Secret Guy

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1571-1518-325 50.78% 7625-7642-1023 49.95%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
pimpsqueek 620 34.76% 238:40:26 434 55.53% 187:30:47 247 235 16 4
crabpot 607 53.46% 242:01:13 364 44.92% 154:24:13 171 204 62 11
Cornsauce 542 39.58% 206:43:43 382 53.01% 158:43:33 246 238 25 19
CHINACOCK 神童 FREAK TALENT 641 59.98% 251:46:46 262 45.42% 111:20:58 167 208 121 17
G-Eazy 433 48.96% 179:42:06 458 46.72% 200:02:03 216 220 26 13
john stupid 342 53.36% 143:09:42 353 42.78% 152:55:28 204 221 44 13
raps 648 57.64% 223:39:09 34 39.71% 13:32:53 206 210 56 38
darkwoke spellcaster Lv. 5 314 50.96% 127:02:30 256 52.73% 109:17:04 227 225 29 27
sniplax 342 52.78% 141:09:35 214 55.84% 92:22:32 158 199 95 9
payaso 251 41.04% 108:14:52 278 58.63% 117:02:51 227 228 24 22
Richard Succulus 241 54.77% 101:52:07 259 49.42% 112:20:39 241 233 22 40
TheEndingMan 211 48.58% 89:06:02 263 49.05% 113:14:50 235 232 25 20
blazer 268 53.54% 111:07:09 201 45.77% 84:52:15 193 211 63 26
Doctor Choom 224 52.46% 94:03:46 230 46.30% 105:04:49 220 216 41 34
dr fuck 235 49.57% 100:52:14 205 37.56% 89:19:51 206 218 43 11
slan 168 41.96% 72:18:55 250 53.60% 108:31:28 252 226 7 145
Fred The Pig 225 43.56% 91:11:53 189 49.47% 81:33:25 212 226 44 56
tacocat 298 60.07% 115:10:30 114 38.16% 47:16:22 135 192 106 11
Sashi 219 45.89% 84:07:45 176 47.16% 75:39:33 242 228 23 13
OY! 334 36.08% 114:44:20 57 68.42% 25:24:34 285 253 4 16
mini soter 217 55.07% 90:46:53 168 48.21% 71:43:05 197 216 53 23
grundy 180 48.89% 74:52:29 194 49.23% 85:37:57 223 226 30 15
craig 135 37.78% 55:57:56 197 50.76% 84:31:33 247 228 23 39
shaniqua420x 166 53.01% 69:50:11 146 42.81% 60:52:38 194 219 52 23
RomanticWaxing 118 49.58% 52:16:33 150 45.67% 61:26:50 207 218 32 21
Janus 116 59.48% 48:44:56 147 36.39% 63:26:24 224 222 27 24
Local 124 55.24% 51:11:41 134 43.28% 54:53:58 231 220 32 32
God hates you 156 38.14% 60:06:22 94 68.09% 34:46:50 230 228 26 18
powdah 205 42.68% 81:25:57 38 42.11% 16:13:55 211 228 33 6
quacks 232 73.71% 79:16:52 10 20.00% 2:55:56 261 227 1
Duncan's Donuts 222 64.41% 76:39:37 14 71.43% 5:07:48 259 220 4 211
"untamed" #ForTeats 113 52.21% 49:40:37 119 52.94% 49:04:54 238 229 24 51
Oakamatic 194 68.30% 68:51:59 30 48.33% 12:40:45 248 220 1 0
juicero bolshevism 94 37.23% 38:13:19 124 57.26% 56:06:35 258 243 15 41
nonchalant mike 79 44.30% 33:36:05 132 59.85% 53:14:33 233 229 12 11
Tulkas 88 50.57% 38:47:27 121 35.95% 51:25:26 218 221 34 5
Most Skilled Game Journalist 92 52.72% 39:16:09 116 46.55% 51:15:14 229 225 33 11
never young 197 74.37% 66:02:43 7 57.14% 2:05:54 263 228
giggle dog :D 192 76.56% 64:01:38 12 54.17% 4:00:39 265 228
♥ Danny Hollow ♥ 194 73.20% 66:02:44 4 50.00% 1:35:07 262 228 233
CHEDDAR CHAD 120 47.08% 51:04:56 77 42.21% 33:41:08 177 206 76 17
Jib 61 55.74% 27:02:28 126 46.03% 51:53:55 223 223 43 36
Earl E. Byrd 174 69.25% 61:26:48 6 33.33% 2:42:35 251 219
DropKnock 87 48.28% 35:07:38 90 61.11% 38:24:29 233 225 2 136
Jim 91 45.60% 40:14:21 83 38.55% 35:21:48 215 224 29 66
Boogieman 157 39.49% 62:01:49 12 20.83% 4:25:57 207 229 15 0
chungle 129 43.02% 51:25:27 39 48.72% 14:52:39 209 229 13 4
fluR 85 49.41% 33:54:38 81 47.53% 35:41:21 217 220 33 11
