
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
743-394-18 65.11% 2342-1535-55 60.26%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
Clark 246 73.78% 76:43:33 66 43.94% 24:56:56 212 261 13 1
Mayh 188 82.71% 55:12:37 3 0.00% 43:57 199 255
buddy 176 79.83% 52:24:25 13 30.77% 4:35:25 197 252 3 7
Ooga Tooga 86 53.49% 30:32:03 95 62.63% 33:59:03 235 280 8 13
lawn 83 55.42% 30:02:33 96 66.15% 33:00:42 243 282 7 5
mezzo 163 84.97% 47:23:09 9 44.44% 2:37:15 195 252 0
AlesKee 113 78.76% 36:09:35 56 46.43% 19:54:13 212 261 9 3
lyosha 150 86.33% 43:18:07 10 60.00% 3:23:33 192 246 0 0
JackyLegs 146 87.33% 41:26:05 3 0.00% 43:57 194 246
pijacka 50 58.00% 18:22:07 97 55.15% 34:54:58 216 279 25
Wata 64 50.00% 21:43:55 76 63.16% 28:34:23 273 292 151
Assassin+ 38 56.58% 12:57:51 91 54.95% 32:38:25 221 265 32 51
TheMasterOfDisaster 42 69.05% 15:21:15 82 52.44% 31:25:55 281 259 5 2
Axio 35 45.71% 13:49:18 68 66.18% 22:19:56 236 297 14 9
BigZZZ 50 60.00% 18:34:34 48 47.92% 17:03:17 243 284 11 7
󠀡 87 82.18% 26:12:11 8 62.50% 2:47:20 210 265 4 168
arcades 47 54.26% 16:45:45 48 56.25% 18:01:20 250 267 22 62
Miliø 89 78.65% 26:38:14 5 80.00% 1:57:16 224 275
sasha2k 82 87.80% 23:48:05 3 100.00% 1:09:51 194 248 194
Silver 28 42.86% 10:37:08 50 63.00% 16:55:08 210 310 10 25
Akio 40 62.50% 13:50:05 38 68.42% 13:41:49 225 279 3 0
SkullyJ 21 61.90% 8:19:40 57 42.11% 19:38:22 225 292 23
nebuden 18 27.78% 7:33:36 59 64.41% 19:23:45 273 350 18
Toaster 36 61.11% 14:02:50 40 62.50% 15:04:51 213 299 17
Mong 33 57.58% 12:09:08 39 65.38% 12:56:39 227 277 24
Elysioner 27 59.26% 10:15:18 45 73.33% 15:57:10 228 297 5
IX 31 48.39% 11:19:54 38 47.37% 14:00:04 257 315 7
4House stun 27 68.52% 9:43:47 40 40.00% 14:47:50 247 287 0 13
sac 38 65.79% 15:22:35 27 66.67% 10:52:20 262 292 12 143
Brian 34 58.82% 11:20:19 31 87.10% 10:29:04 233 289 0
Lilliputt 35 57.14% 12:26:22 30 50.00% 11:15:18 244 295 9 5
Dejvi #justiceforHyzze 17 35.29% 6:03:06 47 56.38% 15:08:13 226 265 15
jyrkas 18 44.44% 6:21:05 45 74.44% 14:40:35 247 313 5
leverkühn 26 53.85% 9:28:12 37 58.11% 13:09:23 240 264 15
drew 34 58.82% 13:31:54 28 67.86% 10:55:10 269 322 7 20
Fabeure 27 51.85% 10:16:39 35 60.00% 13:17:19 219 280 61 34
redlix 34 70.59% 11:12:28 25 52.00% 8:40:56 240 278 2
menex 20 70.00% 6:55:24 39 71.79% 13:55:57 200 275 22 16
SCHMITTY 30 46.67% 11:31:18 27 59.26% 11:00:20 256 316 4 93
Harry 34 61.76% 11:33:29 22 63.64% 6:45:04 238 279 0 155
Norbi 15 73.33% 6:02:04 41 69.51% 12:38:37 238 266 13
Crisptina 20 40.00% 7:11:15 34 44.12% 12:15:23 250 281 12
anni 48 87.50% 14:08:58 5 60.00% 1:46:29 205 242 0
88503 28 50.00% 10:58:36 24 58.33% 8:43:23 212 312 40 4
Sebastianey 9 77.78% 2:18:41 42 65.48% 12:52:41 186 276 159
yungrd 31 83.87% 10:03:01 20 60.00% 6:32:44 318 284 4 10
peaks 28 51.79% 10:24:05 22 68.18% 7:25:04 239 290 22
