:15 262 309 16
k0nischi 14 53.57% 6:19:32 16 37.50% 6:19:25 198 218 21 1
Kafri 17 58.82% 6:18:13 13 92.31% 4:13:43 220 239 10
ownaajatyty123 8 31.25% 3:02:12 22 52.27% 8:28:47 205 223 3
technical. 18 61.11% 6:32:54 11 40.91% 3:57:51 232 251 4
armando 5 20.00% 2:25:25 23 41.30% 9:12:14 153 125 53
talent 26 26.92% 9:52:45 2 0.00% 21:40 245 260 4
Joe Gert 7 28.57% 3:15:22 21 35.71% 8:01:41 193 219
They had stickies on my rollout 11 86.36% 3:29:21 17 17.65% 5:27:12 257 248 19
Loop 22 11.36% 6:57:14 5 40.00% 1:17:23 275 328 16 190
tuna.nw 11 63.64% 4:44:43 16 18.75% 5:43:30 250 238 52
water bottle 16 37.50% 5:04:12 11 36.36% 3:55:52 293 303 12 173
gr 13 23.08% 4:27:13 14 46.43% 5:41:44 262 255 9
heaven 11 45.45% 3:41:21 16 43.75% 6:14:46 181 227 49 8
css slayer 22 4.55% 6:36:08 5 0.00% 1:44:05 223 307
X< 17 64.71% 7:45:21 10 20.00% 3:20:01 213 215
мейсон могила 1 0.00% 24:18 26 57.69% 9:46:00 57 88 52
asbest 10 50.00% 3:39:13 17 47.06% 6:38:19 274 244
agyhalott_nyomorek 11 13.64% 3:51:01 15 43.33% 5:40:07 217 231 28
menace 7 85.71% 2:43:14 19 42.11% 7:51:54 226 223
PINT andiduude 12 50.00% 5:02:01 14 32.14% 5:27:00 208 226 20
Mong 9 38.89% 3:36:27 16 34.38% 6:53:54 224 253 11
Fetfud 19 73.68% 7:44:15 6 50.00% 2:06:14 251 247
nR Malte 13 80.77% 5:45:29 12 66.67% 4:23:09 228 215 7
Night Patrollin 5 60.00% 1:54:57 20 30.00% 7:40:28 195 203
AREA 51: AYY 1 100.00% 22:33 24 43.75% 8:07:27 376 191
RHAPSODY 16 34.38% 5:38:27 9 38.89% 2:45:52 267 264 3
grey 4 75.00% 1:24:03 20 35.00% 7:49:07 284 248 21
Neil Smith 9 55.56% 3:50:58 15 36.67% 6:14:52 185 189
cursed 22 27.27% 8:26:30 2 50.00% 50:17 227 248
Rokt 8 43.75% 2:44:20 16 68.75% 5:46:16 208 226
Tonton Flairix 5 80.00% 2:10:12 19 26.32% 7:10:06 211 225 45 82
Paul 11 27.27% 4:23:36 13 57.69% 4:20:42 227 247 21
Dave 3 50.00% 1:26:47 21 59.52% 7:58:36 226 225
Cycki Kebab Amarena 8 37.50% 2:34:54 16 65.62% 5:56:53 211 248 22
mataracı 1 0.00% 29:19 22 47.73% 8:49:08 156 113
lazcore 7 35.71% 2:39:28 16 50.00% 6:35:48 227 252
adam 13 42.31% 6:37:44 10 40.00% 4:24:38 208 204
last to spake 6 83.33% 2:42:21 17 38.24% 6:37:03 301 238 22
BarrelJumper#1 1 0.00% 28:59 22 65.91% 7:50:19 25 137 78
N3lly 14 35.71% 4:35:48 8 6.25% 2:48:51 253 256 6
Drunkation 2 50.00% 50:51 20 50.00% 8:35:02 229 238 125
try 14 53.57% 5:48:36 8 31.25% 2:45:26 239 247
RAGZ2WICE 9 55.56% 3:19:22 13 46.15% 4:53:09 211 246 171
Frager 9 50.00% 3:30:04 13 19.23% 5:01:56 216 243 14 4
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From