mist or beast 144 65.62% 49:39:13 10 40.00% 3:20:01 253 221
stadiumstatus 72 38.19% 32:05:50 76 59.21% 32:13:57 198 226 47 39
krusty krab pizza is the pizza 143 70.98% 48:34:15 5 70.00% 2:07:26 263 217 34
fentanyl czar of rglgg 84 48.21% 36:08:33 64 53.91% 27:50:17 163 197 100 14
poobis 138 73.19% 47:00:22 1 100.00% 16:12 263 228
Sveniven 80 49.38% 32:17:16 55 70.00% 22:32:13 242 236 55 51
platypugs refugee 70 47.14% 29:25:45 62 50.81% 28:23:13 233 232 24 32
. 73 50.00% 27:53:14 54 57.41% 22:59:08 238 228 37 15
murph 107 39.25% 41:57:08 17 50.00% 6:18:37 245 251 271
Young Sanity 87 32.76% 28:33:56 26 48.08% 9:39:49 239 248 41
B4nnyminoncarnagejohnsonbowlin 45 24.44% 16:01:18 60 70.83% 24:08:21 260 262 10 202
tracking 52 47.12% 22:34:16 53 49.06% 23:00:00 232 236 21 37
saelas 60 55.83% 23:50:21 41 35.37% 14:29:23 178 207 67 37
BBLBABY401k 33 40.91% 11:02:31 65 65.38% 28:01:47 276 225 27
edward shitterhands 44 45.45% 19:26:04 52 47.12% 20:40:59 240 233 12 10
caligura 46 39.13% 21:04:53 49 56.12% 19:40:17 214 220 40 20
Krakos 88 45.45% 34:51:43 4 25.00% 1:08:51 197 215 17
GEEKALEEK 39 58.97% 14:55:39 47 43.62% 18:46:00 216 224 22 39
lysergic acid diethylamide 27 46.30% 12:18:31 58 53.45% 23:10:18 213 223 38 20
GokuTheKiller {O.P.W.P} 44 51.14% 18:00:37 38 44.74% 15:32:50 244 230 25 14
boosie fade 33 53.03% 13:52:10 48 47.92% 21:07:18 208 217 35 44
PhlegmBoy69 61 55.74% 21:12:35 17 29.41% 5:40:36 274 237 6 4
SON OF SANJAY 26 50.00% 11:20:08 48 53.12% 20:14:26 219 232 29 12
petrified ive let them down 42 53.57% 16:25:33 30 55.00% 12:45:14 257 246 22 17
b0ngexpl0der 68 44.85% 28:29:43 4 75.00% 1:04:56 211 218 88
Certified Slugger 53 52.83% 18:02:20 18 41.67% 5:44:47 290 244 190
fuck irs ************ 37 55.41% 15:38:57 31 62.90% 13:00:30 253 240 6 23
guys just be friends & happy 34 57.35% 14:59:12 34 50.00% 15:31:45 250 230 22 15
ptrckl 59 50.85% 20:49:21 5 40.00% 1:54:40 245 217 10 3
lil 60 53.33% 21:32:05 3 100.00% 1:13:01 272 228 2 168
neem. 50 80.00% 17:36:43 13 57.69% 5:57:28 241 192 3 10
Washed Shitter 26 55.77% 11:20:47 35 44.29% 15:25:53 207 232 24 55
^ 34 38.24% 14:16:14 27 72.22% 11:54:57 290 254 156
hybriD^o0 36 15.28% 10:37:26 23 91.30% 7:23:22 305 287 5
pat 24 35.42% 10:54:23 33 66.67% 14:22:18 258 244 15 26
Oath 37 47.30% 12:05:16 19 18.42% 7:00:25 267 240 5 59
hypnosterical 52 33.65% 21:25:19 3 100.00% 1:13:43 279 251 3 15
Raising Canes Employee 13 23.08% 4:06:14 40 50.00% 15:17:38 198 261
kevin 22 56.82% 9:09:00 30 35.00% 11:50:59 232 231 23 31
Cash 40 16.25% 13:23:31 12 45.83% 4:46:55 278 271 2
Vio 3 33.33% 1:22:58 48 47.92% 17:21:00 237 227
ozma 7 71.43% 2:44:42 44 68.18% 16:41:36 189 229 41
cube 33 46.97% 12:20:52 16 28.12% 6:11:03 173 212 69 12
best2everdoit 14 82.14% 4:38:44 35 54.29% 14:03:03 258 221 13 79
Frisbee 1 100.00% 29:29 48 47.92% 17:21:00 223 234
Zem 16 43.75% 6:01:35 32 56.25% 11:45:50 194 210 18
.9 lg 7 71.43% 3:15:33 41 53.66% 16:29:13 298 236
Alceus 21 47.62% 7:07:06 26 32.69% 9:35:16 188 206 54 74
Tazal 28 64.29% 9:39:04 19 42.11% 5:48:33 280 241 275
Rhythm 0 0:00 47 62.77% 18:09:25
eat shit 9 38.89% 3:42:02 38 63.16% 13:57:10 170 211 42
the perfect 10 death being being 14 32.14% 6:09:49 33 42.42% 14:12:41 246 256 1 29
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From