Cody 11 54.55% 4:32:16 38 65.79% 13:35:09 187 283 28 0
lollipop chainsaw 29 62.07% 9:27:33 20 80.00% 5:43:36 240 287
poy 10 80.00% 4:01:24 39 61.54% 13:19:07 242 205 11 23
awe 0 0:00 49 60.20% 15:25:49
Un4given 3 66.67% 1:03:14 44 64.77% 14:43:57 172 256 21 61
i need more 28 53.57% 10:43:35 19 63.16% 7:29:41 226 274 15
SchmitShot 21 38.10% 8:10:25 25 52.00% 8:44:02 224 249 10 20
$NEAKY 16 50.00% 6:20:24 30 76.67% 9:47:06 259 316 13
Pndulum 18 61.11% 6:44:53 28 82.14% 9:48:57 249 307 45
maciek pierdolla 23 78.26% 7:15:47 22 54.55% 7:43:52 294 255 20 4
:-) 5 80.00% 1:09:17 39 74.36% 11:57:21 110 178 241
76561199060781446 23 56.52% 9:13:02 21 57.14% 7:25:59 283 283 14
JN 3 0.00% 58:45 40 87.50% 11:35:51 248 296
Haiva 9 66.67% 2:28:08 33 96.97% 10:10:47 200 273
;) 27 81.48% 8:37:46 15 86.67% 5:41:52 385 285 7 39
DelT 0 0:00 41 85.37% 12:25:19
Leila FEILA 2 0.00% 35:50 39 89.74% 10:59:54 211 292 236
£blz 23 65.22% 7:26:32 17 70.59% 5:14:21 314 306 5 27
STiNGHAN 6 50.00% 1:37:44 33 74.24% 10:33:12 283 304
blanc 11 72.73% 3:50:34 28 39.29% 10:04:14 291 311
BLAIR 12 58.33% 5:21:32 27 85.19% 8:22:40 283 276 6 73
hugee 7 71.43% 2:37:00 31 54.84% 10:03:20 242 303 25
cichosza 17 58.82% 6:32:36 21 61.90% 7:23:39 240 304 6
tIMKA. lft 20 60.00% 6:49:19 17 47.06% 6:37:14 191 268 15 13
broken 12 50.00% 4:03:42 24 70.83% 8:18:50 207 277 21
Suomipe 18 50.00% 6:30:27 18 66.67% 7:54:49 266 306
NICKOMODE999 20 95.00% 6:38:41 14 92.86% 4:24:34 334 262 2
meeresfrüchte 5 60.00% 1:54:23 27 81.48% 8:16:13 293 310
KY/ski 1 0.00% 19:15 31 72.58% 9:59:35 275 315
SS aryanne 13 61.54% 5:20:03 19 52.63% 6:24:18 242 294 41
chooper 11 36.36% 3:54:40 20 45.00% 7:33:07 227 259 0
moncler coat 8 50.00% 2:06:51 22 72.73% 6:54:22 200 308
waiting so long 14 78.57% 5:01:23 16 31.25% 5:36:31 299 308 14 1
koloda3 12 50.00% 5:24:30 18 44.44% 6:44:24 308 332 57
󠀡󠀡 0 0:00 30 60.00% 9:35:30
bob 4 50.00% 1:02:28 25 80.00% 8:02:32 175 263
yawnn 10 50.00% 4:08:02 19 84.21% 6:18:26 246 289 3
hi herbert :) 18 63.89% 5:47:05 11 36.36% 4:26:17 197 257
Killaura 2 100.00% 29:37 26 69.23% 8:05:03 195 257
James 13 38.46% 5:26:36 15 60.00% 4:54:19 271 336
FartKillerX 28 39.29% 11:31:30 0 0:00 27 118 147
IndigoJones 28 42.86% 11:29:28 0 0:00 27 115 272
[GUZ] Guz 11 63.64% 4:45:26 15 33.33% 5:55:36 250 300 9
4Him buko 3 100.00% 1:02:56 23 65.22% 7:26:14 244 291
Benaty 11 72.73% 3:48:32 15 53.33% 4:50:03 256 247
AsuX 0 0:00 25 74.00% 7:52:41
+90 taythin 25 38.00% 10:17:35 0 0:00 27 118 194
lucky charm 10 40.00% 3:27:43 15 60.00% 5:19:14 259 259 17
SHERANE 11 36.36% 4:06:06 13 38.46% 4:31:01 269 301 6
r'luhlloig 10 50.00% 3:33:46 14 35.71% 4:49:04 226 296 17
Wand :) 24 41.67% 10:12:14 0 0:00 25 113 162
Superiumentarius 13 46.15% 4:46:12 11 63.64% 4:18:47 194 224 60
zulfie 12 58.33% 4:06:40 12 33.33% 4:45:37 263 284 179
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From